

单词 我是个
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bohemian〕I am a bohemian. I have no roots.我是个放荡不羁的人。我到处漂泊, 四海为家。外研社新世纪〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕They think I'm just a timid woman, but I'll show them they're wrong. 他们以为我是个胆小的女子,可我要让他们知道他们错了。朗文写作活用〔GAY〕As an out lesbian, I don't think my sexuality is any of your business. 我是个公开的女同性恋,我想我的性倾向与你无关。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕I'm a single mother, so I don't have much money. 我是个单身母亲,所以没有多少钱。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕They wouldn't let me play in the village under-12 team because I'm a girl. 他们不让我参加村里的12岁以下代表队,因为我是个女孩。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕I'm an incurable insomniac so I get a lot of my work done while the world sleeps. 我是个无可救药的失眠症患者,所以我的许多工作都是在大家都睡觉的时候干的。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕I said I enjoyed doing exams, and she looked at me as if I was crazy! 我说我喜欢考试,她就看着我,好像我是个疯子似的!朗文写作活用〔addict〕I'm a chocolate/shopping addict.我是个吃巧克力成瘾的人/购物狂。剑桥高阶〔ashamed〕I'm a lesbian and I'm not ashamed about it.我是个女同性恋,但我并不为此感到羞耻。柯林斯高阶〔as〕As I'm a pacifist, I'm against all wars.因为我是个和平主义者,我反对一切战争。韦氏高阶〔bad〕He accused me of being a bad mother.他指责我是个不合格的妈妈。外研社新世纪〔being〕Being a quiet sort of person, I didn't want to get involved.我是个喜欢清静的人,所以不想介入。朗文当代〔be〕I am a good boy, ain't I? 我是个好男孩,不是吗? 英汉大词典〔born〕I'm a Londoner, born and bred.我是个土生土长的伦敦人。牛津高阶〔call〕Are you calling me a liar? 你说我是个撒谎大王?麦克米伦高阶〔chatterbox〕I was a chatterbox at school.上学那会儿,我是个话痨。柯林斯高阶〔city〕I'm a city boy and wouldn't really know about living on the land.我是个城里男孩, 不太了解农村生活。外研社新世纪〔day-to-day〕I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day-to-day cooking.我是个素食主义者,日常烹饪时会用到很多小扁豆。柯林斯高阶〔devotee〕I'm a great devotee of jazz.我是个十足的爵士乐迷。牛津搭配〔dreamer〕I am a realist, but my sister is a dreamer.我是个现实主义者,但我姐姐是个空想家。韦氏高阶〔eternal〕I'm the eternal optimist.我是个永远乐观的人。麦克米伦高阶〔family man〕I am a family man with a mortgage.我是个有家室的男人,还有笔按揭款要偿付。柯林斯高阶〔family man〕I'm very much a family man and need to be close to those I love.我是个非常恋家的男人,必须生活在所爱的人身旁。柯林斯高阶〔fan〕I am a huge baseball fan.我是个超级棒球球迷。韦氏高阶〔fighting〕If I were a young man I would sooner go to prison than fight for this country.如果我是个年轻人,我宁愿进监狱也不愿为这个国家打仗。柯林斯高阶〔figure〕I just can't figure her out, she's a mystery to me .我简直摸不透她,她对我是个谜。英汉大词典〔fogy〕Maybe I'm just an old fogy, but I don't think this kind of music is appropriate for children.可能我是个老顽固,但我觉得这种音乐不适合孩子。韦氏高阶〔fuck sb off〕You speak to me as if I'm stupid and it really fucks me off.你那样跟我说话,就好像我是个蠢货,真把我气坏了。剑桥高阶〔fuddy-duddy〕They think I'm an old fuddy-duddy because I don't approve of tattoos.他们认为我是个老脑筋,因为我不赞成纹身。剑桥高阶〔gent〕I've always prided myself on being a perfect gent.