

单词 报告建议
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕The Forsyth Report recommended stricter supervision of the trade in live animals. 福赛思报告建议要加强对活畜交易的监督。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕The report recommends tighter controls on the advertising of cigarettes. 报告建议对香烟广告实行更严格的管理。朗文写作活用〔devote sth to sth/sb〕The report recommends that more resources be devoted to teaching four-year-olds.该报告建议投入更多的资源用于4岁儿童的教育。剑桥高阶〔exposure〕The report recommends people to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.报告建议人们应避免晒太阳时间过长。牛津搭配〔finance〕The report recommends an overhaul of public finances.该报告建议对公共财政进行彻底改革。柯林斯高阶〔numeracy〕The report suggests that students need to improve their numeracy skills.该报告建议学生需要提高计算能力。朗文当代〔recommendation〕The report makes the recommendation that no more prisons should be built.该报告建议不要再建新的监狱。剑桥高阶〔reconstitute〕The report recommended suspension and reconstitution of the district party under redrafted rules.报告建议按新起草的规章暂时中断地区政党的活动并对其进行改组。柯林斯高阶〔work off〕The report proposes that students be allowed to work off their debt through community service.这份报告建议让学生通过参加社区服务来偿还债务。柯林斯高阶〔work off〕The report proposes that students be allowed to work off their debts through community service.这份报告建议让学生通过做社区服务工作来偿还债务。外研社新世纪A manpower planning report recommended the reduction of the workforce.一份劳动力规划报告建议裁员。牛津商务Recent health reports have advised us to reduce fat consumption.最近的健康报告建议我们减少脂肪消费。剑桥国际The report has proposed a ban on remanding boys to adult prisons.这一报告建议禁止将男孩们还押在成人监狱中。剑桥国际The report recommended an $11 pay increase.报告建议工资增加 11 元。牛津商务The report recommends government support to develop several housing options for people with AIDS, such as hospice care and rental subsidies.这份报告建议政府为艾滋病人支持发展几项居住选择,诸如临终医院护理和租房补助。剑桥国际The report recommends the use of private resources to augment government services in some areas.这份报告建议利用私人资金来补足某些地方公共设施的经费。剑桥国际




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