

单词 拆毁
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DESTROY〕to deliberately destroy a building 有目的地拆毁建筑物朗文写作活用〔demolish〕to demolish old buildings.拆毁旧建筑物。牛津同义词〔destroy〕destroy a house 拆毁房子英汉大词典〔existing〕the demolition of existing buildings to make way for new office blocks 为给新办公大楼腾出空间而对现有建筑物的拆毁麦克米伦高阶〔heritage〕the salvaged facades of some demolished heritage buildings被拆毁后经修补的历史建筑的正面外研社新世纪〔ruin〕demolish, to pull down or break to pieces,and the more generaldestroy, to tear down, can all imply reduction to ruins or even complete obliteration: demolish 指推倒或粉碎,destroy 的意义更广泛,指拆毁,拆卸。 这三个词都可指使变为废墟或彻底消失: 美国传统〔tear〕tear down old tenements. 拆毁旧住房美国传统〔tear〕teardown a dangerous wall (an old building) 拆毁一道危墙(一幢旧房子) 英汉大词典




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