

单词 投票表决
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔archive〕to vote on archiving the city's historic documents对收集归档的该市有历史意义的文件进行投票表决21世纪英汉〔ballot〕a strike ballot 对罢工的投票表决麦克米伦高阶〔ballot〕be asked to ballot on sth. 被要求就某事投票表决英汉大词典〔censure〕a vote of censure on the government's foreign policy 投票表决谴责政府的外交政策牛津高阶〔measure〕a ballot measure(= a change in the law that voters decide on) 投票表决的法案牛津高阶〔move〕moved that a vote be taken. 提议采取投票表决美国传统〔poll〕poll a village on the matter of building a new school 组织村民就新建学校一事投票表决英汉大词典〔reversion〕vote for a reversion of the territory to the king's rule 投票表决将领土复归国王统辖英汉大词典〔vote〕a vote on the new law 就新法令进行的投票表决牛津搭配〔vote〕vote on an agreement 投票表决一项协议英汉大词典




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