

单词 思路
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔channel〕a new channel for thought一个新思路外研社新世纪〔clarity〕clarity of thought 思路清晰牛津搭配〔clarity〕clarity of thought/purpose/vision 思路清楚;目的明确;视野清晰牛津高阶〔clear-sighted〕a clear-sighted commentator 思路清晰的评论员韦氏高阶〔clearheaded〕a clearheaded analysis 思路清晰的分析韦氏高阶〔cluttered〕a cluttered mind 杂乱无序的思路牛津高阶〔coherent〕a coherent thinker 思路清晰的人英汉大词典〔dark〕an obscure communiqué requiring clarification), but it can refer to physical darkness ( 需要说明的思路不清的公报), 但是它也能指物理上的黑暗( 美国传统〔develop〕develop a line of thought 展开思路英汉大词典〔distort〕a contorted line of reasoning. 歪曲奇异的思路。美国传统〔employ〕the approaches and methods employed in the study. 研究中使用的思路和方法柯林斯高阶〔employ〕the approaches and methods employed in the study该研究采用的思路和方法外研社新世纪〔fear〕fear to disturb sb.'s thoughts 生怕打乱某人的思路英汉大词典〔good〕a lot of good marketing ideas 许多好的营销思路韦氏高阶〔incoherent〕an incoherent, over-long action movie 思路混乱、冗长拖沓的动作片朗文当代〔muddle-headed〕muddle-headed thinkers 思路混乱的人牛津高阶〔muddy〕muddy thinking 不清晰的思路韦氏高阶〔one-track〕a one-track mind 单向偏狭的思路英汉大词典〔organize〕organized her thoughts before speaking. 说话之前先组织思路美国传统〔saltatory〕saltatory thinking 跳跃的思路英汉大词典〔shape〕get (或 put) one's ideas (或thoughts) into shape 理清思路英汉大词典〔single-track〕a single-track mind 偏狭的思路英汉大词典〔single-track〕a single-track mind. 狭隘的思路美国传统〔straight〕a straight thinker 思路有条理的人英汉大词典〔tenor〕upset the whole tenor of sb.'s mind 完全打乱某人的思路英汉大词典〔thinker〕a clear thinker 思路清晰的人牛津高阶〔thinker〕a slow thinker 思路迟钝的人英汉大词典〔thread〕the thread of a story.一篇小说的思路。牛津同义词〔track〕the track of one's thoughts 思路英汉大词典〔train〕interrupt sb.'s train of thought 打断某人的思路英汉大词典〔well-regulated〕a well-regulated mind 思路清楚的头脑英汉大词典




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