

单词 房内
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRIGHT〕It was a while before Samuel's eyes got used to the low lighting of the intensive care unit. 萨缪尔的双眼过了好一会才适应重症监护病房内幽暗的灯光。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕The old man lit a fire in the stove of the front room. 老人在前房内燃起炉火。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕There were ‘no smoking’ signs in every room. 每间房内都有“请勿吸烟”的标志。朗文写作活用〔KD〕Kiln-dried.在窑房内烘干的美国传统〔ROUND〕In the kitchen there was a round table with a vase of flowers on it. 厨房内有一张圆桌子,桌上有一瓶花。朗文写作活用〔bang ... up〕The police banged the thief up.警察把小偷锁进牢房内。21世纪英汉〔barrack〕To house (soldiers, for example) in quarters.使(如军人)住在营房内美国传统〔cell〕A small enclosed cavity or space, such as a compartment in a honeycomb or within a plant ovary or an area bordered by veins in an insect's wing.小隔间,小空间:封闭的小洞或小空间,比如蜂房内的巢室或植物子房内的小室或昆虫翅膀内以血管分界的区域美国传统〔crash〕He crashed into the room.他稀里哗啦闯入房内。英汉大词典〔depletable〕The room was depleted of its furniture.房内家具都搬空了。21世纪英汉〔deposit〕When we moved in, we had to deposit $1,000 with the landlord in case we broke any of his things.我们搬进去时必须向房东交1000美元的押金,以防我们损坏其房内物品。剑桥高阶〔encumber with〕The room was encumbered with heavy furniture.房内堆满了笨重的家具。21世纪英汉〔escape〕A boy escaped unhurt when the fire in his room exploded.一个男孩当大火在他房内引发爆炸时逃了出来,毫发无伤。朗文当代〔following〕Following dinner, brandy was served in the study.正餐后,白兰地酒端进书房内美国传统〔hanging〕There were several antique wall hangings in the house.房内墙壁上挂着几幅古式壁挂。韦氏高阶〔hospitality〕There was a reception in the hospitality suite before the game.比赛开始之前在迎宾套房内举行了一次招待会。朗文当代〔intern〕We reached Germany and were interned in a camp.我们抵达德国,被拘留在一所营房内。英汉大词典〔interruption〕Taller plants interrupt the views from the house.稍高些的植物遮挡了房内的视线。柯林斯高阶〔kitchen cabinet〕A group of unofficial advisers to the head of a government.厨房内阁:政府首脑的非官方的顾问团美国传统〔lend〕Books and a fireplace lent a feeling of warmth to the room.书和房内的火炉给人一种温暖的感觉美国传统〔locule〕A small cavity or compartment within an organ or a part of an animal or a plant, as any of the cavities within a plant ovary.小腔:动植物器官或身体部分内的小腔或小室。如植物子房内的众多小室美国传统〔midden〕A kitchen midden.厨房内堆积的残余物和垃圾美国传统〔peek〕They caught him peeking through the hole at what was going on in the room.他正从孔眼偷看房内发生的事情的时候被他们抓了个正着。英汉大词典〔placentation〕Botany Arrangement of placentas within the ovary.【植物学】 胎座式:子房内胎座的组成形状美国传统〔placenta〕Botany The part within the ovary of a flowering plant to which the ovules are attached.【植物学】 胎座:开花植物子房内的某部分,胚珠可附于其上美国传统〔pot up〕Potting up green plants in the house will purify the air inside.在房内盆栽绿色植物可以净化室内空气。21世纪英汉〔rank〕The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms.厨房内充斥着烘干制服的难闻气味。柯林斯高阶〔regurgitate〕As the sewers clogged up, drains all through the apartment began to regurgitate.由于下水道堵塞,公寓套房内的所有排水管都开始回流污水。英汉大词典〔restrict〕The prisoners were restricted in their cells.囚犯被困在牢房内。牛津同义词〔separate〕The school is housed in two separate buildings.学校设在两栋独立的楼房内。牛津高阶〔spin〕The old woman was spinning in the corner of the room.老妇人在房内一角纺纱。英汉大词典〔trundle〕She trundled her suitcase into the room.她慢慢地将行李箱拖进房内。韦氏高阶A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。译典通Delicate and valuable books are kept in an air-conditioned annexe to the main library.易损而贵重的书籍被收藏在与图书馆主楼相连的一幢空调房内。剑桥国际He bolted out of the room in a rage. 他怒气冲冲地从房内奔出。译典通He reeled giddily across the room. 他头晕目眩跌跌撞撞地穿过房内。译典通If your cactus has summered (= spent the summer) outdoors, move it into the garage or house when overnight temperatures drop below 65°F.如果你的仙人掌在户外过夏,那么当夜间温度降至华氏65度以下时请把它搬进车库或房内。剑桥国际In this neighbourhood, there are a lot of families who live in (Br) council/(Am and Aus) public housing (= houses or apartments provided by the government).在这个街区,有许多家庭住在公房内。剑桥国际It's against the law (=illegal ) to leave children under a certain age alone in the house.将低于特定年龄的孩子单独留在房内是违法的。剑桥国际Mr. Smith is reading in his study. 史密斯先生在书房内看书。译典通Please wear trainers in the gym, to avoid scuffing the floor.请在体操房内穿软底跑鞋,避免磨损地板。剑桥国际The electric fan blades whirled in the hot room. 电扇的桨叶在闷热的房内旋转著。译典通The meteorological bureau is in a nondescript building on the outskirts of town.气象局座落在城郊一所不起眼的楼房内。剑桥国际The prisoner was locked in a cell. 那囚犯被关在单人牢房内。译典通The room is spotlessly clean. 房内极其干净,一尘不染。译典通The room needs to be aired. 房内需要通风。译典通The telephone is in the little study on the ground floor. 电话在一楼的小书房内。译典通The thief rifled every drawer in the room. 窃贼洗劫了房内所有抽屉里的东西。译典通They live in a tiny mews house.他们住在一个小马车房内。剑桥国际We tried to get into the room unnoticed. 我们想悄悄地进入房内。译典通




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