

单词 抱怨
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕I don't want any excuses, complaints, or back talk. 我不要任何借口、抱怨,也不要顶嘴。朗文写作活用〔COMPLAIN〕He's always whinging about being underpaid. 他老是抱怨自己薪酬过低。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕Teachers are complaining that the public schools do not receive adequate funding. 老师们抱怨公立学校得不到足够的经费。朗文写作活用〔auditorium〕The darkened auditorium was filled with muttering.昏暗的礼堂里一片低声抱怨。牛津搭配〔become〕It ill [does not] become you to grumble.你不宜于抱怨。文馨英汉〔beef〕Are you still beefing about that? 你还在为那事抱怨吗? 英汉大词典〔beef〕What's his latest beef? 他最近在抱怨什么?牛津高阶〔bellyache〕Slang A whining complaint.【俚语】 哀诉抱怨美国传统〔bitterly〕He complained bitterly about the crowds.他气愤地抱怨拥挤的人群。韦氏高阶〔bleat〕They are always bleating about 'unfair' competition.他们总是抱怨“不公平”竞争。外研社新世纪〔bleat〕They are always bleating about 'unfair' foreign competition.他们总是抱怨“不公平的”外国竞争。柯林斯高阶〔botch〕Hemingway complained that Nichols had 'botched everything up'.海明威抱怨尼科尔斯“把一切都搞砸了”。柯林斯高阶〔ceaselessly〕The characters complain ceaselessly about food queues, prices and corruption.人们不停地抱怨买食品要排长队, 物价高涨, 腐败猖獗。外研社新世纪〔complaint〕We had complaints about the noise.我们抱怨声音喧闹。牛津同义词〔complain〕Customers are sure to complain about the price increase.顾客肯定要抱怨价格上涨。韦氏高阶〔complain〕She complained bitterly about the lack of help she received.她对自己没有得到帮助而愤愤地抱怨。牛津搭配〔complain〕The students complained that the test was too hard.学生们抱怨这次考试太难了。韦氏高阶〔complain〕What are you moaning on about now? 你在抱怨什么呢?牛津高阶〔conjugal rights〕He complained that he had been denied his conjugal rights.他抱怨说他被剥夺了过夫妻性生活的权利。剑桥高阶〔court〕He courted publicity and then complained about his loss of privacy.他追求出名,然后又抱怨失去了隐私。麦克米伦高阶〔curse〕So we set off again, cursing the delay, towards the west.于是, 我们在抱怨延误的同时又朝西出发了。外研社新世纪〔delay〕Passengers complain about lack of information when travel delays occur.旅客抱怨说旅途中发生延误时没有人告知相关信息。牛津搭配〔dingdong〕He dingdonged the complaints into us.他用反复抱怨烦扰我们。21世纪英汉〔elide〕He complained about BBC announcers eliding their words.他抱怨说, 英国广播公司播音员把他们的话略去了。外研社新世纪〔exasperation〕He groaned in exasperation.他气愤地抱怨。牛津搭配〔feed〕The teacher complained that nothing was feeding back to him from the classroom.教师抱怨说,堂上学生对他的讲课全无反应。英汉大词典〔gall〕Then they had the gall to complain! 那时他们居然还有脸抱怨!牛津高阶〔git〕I couldn't for the life of me see what the old git was moaning about.我怎么也想不明白这个老饭桶在抱怨什么。外研社新世纪〔good〕What's the good of complaining? 抱怨有什么益处?文馨英汉〔gripe〕The students griped that they had too much homework.学生们抱怨他们的家庭作业太多了。韦氏高阶〔groan〕She was groaning about some essays she had to write.她因须写一些文章而抱怨。英汉大词典〔grouse〕To complain; grumble.抱怨;发牢骚美国传统〔growl〕He's always growling about the government.他总是愤愤不平地抱怨政府。韦氏高阶〔grumble about〕He grumbled about this to Mr. Clinton.他向克林顿先生抱怨这件事。21世纪英汉〔heartily〕I'm heartily sick of their complaints.我十分讨厌他们的抱怨。韦氏高阶〔hem in〕The company's competitors complain that they are hemmed in by rigid legal contracts.该公司的竞争对手抱怨说他们受到死板法律合同的制约。