我是个地道的绅士,并一向为此感到自豪。朗文当代〔god〕I am a man of God.我是个牧师。柯林斯高阶〔grossly〕I'm a factory worker who grossed £12,900 last year.我是个工厂工人,去年的总收入为12,900英镑。柯林斯高阶〔gross〕I'm a factory worker who grossed £9,900 last year.我是个工厂的工人, 去年税前收入9,900英镑。外研社新世纪〔grumpily〕Some folk think I'm a grumpy old man.有些人认为我是个性情暴躁的老头。柯林斯高阶〔hallucination〕Perhaps they think I'm a ghost, unreal, a hallucination, a trick of drugs or the night.也许他们认为我是个虚幻的鬼魂, 是个幻象, 是药物或黑夜引起的幻觉。外研社新世纪〔happily〕I'm a happily married man.我是个快乐的已婚男人。朗文当代〔have no use for〕I'm a logical person. I have no use for sentimentality.我是个理智的人,不喜欢多愁善感。韦氏高阶〔hint〕He hinted broadly (vaguely) that I was a fool.他清楚地(隐约地)暗示说我是个傻瓜。英汉大词典〔hopeless〕I'm a hopeless cook.我是个糟糕的厨师。朗文当代〔idiot〕She called me an idiot.她骂我是个白痴。牛津搭配〔if I say so myself〕I'm a pretty good golfer, if I say so myself.如果要我自己说的话,我是个非常不错的高尔夫球手。韦氏高阶〔inanimate〕He looks at me as if I'm an inanimate object.他看着我的样子好像我是个没有生命的物体。剑桥高阶〔inept〕I was a hopelessly inept student.我是个笨得无可救药的学生。麦克米伦高阶〔insanely〕I'm an insanely optimistic pro-European.我是个极度乐观的亲欧盟派。外研社新世纪〔junior〕I am a very junior person.我是个地位极低的小人物。英汉大词典〔loner〕I'm very much a loner: I never go out.我是个喜欢独处的人:我从不外出。外研社新世纪〔long〕I'm an active person who can't sit down for long.我是个好动的人, 不太能坐得住。外研社新世纪〔loony〕At first they all thought I was a loony.一开始他们都以为我是个疯子。柯林斯高阶〔lousy〕I was a lousy secretary.我是个不称职的秘书。柯林斯高阶〔lucky〕Luckily, I am a good swimmer.幸好我是个游泳好手。牛津高阶〔maybe〕OK, maybe I am a failure, but, in my opinion, no more than the rest of this country.好吧, 也许我是个失败者, 不过在我看来, 这个国家里的其他人也不比我成功到哪里去。外研社新世纪〔means〕I wouldn't say I was an expert, not by any means.我不敢说我是个专家,绝对不是。麦克米伦高阶〔mess〕Honey, I'm a mess.亲爱的,我是个杂乱无章的人。英汉大词典〔middlebrow〕I was uncompromisingly middlebrow.我是个无可救药的俗人。外研社新世纪〔misfit〕I was a bit of a social misfit at college because I didn't like going out at night.大学时我是个有些不合群的人,因为我不喜欢晚上外出参加社交活动。剑桥高阶〔music〕I have no music in myself.我是个音乐盲。英汉大词典〔neck〕I have a reputation as someone who'll stick his neck out, a bit of a rebel.我是个出了名的快言快语的人, 有些叛逆。外研社新世纪〔nerve〕I can't believe she had the nerve to call me a liar.我不敢相信她竟厚颜无耻地说我是个骗子。韦氏高阶〔nobody〕I was a nothing and a nobody with everything to prove.各方面都可以证明我是个无名小卒。朗文当代〔one-liner〕His forte was the one-liner: 'I'm so henpecked I cackle in my sleep.'他很擅长讲俏皮话:“我是个‘妻管严’, 梦里都怕老婆。”外研社新世纪〔orphan〕I'm an orphan and pretty much grew up on my own.我是个孤儿, 差不多是独自长大的。外研社新世纪〔orphan〕I'm an orphan and pretty much grew up on my own.我是个孤儿,差不多是靠自己长大的。柯林斯高阶〔outdoor〕I like it here. I'm an outdoor man.我喜欢这里, 我是个户外运动爱好者。外研社新世纪〔outsider〕I'm an outsider, the only foreign woman in the group.我是个外人,是这帮人里唯一的外国女人。朗文当代〔raise〕I was born and raised a city boy.我是个在都市里成长的男孩子。牛津高阶〔realist〕I'm a realist - I knew there was no way I could win, so I swam for a good finish, for points.