

单词 怀有
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abuse〕maltreat all share the sense of inflicting injury, often intentionally, as through malice: maltreat 都含怀有恶意而故意造成折磨性伤害的意思: 美国传统〔animus〕have (show) an animus against sb. 对某人怀有(表示出)敌意英汉大词典〔benevolent〕have a benevolent feeling toward small animals 对小动物怀有爱心英汉大词典〔cherished〕the cherished dream of a world without wars怀有一个没有战争的世界的梦想外研社新世纪〔cherish〕a cherished dream/hope/memory 怀有的梦想/希望/记忆麦克米伦高阶〔cherish〕willingness to re-examine cherished beliefs 愿意重新审视所怀有的信仰朗文当代〔conceive〕conceive a friendship for sb. 对某人怀有友情英汉大词典〔dream〕the great utopian dream that they have cherished for so long 他们长期怀有的伟大的乌托邦式的梦想牛津搭配〔envy〕the envy she felt for her sister 她对姐姐怀有的嫉妒牛津搭配〔exalted〕the knowledge that even at your moments of most exalted emotion, you do not matter即使在你怀有最高尚的情怀时仍然无足轻重的这一事实外研社新世纪〔expectation〕parents with high expectations of their children 怀有很高的期望/期望不高麦克米伦高阶〔fantastic〕fantastic ideas about her own superiority. 对自己怀有奇特的优越感美国传统〔feeling〕a sweet old man with genuine feelings for Virginia 对弗吉尼亚怀有真挚情感的一位和蔼可亲的老人牛津搭配〔feeling〕have (或harbour) a kindly feeling toward a child 对孩子怀有体贴的好意英汉大词典〔flock〕a bishop who's supposed to regard his flock with charity应对信众怀有仁爱之心的主教外研社新世纪〔gratitude〕the very deep gratitude I felt towards / toward her 我对她怀有的深切感激之情牛津搭配〔grovel(l)ing〕entertain so grovel(l)ing a thought 怀有如此卑下的念头英汉大词典〔grudge〕bear (或owe) sb.a grudge 对某人怀有积怨英汉大词典〔harbour〕harbour a grudge against sb. 对某人怀有怨恨英汉大词典〔harbour〕to harbour hope for someone对某人怀有希望21世纪英汉〔hatred〕have (或 nurse) a ferocious hatred of (或 for) sb. 对某人怀有深仇大恨 英汉大词典〔have〕had doubts about their loyalty. 对他们的忠诚怀有疑虑美国传统〔hostile〕a hostile crowd.怀有敌意的群众。牛津同义词〔hostility〕the deep hostility felt by many teenagers against the police 很多青少年对警察怀有的根深蒂固的敌视情绪牛津搭配〔loathing〕have a loathing for snakes 对蛇怀有强烈恶感英汉大词典〔name〕be hostile to the name of Campbell 对坎贝尔家族怀有敌意英汉大词典〔nurse〕to nurse a grudge怀有怨恨21世纪英汉〔own〕own to a special fondness for sb. 承认对某人怀有特殊的好感英汉大词典〔passion〕feel extraordinary passion for a girl 对一位姑娘怀有极强烈的爱英汉大词典〔phobic〕school phobics 对学校怀有恐惧的人文馨英汉〔rancorous〕a rancorous debate 怀有恶意的争辩韦氏高阶〔towards〕have malice towards sb. 对某人怀有恶意英汉大词典〔voyeur〕a voyeuristic interest in other people's lives 对他人生活怀有窥秘癖的兴趣牛津高阶




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