

单词 报关
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔annunciation〕The angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation.天使报喜,圣母领报:天使加百列向圣母马利亚传报关于耶稣将经由马利亚而降生美国传统〔bill of entry〕A listing of goods received at a customhouse as imports or for export.报关清单:海关收到的进口或出口货物的清单美国传统〔customs〕Customs formalities can take ages.海关报关手续非常耗时。外研社新世纪〔customs〕We had to fill out customs forms on the plane.我们得在飞机上填写报关单。牛津搭配〔declaration〕On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.在报关单上,寄货人将货物列为农用机械。柯林斯高阶〔enter〕The cargo having been entered in due form, we began trading.我们把货物按规定方式报关后便开始进行贸易。英汉大词典〔enter〕To report (a ship or cargo) to customs.报关:把(船或货物)申报海关美国传统〔misstate〕Look at the false police reports that omitted or misstated crucial facts.看看这些遗漏和谎报关键事实的虚假警方报告吧。外研社新世纪〔port〕A port of entry.货物的报关港,入境港美国传统〔undeclared〕Undeclared goods(= that the customs are not told about)may be confiscated.未报关的物品可能被没收。牛津高阶A fully completed customs declaration must be attached to the package.填写妥当的报关单必须贴在包装上。牛津商务About 400 of the bank's 5 700 staff will be affected by the change in reporting lines.银行 5 700 名员工中大约有 400 名要受汇报关系变化的影响。牛津商务Customs officials will check the bill of entry and calculate the duty to be paid.海关官员将查验报关单,计算应交关税。牛津商务If the parcel contains items that are dutiable you must complete a customs form.如果包裹内含有应税物品,你必须填写报关单。牛津商务




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