

单词 感到悲痛
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EVERYONE〕The whole town has been affected by this disaster. Everyone knows someone who died. 这次灾难让全镇的人都感到悲痛。每个人都有认识的人在灾难中丧生。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕It's perfectly natural to grieve for the loss of a pet. 因为失去宠物而感到悲痛是完全正常的。朗文写作活用〔bleed〕My heart bleeds for the victims of the air crash.我为飞机失事的受难者感到悲痛美国传统〔cry over〕He was crying over his misfortunes.他为他的不幸遭遇感到悲痛。21世纪英汉〔feel〕Her loss has been keenly felt.她的离世使我们切切实实感到悲痛。牛津搭配〔grief〕The grief she felt over Helen's death was almost unbearable.她因海伦的去世而感到悲痛难当。朗文当代〔mourn〕He still mourns for his brother.他仍然为他兄弟的去世而感到悲痛。麦克米伦高阶〔mourn〕We are mourning the loss of our close friend.我们为失去挚友而感到悲痛。麦克米伦高阶〔passing〕Ten years after her death, the public still mourns her passing.她死去10年后,人们仍在为她的去世感到悲痛。剑桥高阶〔piercing〕She felt a piercing sadness when she heard the news.听到这个消息她感到悲痛欲绝。韦氏高阶〔release〕We mourned her death, but were glad it brought her release from pain.我们对她的去世感到悲痛,但也为她解脱痛苦感到欣慰。韦氏高阶〔sorrow〕Her friend was sorrowing over the loss of a child.她的朋友在为失去孩子感到悲痛。朗文当代Friends and family alike (=both) were devastated by the news of her suicide.朋友与家人全都对她自杀的消息感到悲痛万分。剑桥国际He grieved (= felt great sadness) for the companion he had lost.他为失去的这个同伴感到悲痛。剑桥国际She felt sorrow at the death of her aunt. 她对姑母去世感到悲痛。译典通




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