

单词 悲观的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔apocalyptic〕a less apocalyptic view of the future 对未来不那么悲观的看法韦氏高阶〔apocalyptic〕an apocalyptic view of history 对历史抱极其悲观的观点牛津高阶〔dark〕have a dark view of the future 对前途抱悲观的看法英汉大词典〔despondent〕a forlorn cause; 悲观的理由;美国传统〔gloomy〕gloomy predictions.See Synonyms at glum 悲观的预测 参见 glum美国传统〔pessimistically〕one of the most pessimistic forecasts for 1992. 对1992年最悲观的预言之一柯林斯高阶〔pessimistic〕a pessimistic view of life 对人生悲观的看法牛津高阶〔pessimistic〕a pessimistic view of life悲观的人生观外研社新世纪〔pessimistic〕one of the most pessimistic economic forecasts for next year对明年经济最悲观的预测之一外研社新世纪〔prediction〕the dire predictions by economists of a worldwide recession 经济学家对全球性经济衰退悲观的预测牛津搭配〔prognostication〕gloomy prognostications 悲观的预言朗文当代〔prognostication〕gloomy prognostications 悲观的预言牛津高阶




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