我是个现实主义者——我知道我根本赢不了,所以我只想着尽可能快地游到终点,拿到积分。剑桥高阶〔realist〕I'm a realist—I know you can't change people overnight.我是个务实的人,我知道人不可能一夜之间被改变。牛津高阶〔results〕I'm a workaholic who gets results.我是个事业有成的工作狂。外研社新世纪〔screwball〕He must think I'm a screwball.他一定觉得我是个怪人。外研社新世纪〔small〕I'm a conservative with a small ‘c'.我是个温和的保守派。麦克米伦高阶〔sore〕He accused me of being a sore loser (= someone who does not accept defeat well).他说我是个输不起的人。剑桥高阶〔spinner〕I am a spinner of long yarns.我是个讲起故事来没有完的人。英汉大词典〔spotter〕I was a devoted train spotter.我是个酷爱看火车的人。柯林斯高阶〔take〕Do you take me for an idiot?你以为我是个傻瓜吗?外研社新世纪〔territory〕I'm a cop – getting shot at goes with the territory.我是个警察 — 遭到枪击是难免的。朗文当代〔theatre-goer〕I'm a keen theatre-goer.我是个戏迷。柯林斯高阶〔tone〕I'm a cheery sort of person, so I like cheerful tones.我是个活泼类型的人,因此喜欢明亮的色调。柯林斯高阶〔try〕I am a very active and adventurous individual who will try anything once.我是个积极进取又爱冒险的人, 任何事都要试一试。外研社新世纪〔turn〕His hair turned gray. I am a lawyer turned novelist.他的头发变得花白了。我是个从律师改业的小说家美国传统〔voracious〕I'm a voracious reader.我是个如饥似渴的读者。韦氏高阶〔want〕I'm a busy woman, what do you want? 我是个很忙的人,你有什么事?麦克米伦高阶As a greenhorn journalist, I made a lot of mistakes.当我是个没有经验的记者时犯了许多错误。剑桥国际Don't ask me to sing -- I'm tone-deaf! 别叫我唱歌----我是个音盲!剑桥国际For years I was an alcoholic, but I reformed when the doctors gave me six months to live.多年来我是个酗酒者,但医生说我只能再活六个月后我戒酒了。剑桥国际He said I was a half-caste, but I just ignored him.他说我是个混血儿,但我不理睬他就是了。剑桥国际I am a college student. 我是个大学生。译典通I climbed (up) that tree once when I was a kid.我是个孩子时曾爬过那棵树。剑桥国际I was an only child so I got a lot of attention from my parents.我是个独生子女,所以我得到了父母大量的关注。剑桥国际I wouldn't say I was a non-believer, but I don't have any burning religious convictions.我不会说我是个无信仰者,但我没有任何狂热的宗教信仰。剑桥国际I'm a gardener-cum-handyman.我是个园丁兼修补工。剑桥国际I'm a light sleeper --the slightest noise wakes me.我是个浅睡者----最轻微的声音也会吵醒我。剑桥国际I'm a realist -- I knew there was no way I could win, so I swam for a good finish, for points.我是个现实主义者----我知道我没有希望获胜,故此我游到终点,得几分。剑桥国际I'm a social drinker--I only ever drink when I'm in company.我是个有朋相聚欢饮者----我只在社交场合喝酒。剑桥国际I'm a terrible correspondent--I never seem to get the time to write.我是个糟糕的写信者----我好像从来就没空写信。剑桥国际I'm a vegetarian, so I eat a lot of cheese and eggs for protein.我是个素食主义者,所以我吃很多的奶酪和鸡蛋以补充蛋白质。剑桥国际I'm a very keen coffee-drinker.我是个非常爱喝咖啡的人。剑桥国际I'm an honest sort of a feller --I tend to say what I think.我是个老实人----我怎么想就怎么说。剑桥国际I've never driven a car before--I'm a complete novice.我以前从没开过车----我是个完完全全的生手。剑桥国际We used to go camping in Spain when I was a child.当我是个小孩时,我们常到西班牙露营。剑桥国际When I was a student I spent a lot of time tripping out on LSD.我是个学生时,很多时间我都用来服用致幻药从而产生幻觉。剑桥国际




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