

单词 成行
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕We saved about $1000 for our trip but we underestimated and may have to wait until next year to go. 我们为旅游储蓄了约1,000美元,可是估计过低,可能要等到明年才能成行。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕Mark's serious physical condition ruled out our trip to Hungary that year. 马克严重的身体状况使那年的匈牙利之旅无法成行。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕After the flood, hundreds of stranded vehicles lined the roads. 洪水退去后,数以百计滞留的车辆在路上排列成行。朗文写作活用〔advise〕They advised him that the tour would proceed.他们通知他旅游将成行。朗文当代〔arrange〕She arranged the chairs in neat rows.她把椅子整齐地排列成行。牛津搭配〔boot〕Cars lined up with their boots wide open.汽车排列成行,行李箱全大敞着。英汉大词典〔bureaucracy〕He says the president's plan would create a huge bureaucracy without solving critical intelligence issues.他说总统的计划会造成行政机构的臃肿, 而不能解决关键的情报问题。外研社新世纪〔cancellation〕Luckily I managed to pick up a cancellation and came right through.幸亏我弄到了一张退票,才得以顺利进场(或成行)。英汉大词典〔catalyst〕Change is the great catalyst for action.变化是促成行动的重要因素。英汉大词典〔come〕In the end the trip never came off.最后一直没有成行。朗文当代〔consolidation〕A consolidation of the family's resources made his trip possible.他把家里所有钱财凑在一起才可能成行。英汉大词典〔cost〕Drake passed the months in costing an expedition that never sailed.德拉克花了几个月的功夫估算一次远洋航行的成本, 但结果并未真正成行。外研社新世纪〔couple〕The people were lined up in couples.大家两人一组排成行。韦氏高阶〔disguise〕To disguise expediency as justice is hypocrisy.把谋私利说成行使正义乃是虚伪。英汉大词典〔element〕Any of the terms in the rectangular array of terms that constitute a matrix or determinant.行列中的一项:长方形排列术语中的阵成行列式美国传统〔feverish〕He packed his bags in feverish haste.他焦躁地匆匆打成行李。英汉大词典〔fine〕Only time will tell whether these fine sentiments will translate into action.唯有时间才知道这番豪情能否变成行动。朗文当代〔fringe〕The lake was fringed with willow trees.湖畔柳树成行。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕I'm not sure if Friday's trip is a go.我说不准星期五是否能成行。牛津高阶〔in〕They completed the journey in record time (= faster than ever done before).他们完成行程耗时之短前所未有。剑桥高阶〔jargonize〕To translate into jargon.使成行话或术语美国传统〔landscape〕The path is landscaped with willows along its two sides.小路两旁柳树成行,景色宜人。21世纪英汉〔lath〕To build, cover, or line with laths.给…钉板条:用板条建造、覆盖或排成行美国传统〔line〕Elms line the steets.街道两旁榆树成行。21世纪英汉〔line〕She lined the boxes up.她把盒子排列成行。英汉大词典〔line〕The streets were lined with cars.街上汽车排列成行。英汉大词典〔miss〕He was disappointed to miss the trip.他因未能成行而感到失望。英汉大词典〔originally〕Originally, we had planned a tour of Scotland but we didn't go in the end.起先我们是计划到苏格兰旅游的,但后来没有成行。朗文当代〔pew〕One of the long, fixed benches with backs that are arranged in rows for the seating of a congregation in church.教堂长椅:教堂里为集会而设的一种成行排列的带靠背的固定长椅美国传统〔range〕Eggs were ranged small, medium, and large.蛋按小号、中号、大号排列成行。英汉大词典〔range〕Soldiers were ranged along the palace walls.士兵们顺着宫殿的围墙排成行。韦氏高阶〔range〕The spectators ranged themselves along the route of the procession.观众沿游行队伍经过的路线成行排开。英汉大词典〔range〕To arrange or dispose in a particular order, especially in rows or lines.排列,配置:组织成特定的顺序,特别是排成行或列美国传统〔range〕Trees ranged along the road.路边树木成行。英汉大词典〔rank〕The books were neatly ranked in rows.这些书籍整整齐齐地排列成行。韦氏高阶〔reduce〕You're reducing religion to a list of do's and don'ts.你正在把宗教信仰简化成行为守则清单。韦氏高阶〔salmagundi〕A salad of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, and onions, often arranged in rows on lettuce and served with vinegar and oil.意式凉菜拼盘:用切好的肉、鲵鱼、蛋和洋葱制成的沙拉,常放在莴苣叶上排成行与醋和油摆出美国传统〔self-policing〕He favoured self-policing by the industry.他赞成行业的自己管理自己。英汉大词典〔shingle〕A thin oblong piece of material, such as wood or slate, that is laid in overlapping rows to cover the roof or sides of a house or other building.木瓦:一种长方形的薄片,由木头或板岩等材料制成,搭接铺成行,用于覆盖房子或其它建筑物的房顶或侧面美国传统〔string〕Almost a thousand runners strung out along the road.几乎有千名赛跑者沿公路成行地跑着。 英汉大词典〔together〕We were going to go skiing over Christmas but we never got it together.我们原打算圣诞节去滑雪,可是却总没有成行。剑桥高阶〔translate into〕We should translate the schemes into actions.我们应该把计划变成行动。21世纪英汉〔wave〕Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering.人群沿路线排成行,挥舞着旗子欢呼。牛津高阶〔windrow〕A long row of cut hay or grain left to dry in a field before being bundled.摊成行吹干的谷物(或草等):在打成捆之前放在地里晾干的一长排割下的干草或谷物美国传统Rows of poplars line the roads through the south of France.法国南部的公路边有成行的白杨树。剑桥国际The area's mercurial weather causes many would-be visitors to stay away.这地区反复无常的天气使那些将要成行的参观者却步。剑桥国际The cabs were lined up outside the station.出租车在站外排列成行。剑桥国际The drive was lined with rhododendrons.车道两旁的杜鹃灌木种植成行。剑桥国际The shabby houses used to range along the road. 过去这路边破败的房子排成行。译典通They are determined to act out their ideal. 她们决心把自己的理想变成行动。译典通They built the company up into an industry leader.他们将公司发展成行业领导者。牛津商务We followed the line of cairns across the open hillside.我们跟随着排列成行的堆石标越过山坡。剑桥国际With the new train you can do the journey inside two hours.你若坐新火车,两小时以内就可完成行程。剑桥国际




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