

单词 成熟
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADULT〕The plant reaches maturity after two years. 这种植物两年后就到达成熟期。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕A hen is a mature female chicken, more than ten months old. 母鸡是十个月以上、发育成熟的雌性鸡。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕In the hot weather the fruit matured quickly. 在炎热的天气里,水果成熟得很快。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Cheese continues to ripen while in transit, so storage is important. 干酪在运输途中会继续成熟,因此保存方法很重要。朗文写作活用〔abortion〕Something malformed or incompletely developed; a monstrosity.畸形,发育不全:畸形生长的或未完全成熟的东西;怪胎美国传统〔acropetal〕Developing or maturing from the base toward the apex, as in those plant organs in which the younger tissues are nearer the apex.向顶的:从基部向顶端发展或成熟的,比如在一些植物的器官中较新生的组织更靠近顶端美国传统〔adolescence〕The period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to maturity.青春期:从青春发育期到成熟期的一段生理与心理的发展阶段美国传统〔adult〕Biology A fully grown, mature organism.【生物学】 成体:完全发育成熟的有机体美国传统〔adult〕We were very adult about it. We discussed it rationally over a drink.在这件事上我们表现得很成熟。我们一边喝酒一边心平气和地谈了谈。柯林斯高阶〔adult〕When my parents split up, it was all very adult and open.我父母离异时,事情处理得很成熟、很开放。牛津高阶〔age〕Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade.过去十年间, 回收利用这项事业在英国已经发展成熟。外研社新世纪〔bankruptcy〕Many established firms were facing bankruptcy.许多成熟的企业正面临倒闭。柯林斯高阶〔barley〕We looked at the fields of ripening wheat and barley.我们看了看地里那些快要成熟的小麦和大麦。外研社新世纪〔bivalent〕Biology Consisting of a pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes, as occurs during meiosis; double.【生物学】 二价染色体的:由一对同源,联会染色体组成的,如在成熟分裂时出现的;双的美国传统〔boomer〕Australian A large, fully grown male kangaroo.【澳大利亚】 大雄袋鼠:完全成熟的雄性大袋鼠美国传统〔childishness〕She was annoyed by the childishness of his behavior.她对他行为举止的不成熟感到恼火。韦氏高阶〔climax〕Mature women are more likely to climax during intercourse than young girls.成熟的妇女在性交中比年轻的姑娘更易达到性高潮。21世纪英汉〔conditioning〕The conditions are ripe for the spread of disease.这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。柯林斯高阶〔consolidate〕Most industries begin to consolidate when the market matures or stops growing.大部分行业在市场成熟或是停止发展时开始进行整合。外研社新世纪〔crop〕My strawberries crop in June or July.我的草莓在六七月份成熟。朗文当代〔crude〕Archaic Unripe or immature.【古语】 不成熟的,时机不好的美国传统〔cutting〕Take cuttings from mature plants in the spring.春天时从成熟的植物上取插条。牛津搭配〔dehiscence〕Botany An opening at definite places at maturity to release or expose the contents, such as seeds from a fruit or pollen from an anther.【植物学】 开裂,裂开:到达成熟期时在一定的位置裂开的口子,以释放或显露出内含物,如从果实的裂口处释放出来的种子或从花粉囊中散发出的花粉美国传统〔develop from〕It developed from a seed into a full-grown tree.它从一粒种子长成一棵成熟的大树。21世纪英汉〔do〕How would you like your steak done? 你的牛排要几成熟?牛津高阶〔dyad〕Biology One pair of homologous chromosomes resulting from the division of a tetrad during meiosis.【生物学】 二分体:一对由四分体在成熟分裂过程中形成的同源染色体美国传统〔enable〕The hot sun enables the grapes to reach optimum ripeness.炙热的阳光使葡萄能够达到最佳成熟状态。柯林斯高阶〔gal〕I've grown rather fond of the old gal.我越来越喜欢这个成熟的女子了。韦氏高阶〔girl〕An immature or inexperienced woman, especially a young woman.少女:未成熟的或无经验的女子,尤指年轻女子美国传统〔greenness〕He was a young lad, very green, very immature.他还是个毛头小子,幼稚得很,一点都不成熟。柯林斯高阶〔growth〕This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely.这有助于新生发植株的成熟,令其开出繁茂的花朵。柯林斯高阶〔grow〕People need to be able to grow and develop in relationships.人人应该能够变得越来越成熟并且善于培养发展各种关系。