外研社新世纪〔hoodoo〕The player complained that he was badly hoodooed.这球员抱怨说自己倒了血霉。英汉大词典〔kvetch〕A chronic, whining complainer.发牢骚的人:老是嘀嘀咕咕抱怨的人美国传统〔lament〕She lamented the fact that manufacturers did not produce small packs for single-person households.她抱怨厂商没有生产供单人家庭使用的小包装。朗文当代〔largely〕Their complaints have been largely ignored.他们的抱怨几乎没有引起任何重视。剑桥高阶〔litany〕She remained in the doorway, listening to his litany of complaints against her client.她在门口一直听着他对她客户喋喋不休的抱怨。外研社新世纪〔moan〕Meg moans, 'I hated it!'.梅格抱怨道:“我不想这样!”柯林斯高阶〔moan〕They were sitting having a moan about the weather.抱怨(某人/某物)麦克米伦高阶〔moan〕We had a good moan about work.我们对工作大大地抱怨了一番。牛津高阶〔molest〕The woman complained that she had been molested in the park.那妇女抱怨在公园里遭到了性骚扰。英汉大词典〔monotonous〕Students complained that the meals were monotonous.学生们抱怨饭菜单调。韦氏高阶〔most〕It was Auntie Margaret who complained the most.抱怨最多的是玛格丽特姨妈。麦克米伦高阶〔much〕Why are you complaining? You have as much as Sharon.你为什么抱怨?你和沙伦的一样多。麦克米伦高阶〔muscle in〕Cohen complained that Kravis was muscling in on his deal.科恩抱怨克拉维斯非要在他的买卖中插上一脚。柯林斯高阶〔mutter〕She muttered against her husband.她抱怨丈夫。21世纪英汉〔mutter〕There were angry mutters from some commanders.一些指挥官发出了愤怒的抱怨声。外研社新世纪〔muzzle〕He complained of being muzzled by the chairman.他抱怨主席不让他发言。柯林斯高阶〔nag〕He's always nagging at Paula for wearing too much makeup.他老是抱怨葆拉化妆太浓。朗文当代〔nag〕My wife nags me about my busy work schedule.我妻子总是抱怨我工作太忙,这使我感到很烦。韦氏高阶〔nicker〕Some boys nickered when he complained his textbook had disappeared.当他抱怨找不到他的教科书时,有几个男学生偷笑起来。21世纪英汉〔plenty〕You're always complaining. Plenty of people would be happy to have your job.你总是在抱怨,很多人要是能得到你这份工作就会很开心了。麦克米伦高阶〔pull your weight〕The others had complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight.其他人抱怨说萨拉工作不尽职。剑桥高阶〔quarrel〕To find fault; complain.挑剔;抱怨美国传统〔refrain〕Complaints about school food have become a familiar refrain.对学校伙食的抱怨已经是耳熟能详的老调了。牛津搭配〔rights〕You'd be within your rights to complain about those shoes, you know.你瞧, 你是有权抱怨那双鞋子的。外研社新世纪〔rumbling〕There are rumblings in the banking sector that the system isn't working.银行业内有对系统不起作用的抱怨。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕An angry muttering ran through (= went through) the crowd.人群中传出一阵低沉而愤怒的抱怨声。剑桥高阶〔scarcely〕They could scarcely complain after such good treatment.在受到如此好的待遇后他们决不会抱怨美国传统〔set〕Don't complain that you're bored, or Dad will set you to work.别抱怨说你很无聊,不然爸爸会让你为他干活。麦克米伦高阶〔sex〕She was complaining about all the sex and violence on television.她抱怨电视上充斥着性和暴力镜头。剑桥高阶〔sick〕I am sick and tired of listening to your complaints.你的抱怨我听得都烦透了。麦克米伦高阶〔sideline〕Some delegates complained of being sidelined.一些代表抱怨说他们成了局外人。麦克米伦高阶〔size〕They complained about the size of their gas bill.他们抱怨煤气费用太高。牛津高阶〔squawk〕Mr Arbor squawked that the deal was a double-cross.阿伯先生大声抱怨说这笔交易是个骗局。柯林斯高阶〔uncomplaining〕He was a cheerful and uncomplaining travel companion.他是一个乐观开朗从不抱怨的旅伴。柯林斯高阶〔unfair〕Farmers complained of unfair competition from cheap imported food.