

单词 我年轻时
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHILD〕More girls play sports now than when I was younger. 和我年轻时相比,现在较多女孩子进行体育运动。朗文写作活用〔DON'T CARE〕I used to worry a lot about my weight when I was young, but now I'm past caring. 我年轻时经常为体重担心,不过现在无所谓了。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕The London of the new millennium bears little resemblance to the London of my youth. 新千年的伦敦与我年轻时代的伦敦相比,已无甚相似之处。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕I looked down at the town, as I had done so many times as a young man, and remembered the people I had known there. 我俯瞰着小镇,像我年轻时常常做的一样,想起了以前在那里认识的人。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕When I was young, I wanted to be a writer. 我年轻时想成为作家。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕When I was younger, I used to play a lot of baseball. 我年轻时常常打棒球。朗文写作活用〔ambition〕When I was young I never had any ambition.我年轻时从未有过什么雄心壮志。外研社新世纪〔back〕In my youth we didn't have a toilet in the house but there was one out back.我年轻时屋里没有卫生间,不过屋子后面有一个。韦氏高阶〔bind〕In my youth my father bound me to a blacksmith.在我年轻时我父亲立契让我给一名铁匠当学徒。21世纪英汉〔bit〕I used to act a bit when I was younger.我年轻时演过一点戏。朗文当代〔could〕When I was younger I could run fast, but I can't run fast now.我年轻时能跑得很快,但现在不行了。韦氏高阶〔could〕When I was younger I could stay up all night and not get tired.我年轻时,一通宵不睡觉都不觉得累。剑桥高阶〔day〕In my day, there were plenty of jobs when you left school.我年轻时,毕业后就业机会很多。牛津高阶〔day〕Much has changed since the days of my youth.和我年轻时相比已经有了很大变化。牛津搭配〔dream of〕When I was young I dreamed of becoming a scientist.我年轻时渴望成为一名科学家。21世纪英汉〔hang around (somewhere)〕I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin.我年轻时多半时间都泡在都柏林的酒吧里。剑桥高阶〔nerve〕In my younger days I used to do a lot of climbing,but I haven't the nerve for it now.我年轻时常常爬山,可现在没有这样的胆量了。英汉大词典〔owl〕I was a night owl when I was younger, but these days I'd rather go to bed early.我年轻时是个夜猫子,近来却更愿早早就寝。牛津搭配〔promiscuous〕I suppose I was quite promiscuous in my youth.我想我年轻时生活很放荡。剑桥高阶〔radical〕When I was young, I was more politically radical.我年轻时在政治上更为激进。牛津搭配〔taken〕I was quite taken with him when I was young.我年轻时被他深深吸引住了。柯林斯高阶〔unhappiness〕There was a lot of unhappiness in my youth.我年轻时经历过很多不如意的事。外研社新世纪〔yo-yo〕When I was young my weight yo-yoed between 140 and 190 pounds.我年轻时体重在 140 到 190 磅之间忽上忽下。牛津高阶〔young man〕As a young man I was very shy.我年轻时很害羞。外研社新世纪〔young〕When I was young , I wanted to be a model.我年轻时想当模特儿。朗文当代〔youth〕I was a fairly good football player in my youth.我年轻时是个相当不错的足球运动员。剑桥高阶〔youth〕In my youth I wanted to be an inventor.我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。外研社新世纪〔youth〕In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。柯林斯高阶I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin.我年轻时大部分时间都泡在都柏林的酒吧里。剑桥国际I used to act out of blind impulse when I was young. 我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。译典通I was a really faddy eater when I was young.我年轻时十分挑食。剑桥国际When I was young I kept a scrapbook and put train tickets and postcards from all our family trips in it.在我年轻时我收藏一本剪贴簿,上面有我们全家旅游的火车票和明信片。剑桥国际When I was younger, I thought nothing of cycling 50 miles in a day.当我年轻时,我觉得一天骑50哩自行车算不了什么。剑桥国际




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