麦克米伦高阶〔heterotypic〕Biology Of, relating to, or being the reduction division of meiosis.【生物学】 变型的:处于成熟分裂时期的减数分裂部分的或与之相联系的美国传统〔immaturity〕I don't like young lamb as immaturity means little taste and lack of texture.我不喜欢羊羔肉, 因为发育不成熟就意味着缺少滋味, 也没有嚼头。外研社新世纪〔incubate〕The plan incubate slowly on his nightly walks.这项计划是在他晚间散步时逐渐酝酿成熟的。英汉大词典〔infantile〕The immature parents have so many infantile traits themselves.这一对未成熟的年轻父母本身就有不少孩子气。英汉大词典〔juvenility〕Foolishly juvenile behavior or character; immaturity.幼稚:愚蠢的稚气的行为或性格;不成熟美国传统〔lapse〕Carol's lapses into strong language only made her sound immature.卡罗尔讲起了粗话,这只会让人觉得她还不成熟。麦克米伦高阶〔mango〕The ovoid fruit of this tree, having a smooth rind, sweet juicy flesh, and a flat one-seeded stone. It is eaten ripe or pickled when green.芒果:这种乔木的卵形的果实,壳平滑、果肉甜且多汁,中间有一个平的单种果核。成熟时可食用,也可在青绿时加工美国传统〔maturation division〕Either of the two successive cell divisions of meiosis, with only one duplication of the chromosomes, that results in the formation of haploid gametes.成熟分裂:细胞成熟分裂中的连续两次分裂,因单倍体配子的形成,只有一次分裂能复制出铬酸美国传统〔mature〕As the fish matures, its colours and patternings change.这种鱼随着发育成熟,其颜色和斑纹都会改变。朗文当代〔mature〕He has matured a lot since he left home.自从离家之后他成熟多了。朗文当代〔mature〕I thought you had matured enough not to be giggly and silly about serious art.我原以为你已经很成熟, 不会对严肃的艺术持一副嘻嘻哈哈的态度。外研社新世纪〔mature〕She matured earlier than him.她比他成熟得早。21世纪英汉〔mature〕She tries to look mature and sophisticated.她努力让自己看起来成熟老道。牛津搭配〔mature〕She's very mature for her age.她年龄不大,却很成熟。韦氏高阶〔mature〕The human brain isn't fully mature until about age 25.人的大脑要到 25 岁才完全发育成熟。朗文当代〔mature〕This position would suit a mature P.A. with computer skills.这个职位适合一个懂电脑的成熟的私人助理。麦克米伦高阶〔mature〕We're mature enough to disagree on this issue but still respect each other.我们很成熟,尽管我们对此事意见不同,但还是很尊重对方。朗文当代〔mature〕You and I are mature, freethinking adults.你和我都是心态成熟、思想自由的成年人。外研社新世纪〔maturity〕He hasn't got the maturity to be a father.他还不具备当父亲的成熟气质。麦克米伦高阶〔maturity〕He lacks the emotional maturity to appreciate poetry.他情感上还不够成熟,欣赏不了诗歌。朗文当代〔maturity〕His behavior shows a lack of maturity.他的行为表明他还不够成熟。韦氏高阶〔maturity〕These latest paintings show how the artist has really grown in maturity.这些最新的画作表明这位画家如何已真正走向了成熟。牛津搭配〔mellow〕He had grown mellow with age.随着年纪的增长他变得成熟老练。麦克米伦高阶〔multivalent〕Genetics Of or relating to the association of three or more homologous chromosomes during the first division of meiosis.【遗传学】 多价的:属于在第一时期成熟分裂时三个或者更多的同源染色体的联合的、或与之有关的美国传统〔oogenesis〕The formation, development, and maturation of an ovum.卵生成:卵子的形成,发育和成熟美国传统〔otocyst〕The structure formed by invagination of the embryonic ectodermal tissue that develops into the inner ear.听泡,听囊:由于发育入内耳的未成熟胚层组织套叠所形成的结构美国传统〔overripe〕Too ripe.过于成熟的美国传统〔pair〕Cranes take from four to seven years to mature before they pair up.鹤要4至7年发育成熟才交配。英汉大词典〔pair〕The suit is paired with black shoes for a sophisticated look.为了显成熟,西服搭配了黑鞋子。韦氏高阶〔personable〕The people I met were intelligent, mature, personable.我见到的是一些聪明、成熟、品貌兼优的人。柯林斯高阶〔produce〕These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.然后, 这些植物就被授粉, 从而成熟结籽。外研社新世纪〔rathe〕Appearing or ripening early in the year, as flowers or fruit.早熟的:在一年内出现较早或成熟较早的,例如花朵或水果美国传统〔reproductive〕Zoology A reproductive organism, especially a sexually mature social insect.【动物学】 母体:一种能繁殖的生物,尤指性器官成熟的群居昆虫美国传统〔responsible〕Clare has a mature and responsible attitude to work.