

单词 成方形
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Eton jacket〕A waist-length black jacket that has wide lapels and is cut square at the hips.伊顿公学式短上衣:有宽阔翻领和在臀部裁剪成方形的齐腰长的黑色夹克美国传统〔beam〕A squared-off log or a large, oblong piece of timber, metal, or stone used especially as a horizontal support in construction.梁、栋梁:建筑中用作水平支撑的,多为切成方形的圆木或长方形木材、金属或石头美国传统〔pat〕She patted the dough into a square.她把面团拍成方形。韦氏高阶〔petit four〕A small, square-cut, frosted and decorated piece of pound cake or sponge cake.花色小蛋糕:一种切成方形的、盖有糖霜并带有装饰的小块镑饼或松糕美国传统〔quadrature〕The process of making something square.使某物成方形的过程美国传统〔slab〕An outside piece cut from a log when squaring it for lumber.背板:当把原木锯成方形木料时从原木外部砍下的一片美国传统〔squarely〕In a square shape.成方形地美国传统〔square〕I still need to square off the end of the board.我还得把这块板的末端削成方形。韦氏高阶〔square〕The dress was cut square at the neck.裙子的领口被剪裁成方形。外研社新世纪〔square〕The machine squares the wood into flat boards.机器把木料制成方形木板。韦氏高阶The rods are sharpened at one end and squared off at the other.棒子的一头被削尖,另一头被弄成方形。牛津商务




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