

单词 徘徊
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔around〕a scruffy youth wandering around looking lost. 一个四处徘徊、貌似迷了路的邋遢青年柯林斯高阶〔beat〕beat the streets looking for work 徘徊街头寻找工作英汉大词典〔blunder along〕to blunder along life's pathway在人生道路上徘徊(或彷徨)着21世纪英汉〔crossroad〕stand [be] at the crossroads 徘徊歧路;面临抉择文馨英汉〔cruise〕a boy cruiseing the streets 徘徊于街头的男孩英汉大词典〔dark〕a shadowy figure in a black Homburg traversing the fogbound park. 头戴黑色翘边帽的神秘人在因浓雾而进退不能的公园来回徘徊 美国传统〔hover〕hovering around the speaker's podium.See Synonyms at flutter 在演讲台边徘徊 参见 flutter美国传统〔hover〕to hover about.徘徊。牛津同义词〔oscillate〕that perpetual oscillation between despair and distracted joy. 在绝望和心不在焉的欢乐之间永无休止的徘徊柯林斯高阶〔range〕roam about township 14, range 15 在第15方区的第14分区内徘徊英汉大词典〔wander〕wander a street 在街上徘徊英汉大词典




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