

单词 悲观
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔access〕accesses of pessimism 悲观主义情绪的爆发英汉大词典〔alter ego〕the effects of my pessimistic alter ego我个性中悲观一面的影响外研社新世纪〔apocalyptic〕a less apocalyptic view of the future 对未来不那么悲观的看法韦氏高阶〔apocalyptic〕an apocalyptic view of history 对历史抱极其悲观的观点牛津高阶〔black〕a mood of black despair 悲观绝望的心情朗文当代〔blue〕be blue about the prospects 对前景悲观英汉大词典〔blue〕sing the blues about one's troubles 对自己的困难处境表示悲观英汉大词典〔climate〕a set of ideas that challenge the prevailing climate of pessimism 对流行的悲观情绪提出质疑的一整套思想牛津搭配〔cynicism〕a healthy cynicism about the music business对音乐行业正常的悲观情绪外研社新世纪〔cynicism〕the peculiar linking together of opposites — knowledge with ignorance and cynicism with fanaticism 对立物的奇特联系——知识与无知以及悲观怀疑和狂热盲信英汉大词典〔dark〕took a dark view of the consequences. 对结果持悲观看法美国传统〔despondent〕a forlorn cause; 悲观的理由;美国传统〔despondent〕took a despairing view of world politics; 对世界政局持悲观态度;美国传统〔dim〕took a dim view of their prospects. 对他们的前景持悲观观点美国传统〔gloomy〕gloomy predictions.See Synonyms at glum 悲观的预测 参见 glum美国传统〔gloom〕a welcome relief from the unrelenting gloom and doom of recent days从最近一连多日的悲观情绪中愉快的解脱外研社新世纪〔gloom〕the deepening gloom over the economy对于经济日益加深的悲观情绪外研社新世纪〔incurable〕an incurable romantic/optimist/pessimist 无可救药的浪漫主义者/乐天派/悲观主义者剑桥高阶〔mournful〕take a mournful view of human affairs 对人间世事抱悲观态度英汉大词典〔nail-biting〕a nail-biting pessimist 束手无策的悲观主义者英汉大词典〔negate〕a pessimism which always negates 对事物老是抱否定态度的那种悲观主义英汉大词典〔peddle〕peddle doubts and pessimism 散播怀疑和悲观英汉大词典〔pessimism〕pessimism about the future.对未来悲观。牛津同义词〔pessimism〕the widespread pessimism among young people today 当今年轻人的普遍悲观情绪牛津搭配〔pessimism〕universal pessimism about the economy. 对经济所持的普遍悲观态度柯林斯高阶〔pessimism〕universal pessimism about the economy对于经济的普遍悲观情绪外研社新世纪〔pessimistically〕one of the most pessimistic forecasts for 1992. 对1992年最悲观的预言之一柯林斯高阶〔pessimistic〕a pessimistic view of life 对人生悲观的看法牛津高阶〔pessimistic〕a pessimistic view of life 对人生的悲观朗文当代〔pessimistic〕a pessimistic view of life悲观的人生观外研社新世纪〔pessimistic〕one of the most pessimistic economic forecasts for next year对明年经济最悲观的预测之一外研社新世纪〔pessimistic〕pessimistic about our chances.对我们的机会感到悲观。牛津同义词〔prediction〕the dire predictions by economists of a worldwide recession 经济学家对全球性经济衰退悲观的预测牛津搭配〔prognostication〕gloomy prognostications 悲观的预言朗文当代〔prognostication〕gloomy prognostications 悲观的预言牛津高阶〔smile〕smile at sb.'s pessimism 笑某人的悲观英汉大词典〔talk〕the pessimists who are talking down Britain 贬低英国的悲观主义者朗文当代〔unenthusiastic〕be unenthusiastic about the prospects of success 对取得成功的前景悲观失望英汉大词典〔view〕view the future with gloom 悲观地看未来英汉大词典a downbeat assessment of the group's trading prospects 对这个集团交易前景的悲观评价牛津商务




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