

单词 怀恨
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bear〕bear a grudge against sb. (或bear sb. a grudge) 对某人怀恨在心英汉大词典〔bear〕bear a grudge. 怀恨在心美国传统〔grudge〕have (或 hold, bear, harbour, carry,nurse) a grudge (或 grudges) against sb. 对某人怀恨在心英汉大词典〔hold〕hold a grudge; hold it a point of honor not to reveal one's sources; holds that this economic program is the only answer to high prices. 怀恨;认为不揭露消息来源是一个事关荣誉的问题;认为这个经济项目是引起物价高涨的唯一原因美国传统〔nourish〕nourish feelings of hatred 怀恨在心英汉大词典〔nurse〕nurse a personal hatred of sb. 对某人怀恨在心 英汉大词典〔nurse〕nursing a grudge. 怀恨在心美国传统〔rancour〕have a feeling of rancour against (或 feel rancour towards) sb. 对某人怀恨在心 英汉大词典〔resentment〕bear (no) resentment against 对…(不)怀恨 英汉大词典〔resentment〕have a feeling of resentment against sb. 对某人怀恨在心 英汉大词典〔set〕have (或 take) a set on sb. 对某人有恶感(或对某人怀恨在心)英汉大词典〔snout〕to snout somebody's insult对某人的侮辱怀恨在心21世纪英汉〔spite〕bear (或 owe) sb. a spite (或have a spite against sb.) 对某人怀恨在心英汉大词典〔venomous〕venomous glances 怀恨的目光文馨英汉




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