

单词 扭曲的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bud〕upon a twisted branch a few leaves were budding 在扭曲的树枝上,正有几片叶子在发芽文馨英汉〔contorted〕an acrobat's contorted body 杂技演员扭曲的身体麦克米伦高阶〔contorted〕the fossil's contorted limbs 这化石扭曲的分支韦氏高阶〔contort〕contorted limbs/bodies 扭曲的四肢╱躯体牛津高阶〔contort〕their contorted bodies. 他们扭曲的身体柯林斯高阶〔convoluted〕a tightly-coiled convoluted tube 绕得紧紧的、扭曲的管子朗文当代〔crooked〕a crooked smile/nose/teeth 扭曲的笑/鹰钩鼻/长歪的牙齿麦克米伦高阶〔crooked〕a crooked tree.扭曲的树。牛津同义词〔distorted〕a distorted face/image 扭曲的脸/形象韦氏高阶〔distorted〕distorted limbs 扭曲的四肢文馨英汉〔distortive〕harsh and distortive peaks in the recorded music; a robust fortissimo without distortive vibration. 所录的音乐中刺耳扭曲的最高音;没有扭曲震动的最强的强音美国传统〔distort〕a face distorted by (或with) pain 因疼痛而扭曲的脸英汉大词典〔face〕a grimace of pain 痛得扭曲的脸牛津高阶〔gnarled〕a gnarled branch 扭曲的树枝文馨英汉〔gnarled〕a gnarled branch 扭曲的树枝英汉大词典〔gnarled〕gnarled branches 扭曲的枝丫韦氏高阶〔gnarled〕gnarled hands 扭曲的手牛津高阶〔grimace〕a grimace caused by pain 痛得扭曲的脸英汉大词典〔grimace〕a little grimace of pain疼得有点扭曲的脸外研社新世纪〔image〕the distorted images in his dreams 他梦中那些扭曲的形象牛津搭配〔perverted〕the assertion of a perverted patriotism. 扭曲的爱国主义主张柯林斯高阶〔perverted〕the assertion of a perverted patriotism扭曲的爱国主义主张外研社新世纪〔pinch〕buds that were pinched by the frost; a face that was pinched with grief. 被寒霜侵袭而枯萎的花蕾;因痛苦而扭曲的脸美国传统〔reality〕a distorted sense of reality 扭曲的现实感麦克米伦高阶〔terk〕thwart , from Old Norse thverr , transverse. Both a and b from Germanic *thwerh- , twisted, oblique. thwart , 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 thverr , transverse. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语 *thwerh- , 扭曲的, 斜的. 美国传统〔twisted〕a twisted shape.扭曲的形状。牛津同义词〔twisted〕a twisted tree trunk 扭曲的树干剑桥高阶〔undistorted〕sb.'s undistorted image 某人未被扭曲的形象英汉大词典〔warped〕a vicious criminal with a warped mind 心灵扭曲的凶残罪犯韦氏高阶〔warped〕a warped mind 扭曲的心灵牛津高阶〔warp〕a man whose whole character was warped by being bullied因受到欺凌整个性格发生扭曲的男人外研社新世纪〔wry〕a wry smile.面部扭曲的笑容。牛津同义词




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