

单词 成日
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Germanic〕Of, relating to, or constituting the Germanic languages.日耳曼语的:属于、有关或构成日耳曼语言的美国传统〔Teutonize〕To make German; Germanize.日耳曼化:使成日耳曼;日耳曼化美国传统〔blot ... out〕The moon eclipsed the sun and blotted it out.月亮遮住太阳,形成日食。21世纪英汉〔ethnomethodology〕The branch of sociology that deals with the codes and conventions that underlie everyday social interactions and activities.人种方法学:研究涉及构成日常社会相互作用、相互影响和社会活动的基础的规则和惯例的社会学的一分支学科美国传统〔regime〕These regimes pose a grave and growing danger.这些政权构成日益严重的威胁。牛津搭配〔sun porch〕An enclosed porch designed as a sunroom.日光走道:围起的走道,设计成日光室美国传统He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen. 他想将美元换成日币。译典通The original completion date was over-ambitious, so we have had to delay the opening by six months.最初的完成日期要求太高了,因此我们不得不使开工推迟6个月。剑桥国际There's a lot of paranoia about crime at the moment.眼下人们对犯罪的发生成日惶惶不安。剑桥国际




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