

单词 承载
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accommodate〕Our ships accommodate up to 150.我们的船只可承载多达150位的乘客。麦克米伦高阶〔bear〕The ice will not bear.这冰承载不住(不能在上面行走)。文馨英汉〔blueprint〕DNA is the genetic material inside every cell that carries the blueprints for everything from hair color to the risk of cancer.脱氧核糖核酸是存在于每个细胞内的基因物质,它承载从头发颜色到致癌风险等各种遗传型板。柯林斯高阶〔bob skate〕An ice skate with two parallel bearing edges.双刀溜冰鞋:一种溜冰鞋,有两个平行的承载用刀刃美国传统〔carrying capacity〕Ecology The maximum number of individuals or inhabitants that a given environment can support without detrimental effects.【生态学】 承载能力:一个特定的环境在没有不良后果的情况下可以供养的最大数目的个体或居住者美国传统〔carry〕A road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic.公路桥必须承载很多来往车辆。牛津高阶〔carry〕This stretch of water carries a lot of shipping.这段河道承载大量的船运。朗文当代〔conventional〕These discs hold more than 400 times as much information as a conventional computer floppy disk.这些磁盘的信息承载量是传统电脑软盘的四百多倍。外研社新世纪〔crew〕Despite their size, these vessels carry small crews, usually of around twenty men.这些船虽然体积庞大,但能够承载的船员却很少,通常为20人左右。柯林斯高阶〔finely〕The power is finely matched to the suspension.汽车悬架刚好能够承载发动机产生的动力。外研社新世纪〔fuselage〕The central body of an aircraft, to which the wings and tail assembly are attached and which accommodates the crew, passengers, and cargo.机身:可承载机务人员、乘客和货物的配有机翼和尾翼的飞机的主机美国传统〔hope〕Every time he plays he carries the hopes of the entire nation.他每次比赛都承载了整个民族的希望。牛津搭配〔ineluctable〕Malthus's theories about the ineluctable tendency of populations to exceed resources.马尔萨斯的人口增长会不可避免地超出资源承载限度的理论柯林斯高阶〔invest〕The buildings are invested with a nation's history.这些建筑承载着一个国家的历史。外研社新世纪〔invest〕The buildings are invested with a nation's history.这些建筑承载着一个国家的历史。柯林斯高阶〔lift〕An amount or a weight raised or capable of being raised at one time; a load.承载量:一次能举起的量或重量;装载量美国传统〔litter〕An enclosed or curtained couch mounted on shafts and used to carry a single passenger.轿:架于辕上四周封闭或挂有帘子的睡椅,用于承载单独一个乘客美国传统〔orb〕One of a series of concentric transparent spheres thought by ancient and medieval astronomers to revolve about Earth and carry the celestial bodies.透明天球层:古代和中世纪天文学家想象的、围绕地球并承载着天体的一系列透明天球之一美国传统〔road〕Buses carry 30 per cent of those travelling by road.公交车承载了公路交通客流量的30%。柯林斯高阶〔road〕Buses carry 30 per cent of those travelling by road.公共汽车承载了公路交通客流量的30%。外研社新世纪〔seatrain〕A seagoing vessel capable of carrying a train of railroad cars.火车车厢运输船:一艘能够承载一长列火车车厢的航船美国传统〔secretly〕The past is riddled with deep dark secrets.过去承载了诸多不可告人的惊天秘密。柯林斯高阶〔set〕The carriage or bearing of a part of the body.支撑:身体某部的支撑或承载美国传统〔spring-loaded〕Secured or loaded by means of a spring.弹簧承载,用弹簧顶住美国传统〔sustain〕The parameters within which life can be sustained on Earth are extraordinarily narrow.地球上可以承载生命的区域极为狭小。外研社新世纪〔water line〕Any of several lines parallel to this line, marked on the hull of a ship, and indicating the depth to which the ship sinks under various loads.船的水平线:几条平行于吃水线的线条之任一条,刻划在船壳上,表明承载不同贷物时船下到的深度美国传统If more goods were transported by rail, the country's roads would be less overloaded with heavy vehicles.如果更多的货物通过铁路来运输的话,这个国家的公路就不用承载过多的重型车辆。剑桥国际




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