

单词 打出手
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIGHT〕There was fighting on the streets of Paris yesterday when police and demonstrators clashed. 昨天在巴黎的街道上警察与示威者发生冲突,大打出手。朗文写作活用〔beat up on〕A gang of bullies was beating up on him.一群歹徒正在对他大打出手。韦氏高阶〔culminate〕The argument culminated in a handfight.争论以大打出手告终。英汉大词典〔dispute〕The robbers disputed violently over the stolen goods.盗贼为分赃而大打出手。英汉大词典〔drag apart〕The pair traded blows and had to be dragged apart by their trainers.这对选手大打出手, 只能由教练把他们拉开。外研社新世纪〔egg on〕They egged each other on to argue and to fight.他们互相拱火争吵, 大打出手。外研社新世纪〔hair-trigger〕His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.他嗜酒贪杯, 狂妄自大, 脾气暴躁, 这常常使他在夜总会和人大打出手。外研社新世纪〔hit back〕Some violent men beat up their sons, until the boys are strong enough to hit back.一些粗暴的人对自己的儿子大打出手,直到他们有了还手之力才肯罢休。柯林斯高阶〔ill-wisher〕The well-wishers and ill-wishers got into a fistfight.支持和反对的两派人大打出手。英汉大词典〔insult〕They got into a fight over a minor insult.他们因为一句略微冒犯的言语而大打出手。韦氏高阶〔intercede〕Their argument probably would have become violent if I hadn't interceded.要不是我调停,他们的争执可能早已变成大打出手。韦氏高阶〔lace into〕The cops were lacing into us.警察对我们大打出手。外研社新世纪〔lash〕Occasionally the patients will lash out at the nurses.偶尔病人会对护士大打出手。麦克米伦高阶〔pitched battle〕A pitched battle between the two sets of fans developed on the terraces after the match was over.比赛结束后,双方的球迷在看台上大打出手。剑桥高阶〔savage〕The police invaded the dorms and savaged the students there.警察侵入宿舍,并对学生大打出手。英汉大词典〔spar〕They sparred for a moment, on the brink of a full fight.他们互相推搡了一会儿,眼看就要大打出手了。柯林斯高阶〔square off〕They're squaring off, really to fight.他们正摆出搏击的架势,准备大打出手。21世纪英汉〔strike〕He lost his temper and struck out wildly.他发了脾气,大打出手。牛津高阶〔strong-arm〕The money has been recovered without resorting to verbal abuse or strong-arm tactics.没有恶语相向也没有大打出手就把这笔钱要回来了。外研社新世纪〔violent〕The crowd suddenly turned violent.人群中突然有人开始大打出手。牛津高阶〔violent〕The peaceful protest suddenly turned violent.和平抗议突然变成了大打出手。韦氏高阶He's usually pretty peaceful, but he and that other guy really mixed it up at the bar last night.他一向很安静,但昨晚他却和那个人在酒吧里大打出手。剑桥国际Phil was furious with the manager -- I think he came close to blows (=almost hit him).菲尔对他的经理大发雷霆,我看他几乎都要大打出手了。剑桥国际There are two guys beating the hell out of each other in the street outside.两个家伙在外面街上大打出手。剑桥国际




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