

单词 恶魔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Algol〕A double, eclipsing variable star in the constellation Perseus, almost as bright as Polaris.大陵五,英仙座β星,恶魔星:英仙座的双星,几乎与北极星一样明亮美国传统〔Azazel〕Bible In the Old Testament, the evil spirit in the wilderness to whom a scapegoat was sent on the Day of Atonement.【圣经】 阿撒泻勒:在《旧约全书》中,荒野中的恶魔,赎罪日那一天会给其送去替罪羊美国传统〔BAD〕A monster like that should not be allowed to live! 这样的恶魔是不该让他活着的。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕He argued that unless these monsters were put in prison immediately, they would continue to terrorize the public. 他认为除非立刻把这些恶魔关进监狱,否则他们会继续让公众生活在恐惧之中。朗文写作活用〔Beelzebub〕An evil spirit; a demon.邪恶的幽灵;恶魔美国传统〔Eblis〕The principal evil spirit or devil of Islamic mythology.埃不里斯魔王:伊斯兰神话中的恶魔头或魔鬼美国传统〔JOKE〕Braden jokingly refers to her daughter as ‘the demon.’ 布雷登戏称她的女儿为“恶魔”。朗文写作活用〔Mary Magdalene〕In the New Testament, a woman whom Jesus cured of evil spirits. She is also identified with the repentent prostitute who washed the feet of Jesus.(抹大拉的)玛丽亚:新约圣经所记,耶稣曾逐出她身上的恶魔。她同时也是为耶稣洗足的忏悔的妓女美国传统〔Satanism〕The worship of Satan characterized by a travesty of the Christian rites.恶魔主义:以对清教仪式的曲解为特征的魔鬼崇拜美国传统〔Satan〕The profoundly evil adversary of God and humanity, often identified with the leader of the fallen angels; the Devil.撒旦:上帝和人类邪恶的敌人,通常被认为是堕落天使的领袖;恶魔美国传统〔afreet〕A powerful evil spirit or gigantic and monstrous demon in Arabic mythology.恶魔:阿拉伯神话中的威力无穷的恶魔,巨大而丑陋的神美国传统〔charm〕An item worn for its supposed magical benefit, as in warding off evil; an amulet.驱邪符,护身符:随身戴的被认为有魔法的物件,如在避开恶魔中;护身符美国传统〔cloven hoof〕Evil or Satan, often depicted as a figure with cleft hoofs.恶魔标志:魔鬼或撒旦,通常用分开的蹄子的图形来描述美国传统〔cloven-hoofed〕Satanic; devilish.恶魔的:恶魔的;可怕的美国传统〔crescendo〕She spoke in a crescendo: 'You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!'.她嗓门越来越高:“你这个坏女孩!你这个邪恶的女孩!你这个恶魔!”外研社新世纪〔demonic〕Befitting a demon; fiendish.恶魔般的:适合作魔鬼的;魔鬼似的美国传统〔demonology〕The study of demons.鬼魔学:对恶魔的研究美国传统〔demon〕An evil supernatural being; a devil.恶魔:罪恶的超自然的人物;魔鬼美国传统〔demon〕He was seen as a demon, determined to hand the country over to the reactionaries.他被看成一个执意要将国家交给反动分子的恶魔。柯林斯高阶〔demon〕She's had to battle her personal demons throughout her adult life.她整个成年时期都在与心里的恶魔作战。牛津搭配〔demon〕The demon of alcohol haunted him his entire life.他的一生为酒这个恶魔所缠扰。英汉大词典〔devil〕A subordinate evil spirit; a demon.恶魔:从属的邪恶灵魂;恶魔美国传统〔diablerie〕Devilish conduct; deviltry.恶魔般的行径;妖术美国传统〔diabolical〕Appropriate to a devil, especially in degree of wickedness or cruelty.恶魔似的:恶魔一般的…,尤指刻毒的或残忍的程度美国传统〔diabolical〕Of, concerning, or characteristic of the devil; satanic.恶魔的:恶魔的,关于恶魔的,有恶魔性质的;穷凶极恶的美国传统〔diabolism〕Dealings with or worship of the devil or demons; sorcery.信魔;着魔:魔鬼或恶魔的涉及或崇拜;巫术美国传统〔diabolism〕Devilish conduct or character.恶行:恶魔的行径或恶德美国传统〔diabolize〕To cause to be devilish or diabolical.使成恶魔美国传统〔diabolize〕To represent as diabolical.描述成恶魔,象恶魔一样美国传统〔dickens〕The dickens! 恶魔!畜生!文馨英汉〔diseased〕Gardner describes the book as 'the product of a diseased and evil mind'.加德纳称这本书为“一个病态恶魔的作品”。柯林斯高阶〔evil〕I think this is an evil spirit at work.我认为这是恶魔在作祟。柯林斯高阶〔evil〕In times of crisis special processions were staged to frighten away evil powers.在危难时刻要念特殊的列队行进祈祷文以驱除恶魔。外研社新世纪〔exorcise〕To expel (an evil spirit) by or as if by incantation, command, or prayer.驱赶:用念咒、命令或祈祷的方法驱走(恶魔),或采用类似的方法美国传统〔fiendishly〕Fiendishly laughing, they insisted on coming too.他们像恶魔似地狞笑。一直坚持他们也要来。