

单词 感光
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Polaroid〕Polaroid film is very sensitive.宝丽来胶卷感光性非常强。外研社新世纪〔Polaroid〕Polaroid film is very sensitive.宝丽来胶卷感光性非常强。柯林斯高阶〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕The street lights have a light sensor that makes them automatically go out at dawn. 路灯上装有感光器,黎明时分自动熄灭。朗文写作活用〔carbon process〕A photographic printing process using permanent pigments, such as carbon, contained in a sensitized tissue or film of gelatin.碳素印像法:一种照片的晒印过程,使用包含在易于感光的材料或照像胶片里的如碳等永久性染料美国传统〔cassette〕A lightproof cartridge containing photographic film or plates, used in specially designed cameras.暗匣:装有摄影胶卷或感光板的防光胶卷盒,用在特殊设计的照相机中美国传统〔chemistry〕This new photographic paper has its chemistry built in.这种新型感光纸内含处理时所需的各种化学药品。英汉大词典〔contact print〕A print made by exposing a photosensitive surface in direct contact with a photographic negative.接触印相照片:将感光纸与底片紧密连接在一起并通过光晒印成的照片美国传统〔cyanine〕Any of various blue dyes, used to sensitize photographic emulsions to a greater range of light.菁,花青:一种蓝色染料,用来使摄影用的感光乳胶容易感光来扩大其感光范围美国传统〔daguerreotype〕An early photographic process with the image made on a light-sensitive silver-coated metallic plate.达盖尔银版照相法:早期的照相术,把像照在易感光的镀银金属版上美国传统〔densitometer〕An apparatus for measuring the optical density of a material, such as a photographic negative.(光)密度计:测量材料,例如相片感光纸光密度的器械美国传统〔density〕The degree of optical opacity of a medium or material, as of a photographic negative.不透光度:一定介质或材料(例如照相感光纸)的不透光程度美国传统〔desensitize〕To make (a photographic film or substance) less sensitive to light.减低感光性:降低(照相底片)对光的敏感性美国传统〔developer〕A chemical used to render visible the image recorded on a photosensitive surface.显影剂:用于使记录在感光纸上的图象可见的化学物质美国传统〔emulsion〕A photosensitive coating, usually of silver halide grains in a thin gelatin layer, on photographic film, paper, or glass.感光乳剂:一种感光覆盖层,通常是银的卤化物颗粒在感光胶片、纸或玻璃上的一薄层胶体美国传统〔exposure〕A photographic plate or a piece of film so exposed.软片:感光照片底片或电影胶片美国传统〔exposure〕The act of exposing sensitized photographic film or plate.曝光:感光胶片或底片的曝光的行为美国传统〔exposure〕The amount of radiant energy needed to expose a photographic film.曝光量:感光胶片上曝光所需的辐射能的总量美国传统〔eyespot〕A simple visual organ of certain invertebrates consisting of a sensory ending covered by light-sensitive, pigmented cells.眼点:某个无脊椎动物的一个简单的视觉器官,由覆盖着感光的色素细胞的感觉末梢组成美国传统〔eyespot〕A small, light-sensitive patch of pigment in certain algae and unicellular organisms.眼点:某种藻类和单细胞体中的小形感光的色素体美国传统〔eye〕A photosensitive device, such as a photoelectric cell.感光装置(如光电管)美国传统〔fast〕A slow film needs more exposure than a fast film to capture an image.相对于感光快的胶片, 感光慢的胶片需要更长时间的曝光才能捕捉影像。外研社新世纪〔film〕Fast film is best for action shots.快速感光胶片最适合拍动作摄影。牛津搭配〔hologram〕The pattern produced on a photosensitive medium that has been exposed by holography and then photographically developed.全息图,综合衍射图:在感光材料上得到的图案,用全息照相术曝光,然后再用摄影术冲洗美国传统〔light-struck〕Fogged by accidental exposure. Used of photosensitive materials.漏过光的:因意外曝光而使(底片)形成雾翳。用来指感光材料美国传统〔load〕She loaded her camera with high-speed film.她给相机装上高速感光胶片。外研社新世纪〔mask〕An opaque border or pattern placed between a source of light and a photosensitive surface to prevent exposure of specified portions of the surface.遮光板:置于光源与感光性表面之间的、防止表面特定部分曝光的边或图形美国传统〔microdensitometer〕An extremely sensitive densitometer used to detect on a film or photographic plate spectrum lines too faint to be seen by the human eye.显微光密度计;测微密度计:一种极其敏感的密度计,用以测定电影或摄影感光版中人眼看不到的微弱光谱线美国传统〔mosaic〕A photosensitive surface, as in the iconoscope of a television camera.感光面: 一种感光面,如电子照像机中的光电摄影管上的感光面美国传统〔negative〕A film, plate, or other photographic material containing such an image.底片:含有这样一种映像的电影、感光板或其它摄影原料美国传统〔nuclear emulsion〕Any of several photographic emulsions used to detect and visually display the paths of charged subatomic particles, especially of charged cosmic ray particles.核乳胶:照片的感光乳剂,用于侦测并形象地显示带电亚原子微粒,尤指带电宇宙射线微粒的路径美国传统〔optical character recognition〕The use of light-sensitive devices to identify and encode printed or handwritten characters.光学字符识别:采用感光设备识别或编码打印字符、手写字符美国传统〔orthochromatic〕Of or relating to a film, plate, or emulsion that is sensitive to all colors except red and renders red as dark gray and blue and green as light gray.