

单词 急切
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔altitude〕hopes raised to an altitude of tension 急切到极点的希望英汉大词典〔anxiety〕sb.'s anxiety to succeed 某人想取得成功的急切心情英汉大词典〔avid〕an avid eye 急切的目光英汉大词典〔beseech〕beseech an audience 急切请求一次晋见机会英汉大词典〔eagerly〕a woman speaking with breathless eagerness. 说话急切、上气不接下气的女人柯林斯高阶〔eagerness〕a woman speaking with breathless eagerness说话急切、上气不接下气的女人外研社新世纪〔eagerness〕her appetite for work and eagerness to please她的工作热情和取悦他人的急切心理外研社新世纪〔eagerness〕with eagerness 热心地;急切地文馨英汉〔eager〕an eager look 急切的神色英汉大词典〔egregious〕an egregious need 急切的需要英汉大词典〔emergency〕a state of emergency; a voice full of emergency. 紧急状态;急切的声音美国传统〔eye〕peer through the window with an eager eye 以急切的目光透过窗户注视英汉大词典〔gobble〕gobbled up the few remaining tickets. 急切地抢去了几张剩下的票美国传统〔greedy〕be greedy to do sth. 急切要做某事英汉大词典〔hectic〕the hectic colour in the boy's impatient face 男孩急切的脸上涨得通红的色晕英汉大词典〔impetuous〕an impetuous dash for freedom.急切要争取自由。牛津同义词〔importunate〕an importunate request for assistance 对援助的急切要求英汉大词典〔insistent〕an insistent tone 急切的口气英汉大词典〔instantly〕beseech sb. instantly 急切地恳求某人英汉大词典〔invoke〕invoke vengeance on one's enemies 急切要求向敌人报复英汉大词典〔jump〕jumped into the race for the nomination. 急切地投入提名竞选活动美国传统〔maddening〕with maddening eagerness 十分急切地英汉大词典〔overzealous〕overzealous enforcement of the rules 对于规定过于急切的实施韦氏高阶〔recency〕the eagerness of the people for recency in news reports 人民渴望新闻报道要新的急切心情英汉大词典〔scoop〕eager reporters scrambling to get the scoop on the latest royal scandal 急切的记者们争先报道最新的皇室丑闻麦克米伦高阶〔urgently〕speaking/calling urgently 急切地说/呼叫韦氏高阶〔urgent〕an urgent whisper 急切的私语朗文当代〔urgent〕an urgent whisper 急切的耳语牛津高阶〔urgent〕the urgent words "Hurry! Hurry!” 急切的话“赶快!赶快! “美国传统〔vehement〕a vehement desire 急切的欲望英汉大词典〔wishful〕be wishful to have sth. 急切地想要得到某物英汉大词典




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