

单词 打击
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBLEM〕The court's decision was a major setback for Bradley. 法院的判决对布拉德利是个很大的打击。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Higher taxes are likely to discourage investment. 调高税收可能会打击投资意愿。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The US says it is prepared to launch a pre-emptive strike with nuclear weapons if it is threatened. 美国称已作好准备,一旦受到威胁,会以核武器实施先发制人的打击。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The new, tougher laws are intended clamp down on the carrying of knives and other weapons. 这些新的、更严厉的法律旨在打击携带刀具等武器的行为。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕Mavis, I'm really sorry about your Ma. It must have been a terrible shock. 梅维斯,我为你妈感到非常难过,这一定是个很大的打击。/朗文写作活用〔Sunday punch〕Something that is capable of delivering a destructive blow to an opponent or opposing force.杀手锏:能给予对手或对抗力量毁灭性打击的东西美国传统〔T-ball〕A form of baseball played by young children in which the ball is not pitched but hit from a stationary position on top of a tee.乐乐安全棒球:青少年玩的棒球形式,球不是用扔的,而是将球放在球座上的一固定位置后再打击出去美国传统〔absorb〕He was able to absorb this new blow.他受住了这一新的打击。英汉大词典〔afflict〕To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on.折磨:予以…剧烈的肉体或心理打击美国传统〔alone〕Alone among the major candidates, Gaviria expressed a determination to continue the campaign to defeat the drugs cartels.在主要的候选人中,只有加维里亚一人坚决表示要继续打击药品同业联盟。柯林斯高阶〔assail〕To attack with or as if with violent blows; assault.攻击:攻击或似猛烈打击;袭击美国传统〔batter〕The player at bat in baseball and cricket.打击手:棒球、板球中的击球员,打击手美国传统〔blow〕His defeat dealt a crushing blow to the party.他的失败对该政党造成毁灭性打击。牛津搭配〔blow〕His failure to be admitted to that college was a terrible blow to him.他未能考取那所学院,这对他是一个沉重的打击。英汉大词典〔blow〕Losing a second match would be a major blow to his world title hopes.输掉第二场比赛对他获得世界冠军的理想是个严重的打击。麦克米伦高阶〔blow〕The blow came at a meeting yesterday.打击是在昨天的会议上来到的。牛津搭配〔brass knuckles〕A metal chain or a set of rings attached to a bar that can be fitted over the fingers to increase the impact of a blow with the fist.指节铜套:附在棒上的金属链或一组金属环,可套在手指上以增强拳头出击时的打击强度美国传统〔brittle〕Brilliantly sharp, as in percussive sound.尖利的,如打击乐声美国传统〔brushback〕Baseball An inside, usually high fastball intended to force the batter to move away from the plate.【棒球】 内侧高飞快速球:内侧且通常高飞的快速球,试图迫使打击手离开本垒板美国传统〔burden〕Her death will be an impossible burden on Paul.她的去世将给保罗带来难以承受的打击。柯林斯高阶〔by-blow〕An indirect or chance blow.间接的一击:非直接的或偶然性的打击美国传统〔cage〕Baseball A large wire screen placed behind home plate to stop balls in batting practice.【棒球】 打击练习场:置于本垒之后的大金属丝屏以便击球练习时停住球美国传统〔clobber〕The construction industry was clobbered by recession.建筑业受到经济衰退的沉重打击。外研社新世纪〔convention〕Chicago was chosen as the site for an international crime convention.芝加哥被选为打击国际犯罪会议的举办城市。麦克米伦高阶〔crushing〕The shipyard has been dealt another crushing blow with the failure to win this contract.由于未能赢得这份合同,造船厂又遭到了一次惨重的打击。牛津高阶〔cue〕Games To strike with a cue.【游戏】 用球杆打击美国传统〔cymbal〕A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass plate that makes a loud clashing tone when hit with a drumstick or when used in pairs.钹:一种打击乐器,由一个凹铜片构成,当用单个或者双个鼓槌敲击时,可发出高的撞击声美国传统〔death blow〕The party promised to deliver a death blow to feudalism.该政党许诺将会给封建主义一次致命的打击。外研社新世纪〔department〕The Tokyo police department is clamping down on organized crime.