正色底片:属于或关于对除了红色外所有颜色敏感并能将红色变成深灰色、蓝色和绿色变成浅灰色的胶片、胶盘或感光乳胶的美国传统〔overdevelop〕To process (a photographic plate or film) too long or in too concentrated a solution.使显影过度:处理(摄影用感光板或胶卷)所用时间太长或所用显影液浓度太高美国传统〔photic〕Penetrated by or receiving light.透光的;感光的,受光的美国传统〔photoactive〕Capable of responding to sunlight or ultraviolet radiation by chemical reaction.能经化学反应感光的:能通过化学反应对阳光或紫外线辐射反应的美国传统〔photogram〕An image produced without a camera by placing an object in contact with film or photosensitive paper and exposing it to light.黑影照片:不用照相机,通过将物体和胶卷或感光纸接触并暴光而产生的图像美国传统〔photography〕The art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.摄影:在感光表面产生物体影像的技术或过程美国传统〔photograph〕An image, especially a positive print, recorded by a camera and reproduced on a photosensitive surface.照片,相片:由照相机摄下并在一感光表面复制出来的影像,尤指正片印出的影像美国传统〔photoreceptor〕A nerve ending, cell, or group of cells specialized to sense or receive light.光感受器,感光器:专门用来感受或接收光的神经末梢、细胞或细胞群美国传统〔photosensitive〕Sensitive or responsive to light or other radiant energy.光敏的,感光的:对光线或其它光源敏感的或有感应的美国传统〔photosensitivity〕Sensitivity or responsiveness to light.感光性:对光的敏感和感应性美国传统〔photosensitization〕The act or process of inducing photosensitivity.光敏作用:引起感光性的活动或过程美国传统〔photosensitize〕To make (an organism, a cell, or a substance) photosensitive.使感光:使(有机物、细胞或物质)感光的美国传统〔phototransistor〕A transistor having highly photosensitive electrical characteristics.光电晶体管:具有极强的感光电动特点的晶体管美国传统〔phototube〕An electron tube with a photosensitive cathode.光电管:具有感光的阴极电子管美国传统〔plate〕Abbr. pl.Photography A light-sensitive sheet of glass or metal on which a photographic image can be recorded.缩写 pl.【摄影术】 感光版:在其上能记录摄影图像的一片感光玻璃或金属美国传统〔potassium bromide〕A white crystalline solid or powder, KBr, used as a sedative, in photographic emulsion, and in lithography.溴化钾:白色晶体状固体或粉末,KBr,用作镇静剂、照相用感光乳剂中,及用于石板印刷术中美国传统〔print〕To produce a photographic image from (a negative, for example) by passing light through film onto a photosensitive surface, especially sensitized paper.翻印:通过使光线穿过胶片投射到感光板,尤指感光照相纸上,从而晒制出(底片上的)图象美国传统〔retina〕A delicate, multilayered, light-sensitive membrane lining the inner eyeball and connected by the optic nerve to the brain.视网膜:衬于内眼球的精细、多层、能感光的膜,并通过视神经连接大脑美国传统〔réseau〕Astronomy A reference grid of fine lines forming uniform squares on a photographic plate or print, used to aid in measurement.【天文学】 网格:照相的感光板或照片上的由细线形成均匀方格供参考用的网格,用于协助测量美国传统〔safelight〕A lamp having one or more color filters allowing moderate darkroom illumination without affecting photosensitive film or paper.安全灯:有一个或多个颜色滤光器的灯,能够保证暗室内照明适中而不致于影响感光的胶卷或纸板美国传统〔sensitivity〕The degree of response of a plate or film to light, especially to light of a specified wavelength.感光度:感光板或肢片对光的反应程度,尤指对特殊波长的光美国传统〔sensitize〕To make (a film or plate) sensitive to light, especially to light of a specific wavelength.便敏化:使(胶片或感光板)对光,尤指一定波长的光,敏感美国传统〔sensitometer〕A device used for measuring the sensitivity of photographic film to light.曝光表:用于测量摄影用的胶片对光的感光度的设备美国传统〔sensitometer〕A similar device for measuring the sensitivity of eyes to light.感光计:测量眼睛对光的感光度的相似的设备美国传统〔silver chloride〕A white granular powder, AgCl, that turns dark on exposure to light and is used in photographic emulsions, photometry, and silver plating.氯化银:一种白色颗粒状粉末AgCl,见光后变黑,用作照相时的感光乳剂、测光和镀银美国传统〔silver〕A silver salt, especially silver nitrate, used to sensitize paper.银盐,硝酸银:一种银酸盐,尤指硝酸银,用于使纸感光美国传统〔smooth〕This paper is smooth to the touch.这种纸张手感光滑。英汉大词典〔speed〕A numerical expression of the sensitivity of a photographic film, plate, or paper to light.感光度:照相底片、底板或纸对光的敏感度的数字表示美国传统An emulsion of very small grains of silver bromide and gelatin is used to make the surface of photographic film sensitive to light.溴化银的细小颗粒和明胶的混合物被用来使摄影胶卷的表面具有感光性。剑桥国际I need some sensitive paper. 我需要一些感光纸。译典通Photographs of the meteor shower can be taken by using a fast film and leaving the shutter open for several minutes.拍摄流星雨照片时可以使用快速感光胶片,并让快门打开数分钟。剑桥国际You can ask the photographer for some emulsion. 你可以找摄影师要点感光乳剂。译典通




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