文馨英汉〔fiendish〕Of, relating to, or suggestive of a fiend; diabolical.恶魔的:恶魔的,与恶魔有关的令人想起恶魔的;恶魔的美国传统〔fiend〕A tearful husband repeated calls for help in catching the fiend who battered his wife.泪流满面的丈夫不断呼喊求助,想抓到摧残他妻子的恶魔。柯林斯高阶〔fiend〕An evil spirit; a demon.恶魔;妖怪美国传统〔fiend〕He was portrayed in the media as a complete fiend.他被媒体描绘成了一个十足的恶魔。剑桥高阶〔genius〕The film was about an evil genius who wanted to control the world.那部电影讲的是一个想要控制全世界的恶魔的故事。剑桥高阶〔ghost〕A demon or spirit.恶魔,灵魂美国传统〔hellhound〕A devilish person; a fiend.恶魔:穷凶极恶之人;恶魔美国传统〔hellish〕Of, resembling, or worthy of hell; fiendish.地狱般的,恶魔似的:地狱的,地狱般的,与地狱相称的;恶魔般的美国传统〔invoke〕She whispered, as though invoking the Devil.她低声咕哝着, 好像在召唤恶魔。外研社新世纪〔monster〕He is an evil monster and should never be allowed out of prison.他是个恶魔, 应该把他关在监狱里一辈子。外研社新世纪〔monster〕He's a heartless, unfeeling monster.他是一个残酷无情的恶魔。麦克米伦高阶〔monster〕His father was a monster who punished his children for no reason.他父亲是个恶魔,无缘无故就惩罚孩子。韦氏高阶〔monster〕Only a monster could kill all those women.只有恶魔才会把那些妇女都杀死。朗文当代〔monster〕You don't want to work for that monster.你是不愿意给那个恶魔干活的。韦氏高阶〔ogre〕Her father sounded like a real ogre.她父亲的口气听上去像个十足的恶魔。朗文当代〔ogre〕My boss is a real ogre.我的上司是个十足的恶魔。牛津高阶〔ogre〕Some of my teachers were real ogres.我的一些老师是十足的恶魔。剑桥高阶〔ogre〕The book portrays their father as an ogre who mistreated them.这本书把他们的父亲描写成一个虐待孩子的恶魔。韦氏高阶〔polarization〕The green debate tends to polarise into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps.有关环保的辩论往往会分化成“科学是救星”和“科学是恶魔”两个阵营。柯林斯高阶〔polarize〕The green debate tends to polarize into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps.有关环保的辩论往往会分化成“科学是救星”和“科学是恶魔”两个阵营。外研社新世纪〔satanic〕Relating to or suggestive of Satan or evil.恶魔的:与恶魔或邪恶有关的或令人联想到它的美国传统〔satanic〕The candlelight showed his satanic features.烛光照出他那恶魔般的嘴脸。英汉大词典〔spawn〕He looked at me as if I was a spawn of Satan because I was smoking a cigarette.他看着我的样子,仿佛是看到了恶魔一般,就因为我抽烟。剑桥高阶〔thing〕She was a monster. For one thing, she really enjoyed cruelty.她是个恶魔。一方面,她确实以残忍为乐。柯林斯高阶〔white magic〕Magic or incantation practiced for good purposes or as a counter to evil.白魔法:为了良好的目的或作为反恶魔而实施采用的魔术或巫术美国传统〔witches' Sabbath〕A meeting of witches, supposed by medieval Christians to be a demonic orgy.魔宴:巫师的聚会,中世纪基督徒认为是恶魔的神秘祭神仪式美国传统〔wizardry〕The Lord of the Rings is a story of monsters, heroes, and wizardry.《指环王》是一个有关恶魔、英雄和法术的故事。韦氏高阶He had a demonic (= cruel) gleam in his eye.他的眼里流露出恶魔般的凶光。剑桥国际I don't know what kind of demon got into me that made me be so unkind.我不知道什么恶魔附身,让我这么狠心。剑桥国际In the story of Sleeping Beauty, the good fairies give the baby the gifts of beauty and goodness and the wicked fairy casts an evil spell on her.在《睡美人》的故事里,好仙女送给婴儿的礼物是美貌和善良,恶魔女却对她施了邪恶的魔法。剑桥国际The film was about an evil genius who wanted to control the world.这部电影讲的是一个恶魔似的人物想统治世界的事。剑桥国际The most influential work of demonology is the ‘Hammer of the Witches’ by Kramer and Sprenger, which was published at Cologne in 1484.恶魔学中最有影响的著作是克雷默与施普兰格所作的《巫婆的锤子》,于1484年在科隆出版。剑桥国际The ruler of his country for twenty years, he was described as an inhuman monster.他统治国家20年,被描述为一个没有人性的恶魔。剑桥国际Their father was a fiend, violent when he was drunk.他们的父亲是个恶魔,喝醉时十分凶暴。剑桥国际They believed that the rabbi would be able to exorcise/drive out the demons that were possessing her.他们相信拉比(犹太教教士)能够驱走附在她身上的恶魔。剑桥国际To celebrate Halloween children dress up as witches, ghosts and devils.为了庆祝万圣节,孩子们化装成女巫、鬼和恶魔。剑桥国际




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