东京的警察部门正严厉打击有组织犯罪。牛津搭配〔devastating〕It will be a devastating blow to the local community if the factory closes.如果这家工厂倒闭,将给当地居民以毁灭性的打击。牛津高阶〔discouraging〕Today's report is rather more discouraging for the economy.今天的报道对经济是个不小的打击。外研社新世纪〔double whammy〕With the cold weather and the high cost of heating fuel, homeowners were hit with a double whammy this winter.由于寒冷的天气和高额的取暖燃料费,房主们今年冬天遭受了双重打击。韦氏高阶〔duck〕He ducked his head to avoid being hit.他把头一低以避开打击。英汉大词典〔easy〕We all know the best way to fight crime is to remove the causes of crime, but that is easier said than done.我们都知道打击犯罪的最好方式是从根源上消除犯罪, 但是说起来容易做起来难。外研社新世纪〔elicit〕The crime elicited an outcry against illicit drugs.那起罪行引发了打击违禁药品的呼声。柯林斯高阶〔equity〕Once again, equities were hard hit.股票再次受到重大打击。英汉大词典〔excise〕New car buyers and smokers will be hit by increases in taxes and excise.税率和消费税的提高将使新车买主和烟民受到打击。柯林斯高阶〔facer〕An unexpected, stunning blow or defeat.意外的打击:出乎意料的沉重的一击或大败美国传统〔fight〕It is time to fight back against street crime.是打击街头犯罪的时候了。牛津搭配〔fight〕The government has vowed to step up the fight against crime.政府誓要加大打击犯罪的力度。牛津搭配〔firepower〕America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes.美国在该地区拥有足够的火力发动持续的空中打击。柯林斯高阶〔go after〕We're not going after civilian targets.我们不会以民用设施为打击目标。柯林斯高阶〔great〕The news came as possibly the greatest shock of my life.这个消息可能是我一生中最大的打击。朗文当代〔hammer〕The decision is a hammer blow for the coal industry.这一决定对于煤炭业是一个沉重的打击。朗文当代〔hammer〕The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry.这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击。牛津高阶〔hard hit〕Her sudden death hit them hard.她的突然去世对他们打击很大。韦氏高阶〔hit〕Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.这次罢工对农村地区的打击最沉重。牛津高阶〔holiday〕The recession hit the package holiday business hard.经济衰退沉重打击了包价旅游业。牛津搭配〔hurt〕Many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans.很多低收入的人将受到政府这些方案的打击。牛津高阶〔imminent〕Baggio's imminent departure is another blow for the team.巴乔的即将离去对该队又是一个打击。麦克米伦高阶〔knocking〕Those people hurt me and knocked my confidence.那些人既伤害了我的身体又打击了我的自信心。柯林斯高阶〔knock〕His daughter's death knocked Tom sideways.女儿的去世使汤姆大受打击。朗文当代〔knock〕What they said was a real knock to my self-confidence.他们的话是对我自信心的一次重大打击。外研社新世纪〔launderer〕The House voted today to crack down on banks that launder drug money.众议院今天表决打击为毒资洗钱的银行。柯林斯高阶〔law〕The laws against drug use were very severe.打击吸毒的法律十分严厉。朗文当代〔liaison〕Liaison between police forces and the art world is vital to combat art crime.警方和艺术界的联手对于打击艺术品犯罪至关重要。柯林斯高阶〔muscle〕The Fair Trade Commission has of late been flexing its muscles, cracking down on cases of corruption.公平交易委员会最近在显示威力,严厉打击腐败事件。柯林斯高阶〔numbed〕For a while the shock of Philippe's letter numbed her.菲利普来信的打击让她愣了好一会儿。柯林斯高阶〔numb〕He was numbed by the shock of his wife's death.妻子去世的巨大打击使他变得麻木。朗文当代〔offensive〕The government has launched a new offensive against crime.政府发动了新的打击犯罪攻势。牛津高阶〔piracy〕The authorities have recently cracked down on software piracy .当局最近严厉打击了软件盗版。麦克米伦高阶〔profile〕DNA profiling has aided the struggle against crime.DNA分析对于打击犯罪有所帮助。柯林斯高阶〔puncture〕His enthusiasm for fishing had been punctured by the sight of what he might catch.看到只能钓到这种东西, 他钓鱼的热情备受打击。外研社新世纪〔range〕The missiles are effective over a long range.这些导弹可有效打击远程目标。牛津搭配〔ride〕Can this country ride out a nuclear attack? 这个国家能经受得住核打击吗? 