

单词 感到不适
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕If you do feel hunger pangs, nibble on carrot, celery, or cucumber sticks. 如果你饿得感到不适,就吃点胡萝卜条、芹莱条或黄瓜条。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕New Year's Eve revellers fell sick after drinking an orange liquid at a downtown ‘rave’ party. 除夕的狂欢者在城里的一个“狂欢聚会”上喝了一种橙色饮料后感到不适。朗文写作活用〔agree〕Stop taking the medicine if it doesn't agree with you.如果对药物感到不适,即停止服用。麦克米伦高阶〔any〕Introduce foods one at a time and notice if you feel uncomfortable with any of them.一次加进一种食物,注意是否有哪一种令你感到不适。柯林斯高阶〔bad〕He was taken bad while working.他在工作时感到不适。文馨英汉〔chemically〕Dry cleaning can be a source of trouble for chemically susceptible persons.干洗可能会是化学敏感人群感到不适的原因之一。外研社新世纪〔disturbing〕The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.以下节目可能会有一些使某些观众感到不适的场景。剑桥高阶〔ill〕We both started to feel ill shortly after the meal.我们俩饭后不久就都开始感到不适。牛津高阶〔malaise〕She felt (a certain) malaise.她感到不适。文馨英汉〔poorly〕I'm feeling poorly today.我今天感到不适。文馨英汉〔slide〕She hasn't been feeling well lately and she let the housework slide.她近来一直感到不适,对家务也就随它去算了。英汉大词典〔turn〕After the accident I started having funny turns.事故后我开始时不时地感到不适。剑桥高阶〔unwell〕He felt unwell as he was being driven back to his office.他被用车送回办公室, 一路上感到不适。外研社新世纪〔upset〕The foreign food upset him (his stomach).异国食品使他(他的胃)感到不适。英汉大词典〔worse〕They are none the worse for the fifteen-hour journey.15个小时的旅程没有让他们感到不适。外研社新世纪I'm not surprised you feel sick after guzzling three ice-creams! 我并不惊奇你在狂吃三块冰淇淋之后感到不适。剑桥国际She had a shrill high-pitched voice that quickly became irritating.她的声音高得刺耳,很快让人感到不适。剑桥国际She wasn't feeling well, so she went home (= left where she was and travelled to her home) early.她感到不适,早早地回家了。剑桥国际




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