农民抱怨廉价进口食品的不公平竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔useless〕It was useless to complain.抱怨没有用。朗文当代〔whine〕Oh Charlotte, please stop whining.哎呀,夏洛特,请你别再抱怨了。朗文当代〔whinge〕All she ever does is whinge and complain.她只是不停地抱怨、发牢骚。外研社新世纪〔whinge〕It must be really depressing listening to everybody's whinges.听每个人的抱怨肯定非常郁闷。外研社新世纪〔whole〕Bill does nothing but complain the whole time (= all the time).比尔什么都没做,一直在抱怨。剑桥高阶〔yammer〕To complain peevishly or whimperingly; whine.哭诉:恼怒地或抽噎着抱怨;哀诉美国传统Despite my repeated complaints he continues to leave his dirty clothes on the floor.尽管我不断抱怨,他仍继续把脏衣服扔在地上。剑桥国际He complained of a systematic campaign of slander against the agency.他抱怨有人针对该机构进行系统的诽谤宣传。剑桥国际He complained that the inefficiency of the department was leading to poor sales.他抱怨说那个部门的低效能导致销量很差。剑桥国际He complained that there had been a campaign to undermine his credibility as leader.他抱怨说有人在活动贬损他作为领导人的信誉。剑桥国际He complained that there were not enough distractions in the town. 他抱怨城里娱乐场所不够多。译典通He is always moaning his luck. 他老是抱怨运气不好。译典通Her complaint was unjustly dealt with.她的抱怨受到了不公正的对待。剑桥国际It was a sad end to her career but she never groused. 这是她事业的不幸结局,但她从不抱怨。译典通Okay, you win, I can't stand to hear one more complaint from you--we'll go home tomorrow! 好啦,你胜利了,我不忍心再听到你的一声抱怨了----我们明天就回家!剑桥国际One guest at the crowded reception was heard to mutter, “it's like the Black Hole of Calcutta in here”.拥挤的招待会上有人听到一名来客抱怨说“这儿真像是加尔各答黑牢”。剑桥国际She complained loudly to the owner of the store, who answered her mildly. 她冲著和颜悦色答复她的店主大声抱怨。译典通She complained that her daughter was always purloining her clothes.她抱怨她的女儿总是偷她的衣服。剑桥国际She complained that the solicitor's work had been slipshod.她抱怨那个律师工作得很马虎。剑桥国际She did nothing except complain while she was here. 她在这里时除了抱怨还是抱怨。译典通She listened politely to my complaint, but I don't think she'll do anything about it.她非常有礼貌地听完我的抱怨,但我认为她不会采取什么措施。剑桥国际She sat in a corner and cried, moaning that no one understood her (= that no one had any sympathy for her or knew what she was feeling).她坐在一个角落里哭, 抱怨没人理解她。剑桥国际She was admitted to hospital for observation (= so that doctors could watch her and see if anything was wrong with her) after complaining of chest pains.由于抱怨胸痛,她被收进医院接受观察。剑桥国际She was complaining that she had nothing to wear to the party.她抱怨去参加聚会没有衣服可穿。剑桥国际The high cost of theatre tickets is one of his favourite grouses.戏票的昂贵是他最喜欢抱怨的。剑桥国际The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.关于此文的抱怨/信件/电话铺天盖地式地涌到报社。剑桥国际There are rumblings of annoyance throughout the workforce.整个劳动大军中都有烦躁的抱怨声。剑桥国际They complained about excessive government intrusion into their legitimate activities.他们抱怨政府过多地干扰他们的合法活动。剑桥国际They complained that the financial cost of the project had been relegated to the margins of the debate, when it should have been central.他们抱怨该项目的经费问题被降低为次要议题,而它本应该是中心议题。剑桥国际




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