

单词 成反比
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Boyle's law〕The principle that at a constant temperature the volume of a confined ideal gas varies inversely with its pressure.波义耳定律:在恒定温度下,一定量的气体的体积与其压力成反比的原理美国传统〔inversely〕The cost of any part is inversely proportional to the ease of installation.任何零件的成本都与安装难易程度成反比。外研社新世纪〔inversely〕The size of the nebula at this stage is inversely proportional to its mass.这个阶段星云的大小与其质量成反比。柯林斯高阶〔inversely〕The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destination.拉力的大小与他们离终点的距离成反比。柯林斯高阶〔inversely〕Their ability varies inversely with their age.他们的能力与年龄大小成反比。外研社新世纪〔inverse〕A person's wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness(= the more money they have, the less happy they are).一个人的财富常常与他的幸福成反比。牛津高阶〔inverse〕Clearly, the amount of money people save increases in inverse proportion to the amount they spend.显然,人们储蓄的增加与消费成反比。朗文当代〔inverse〕The amount of time spent on my work varies in inverse proportion to the amount I get done.我投入到工作上的时间与我完成的量成反比。外研社新世纪〔inverse〕The human population was growing in inverse proportion to that of the lions and elephants(=as one increased, the other decreased).人口增长与狮子和大象的数量成反比。麦克米伦高阶〔inverse〕The volume of a gas is in inverse ratio to its pressure.气体的体积与压力成反比。外研社新世纪〔inverse〕Their generosity was in inverse proportion/relation to their income (= the more money they had the less generous they were).他们的慷慨程度与他们的收入水平成反比。剑桥高阶〔inverse〕There seems to be an inverse relationship between audience size and audience response.观众的人数与反响似乎成反比。外研社新世纪〔proportional〕The amount of force needed is inversely proportional to the rigidity of the material.所需要的力的大小与材料的硬度成反比。牛津搭配〔related〕The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.传统观点倾向于认为失业与通货膨胀成反比关系。牛津搭配〔vary〕The attraction of bodies varies (directly) as their masses and inversely as the square of their distance.物体的引力与它们的质量成正比,与它们之间距离的平方成反比。英汉大词典〔vary〕The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it.优质医疗服务的可及度往往与需求成反比。牛津搭配〔vary〕Y varies inversely with X. y 随x的变化而成反比变化。英汉大词典Sometimes it seems that press coverage of an event is inversely proportional to its true importance (=the more important the event the less attention paid to it).有时候报纸对某一事件报道的篇幅与其真实重要性成反比例。剑桥国际The attractiveness of a city tends to be in inverse proportion to its economic productivity.一座城市的吸引力往往与其经济生产力成反比。牛津商务Their generosity was in inverse proportion/relation to their income (=the more money they had the less generous they were).他们的慷慨与他们的收入成反比例。剑桥国际




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