

单词 悦目
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accord〕the pleasing accord of Degas' colours德加色彩使用的和谐悦目外研社新世纪〔aesthetically〕the garden's aesthetically pleasing design 这个花园令人赏心悦目的设计韦氏高阶〔aesthetic〕aesthetically pleasing colour combinations 赏心悦目的色彩搭配牛津高阶〔attractive〕an attractive colour scheme 悦目的色彩布局剑桥高阶〔bloom〕a tree with perfect blooms 开满赏心悦目花朵的树牛津搭配〔classic〕a delightful mosaic pattern, reminiscent of a classic design一款赏心悦目、让人联想到传统设计的拼花图案外研社新世纪〔comeliness〕desirable comeliness 令人称意的赏心悦目文馨英汉〔confection〕a delightful literary confection 赏心悦目的文学佳作韦氏高阶〔delectable〕a feast of home-cooked delectables. 赏心悦目的自制美味佳肴美国传统〔disposal〕a pleasing disposal of plants and lawn. 赏心悦目的植物和草坪的布置美国传统〔disposition〕a cheerful disposition of colors and textures; a convoy oriented into a north-south disposition. 颜色与纹理赏心悦目的配置;排列成南北向的护送部队美国传统〔environ〕a house environed by pleasant grounds一座被赏心悦目的庭园所环绕的房子21世纪英汉〔exquisite〕an exquisite white blossom 赏心悦目的白花英汉大词典〔feast〕a feast for the eyes 赏心悦目的景物英汉大词典〔looking〕a pleasant-looking room 舒心悦目的房间英汉大词典〔luscious〕a luscious view of a garden 赏心悦目的花园景色英汉大词典〔luscious〕a luscious, vivid description. 赏心悦目的生动描述美国传统〔lush〕a lush scent; lush fruit; the lush sounds of an orchestra. 美妙的气息;赏心悦目的水果;管弦乐队悦耳的乐声美国传统〔maestro〕the urbane maestro's delightful first show. 这位儒雅的音乐大师赏心悦目的首场演出柯林斯高阶〔maudlin〕a hugely entertaining (if over-long and maudlin) movie非常赏心悦目的电影(虽然情节冗长而且过于伤感)外研社新世纪〔paint〕the cheerful, brightly painted doors 油漆刷得色彩鲜艳、赏心悦目的门牛津搭配〔please〕please the eye 悦目英汉大词典〔pleasing〕a design that is pleasing to the eye 悦目的设计朗文当代〔pleasing〕a design which is pleasing to the eye 悦目的图案牛津搭配〔pleasing〕a pleasing performance 赏心悦目的表演剑桥高阶〔pleasing〕aesthetically pleasing combinations 赏心悦目的搭配牛津搭配〔pretty〕a pretty garden 赏心悦目的花园牛津高阶〔prospect〕a pleasant prospect. 一处悦目的风景美国传统〔restful〕a colour restful to the eye 素淡悦目的颜色 英汉大词典〔scene〕a delightful rural scene 赏心悦目的乡村风光牛津高阶〔scheme〕a delightful colour scheme of the room 室内悦目的色彩布局英汉大词典〔sensuous〕a sensuous painting 悦目的绘画英汉大词典〔sightly〕sightly calligraphy 悦目的书法英汉大词典〔unassisted〕the innumerable pleasing landscapes that unassisted nature puts forth 大自然所独创的无数悦目景色英汉大词典〔welcome〕a welcom e sight 赏心悦目的景象牛津高阶〔yummy〕yummy pastel shades 柔和悦目轻淡优美的色彩英汉大词典




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