

单词 感到兴奋
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPY〕She was thrilled to have her picture taken with Mel Gibson. 她与梅尔·吉布森合照,感到兴奋莫名。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕New York has always been an exciting and stimulating place to be. 纽约一直是令人感到兴奋刺激的地方。朗文写作活用〔atwitter〕She was atwitter at the prospect of meeting the king.预期谒见国王,她感到兴奋。文馨英汉〔begin〕Now we were beginning to feel excited.现在我们开始感到兴奋不已。麦克米伦高阶〔buzz〕I get a buzz out of public speaking.在公共场合演讲让我感到兴奋。剑桥高阶〔city〕The whole city was excited about the football game.全市居民都对这场橄榄球赛感到兴奋。韦氏高阶〔communicate〕If you're excited about the product, your enthusiasm will communicate itself to customers.如果你对这个产品感到兴奋,你的热情便会感染顾客。韦氏高阶〔excited〕The children were excited about opening their presents.孩子们对打开礼物感到兴奋不已。牛津高阶〔excited〕They were excited about/over the trip.他们对此次旅行感到兴奋。韦氏高阶〔excitement〕She could feel the excitement coursing through her veins.她能感到兴奋感流遍全身。牛津搭配〔exhilarate〕Speed had always exhilarated him.速度总让他感到兴奋。牛津高阶〔flushed〕Grace was flushed with the success of the venture.格雷斯为冒险成功而感到兴奋。柯林斯高阶〔flush〕I feel [have] a flush of excitement [anger].我突然感到兴奋[愤怒]。文馨英汉〔heady〕I felt heady and euphoric.我感到兴奋而愉快。外研社新世纪〔lyrical〕She was lyrical over her new car.她对她的新车感到兴奋。文馨英汉〔thrilled〕He just thoroughly enjoyed reading it with me and was thrilled to bits that it was his very own story.他非常喜欢和我一起读这个故事,而且因为描写的正是他自己而感到兴奋不已。柯林斯高阶〔thrilled〕Sue and John were especially thrilled with this award.休和约翰对于获得这个奖项感到兴奋不已。柯林斯高阶〔thrill〕It gave me a big thrill to meet my favourite author in person.能见到我最喜欢的作者本人使我感到兴奋不已。牛津高阶〔thrill〕So why do people still go hunting - is it the thrill of the chase? 那么为什么人们还去打猎——是不是因为追捕猎物让人感到兴奋刺激?剑桥高阶〔throb〕She throbbed at the happy thought.这个美妙的想法让她感到兴奋。21世纪英汉〔tingle〕The music sent tingles up and down my spine.音乐让我浑身上下都感到兴奋。韦氏高阶〔turn-on〕The smell of leather on a man is a real turn-on.男人身上散发出的皮革味的确让人感到兴奋。剑桥高阶〔underwhelmed〕He was underwhelmed by the prospect of meeting the Queen.他对即将见到女王一事并不感到兴奋。外研社新世纪Do you feel stimulated by your work? 你的工作让你感到兴奋吗?牛津商务During the election campaign Roberta Smith barnstormed the country, thrilling audiences with her speeches.在竞选过程中罗伯塔·史密斯在全国各地四处游说,她的演讲使听众感到兴奋。剑桥国际His adventure stories never fail to stir the blood.他的冒险故事总是令人感到兴奋。剑桥国际John was excited by the prospect of owning his own boat. 约翰因将拥有自己的船而感到兴奋。译典通The visiting circus was an excitement to every child in town. 马戏团的到来使镇上每个孩子都感到兴奋。译典通We felt an animation about the ambitious plan. 我们对此宏伟规划感到兴奋。译典通




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