英汉大词典〔sex tourism〕Several European governments have pledged to work together to crack down on child pornography and sex tourism.欧洲数国政府已承诺要协同打击儿童色情和性旅游。剑桥高阶〔shock tactics〕They use shock tactics to shake audiences out of complacency.他们使用耸动视听法以打击观众的自满情绪。外研社新世纪〔shock〕Mom's never really gotten over the shock of Dad's death.妈妈就一直没有真正地从爸爸去世的打击中恢复过来。朗文当代〔six〕Losing his job really knocked him for six.丢了工作对他打击很大。朗文当代〔slash〕A forceful sweeping stroke made with a sharp instrument.乱砍:用一件利器作出的有力的、扫荡的打击美国传统〔slice〕The course followed by such a ball.曲球的球路:这样打击的球所经的赛道美国传统〔smash〕To break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow or collision.破碎:由于猛烈的打击或碰撞而突然破碎成片状美国传统〔sockdolager〕A conclusive blow or remark.决定性的打击或评论美国传统〔sock〕A hard blow or punch.猛击或打击美国传统〔surgical strike〕A surgical strike was carried out on the enemy's military headquarters.对敌军的总部实施了精确的军事打击。剑桥高阶〔symphony orchestra〕A large orchestra composed of string, wind, and percussion sections.交响乐团,交响乐队:由弦乐、管乐及打击乐三部分组成的大型管弦乐队美国传统〔take〕She took the news hard.这消息对她打击很大。英汉大词典〔thump〕Informal To beat soundly or thoroughly; drub.【非正式用语】 充分或彻底地打击;打败美国传统〔timpanist〕One who plays the kettledrums and other percussion instruments in an orchestra.鼓手:在管弦乐队中演奏定音鼓或其它打击乐器的人美国传统〔too〕The shock was too much for him.这个打击对他来说太大了。朗文当代〔tough〕The new mayor intends to be tough on crime.新市长打算要严厉打击犯罪。麦克米伦高阶〔undermine〕She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.她暗中打击他, 让他对自己的才华信心全无。外研社新世纪〔untimely〕His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.他母亲的早逝给了他沉重的打击。外研社新世纪〔uptight〕The surtax was another blow to an industry already uptight.附加税对于这一财政已经很困难的行业是又一打击。英汉大词典〔wage〕The police are waging war on drug pushers in the city.警方正在市内开展一场打击毒贩的战争。朗文当代〔wallop〕Each Trident sub is said to pack more wallop than the combined fleets of all navies in World War II.据说,每艘三叉戟潜艇配备的打击力比第二次世界大战中所有海军舰队的打击力总和还大。英汉大词典〔whammy〕We're suffering a triple whammy at the moment.我们目前正遭受到了接二连三的打击。柯林斯高阶A sharp consumer slowdown may hit new car sales in the UK.消费的急剧降温可能会打击英国的新车销售。牛津商务A succession of scandals have hit US companies recently.最近美国公司遭受一连串的丑闻打击。牛津商务Any industry hit by price control will complain bitterly about it.受到价格管制打击的任何行业都会极力抱怨。牛津商务Drugs companies are clamping down on illegal re-exports of cut-price medicines.医药公司正严厉打击削价药物的非法再出口。牛津商务Fighting inflation is the bank's main job.打击通货膨胀是银行的主要工作。牛津商务Government hopes for a quick recovery from recession received a sharp jolt with the announcement that unemployment had risen again this month.政府希望经济从衰退中迅速恢复,本月失业人数上升的消息使之大受打击。剑桥国际Her mother's death came as/was a great shock--it was so unexpected.她母亲的死是个很大的打击----这太出乎意料了。剑桥国际Homeowners were badly hit by the fall in house prices last year.去年的房价下跌使房主受到了严重打击。剑桥国际In the battle against car crime, police forces across Europe are to interlink their databases on stolen cars.在打击窃车罪的行动中,欧洲的警察力量准备将被盗汽车的数据库互相连结起来。剑桥国际Parliament should give the courts extra powers to deal stringently with those who commit these terrible offences.议会应给予法院特别权力以严厉打击那些犯重罪的歹徒。剑桥国际That failure was a blow to my ego. 那项失败是对我自尊心的一个打击。译典通The company was unable to soften the blow of the job cuts.公司无法缓解由裁员带来的打击。牛津商务The government is taking proactive measures against terrorism. 政府正采取积极措施打击恐怖主义。译典通




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