克莱尔对待工作成熟而可信赖。牛津高阶〔ripeness〕Always choose firm, but ripe fruit.一定要挑选硬实但已成熟的水果。柯林斯高阶〔ripen〕Don't worry. Time will soon ripen.别着急,时机即将成熟。21世纪英汉〔ripen〕I'm waiting for the apples to ripen.我正在等待苹果成熟。柯林斯高阶〔ripen〕The cheese was ripened.干酪成熟可吃了。21世纪英汉〔ripen〕You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill.把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟。柯林斯高阶〔ripe〕The government decided the time was ripe for an election.政府决定选举的时机已成熟。麦克米伦高阶〔ripe〕The plot is ripe for execution.实现阴谋的时机业已成熟。英汉大词典〔ripe〕The time is ripe for a drastic reform.彻底改革的时机已经成熟。英汉大词典〔risk〕Young male drivers are a higher risk category compared to mature ladies and even women of the same age.较之于成熟女性甚至同龄女性,年轻男性司机风险更高。牛津搭配〔schistosomulum〕The immature form of a parasitic schistosome after it has entered the blood vessels of its host.血吸虫童虫:进入其寄生血管后的未发育成熟的寄生虫美国传统〔schizocarp〕A dry fruit that splits at maturity into two or more closed, one-seeded parts, as in the carrot or mallow.离果:一种干果,在成熟时分裂成两个或更多闭合的含一颗种子的部分,如胡萝卜或锦葵美国传统〔seasoned〕He has the confidence of a seasoned performer.他具有一个成熟演员的自信。外研社新世纪〔self-assured〕The interview showed her as a self-assured and mature student.面试显示出她是个自信成熟的学生。剑桥高阶〔sporozoite〕Any of the minute undeveloped sporozoans produced by multiple fission of a zygote or spore, especially at the stage just before it infects a new host cell.孢子体、子孢子:一种由受精卵或孢子的成熟分裂而产生的微小的未发育的孢子物,尤指在未感染一个新的寄生细胞阶段美国传统〔swaddling clothes〕Restrictions imposed on the immature.束缚:对不成熟的人所加的限制美国传统〔synaptinemal complex〕A ribbonlike structure consisting of three protein components and extending across the region of synapsed chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis.接合丝复合物,联合丝复合物:一种带状构造体,由三个蛋白质要素组成,在成熟分裂的前期扩展到已联合的染色体之外美国传统〔synergid〕One of two small cells lying near the egg in the mature embryo sac of a flowering plant.助细胞:位于开花植物成熟胚囊的卵细胞周围的两个小细胞之一美国传统〔telophase〕The final stage of mitosis or meiosis during which the chromosomes of daughter cells are grouped in new nuclei.末期:有丝分裂或成熟分裂的最后阶段,在此期间子细胞的染色体被聚集在新细胞核中美国传统〔unripe〕Bananas are green when unripe.香蕉未成熟时是绿色的。韦氏高阶〔vintage〕Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic.古老而享有声誉的:具有优秀、成熟或持久魅力特点的;古典的美国传统As the strawberries ripened they turned red.草莓成熟变红。剑桥国际I'm waiting till the time is ripe before I tell my parents that I failed my exams.我要等到时机成熟才告诉父母我考试不及格。剑桥国际It took several years for her ideas to mature.她的设想经过几年才酝酿成熟。剑桥国际Jim is just an overgrown schoolboy.杰姆只是个个子长大了的小学生(但思想仍未成熟)。剑桥国际Lemons always taste sour, even when they are ripe because of the acid in them.柠檬的味道是酸的,即使是成熟的柠檬也如此,因为它含有酸。剑桥国际On the basis of this exhibition, her art can be said to have finally come of age.从这次展览来看,可以说她的艺术终于成熟了。剑桥国际She behaves very maturely for her age.就她这个年纪来说,她表现得相当成熟。剑桥国际She found in him the mellowness that was rare in others at his age. 她发现他具有那种他的同龄人少有的成熟。译典通Taking responsibility for yourself is part of the process of growing up (= becoming an adult).为你自己负起责任是成熟起来的一部分。剑桥国际The bear cubs are full-grown at two years.幼熊变得完全成熟需二年时间。剑桥国际The interview showed her as a self-assured and mature student.面试显示出她是个自信的、成熟的学生。剑桥国际The technology is not yet mature enough for commercial use.这项技术尚未成熟,不能用于商业用途。牛津商务This country is ripe for change.这个国家的改革已经时机成熟。剑桥国际We drove past fields of ripening wheat.我们开车经过快要成熟的麦田。剑桥国际




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