

单词 得出
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔RECOGNIZE〕an animal so thin and weak it was barely recognizable as a horse 这么瘦弱的动物,几乎难以认得出它是匹马朗文写作活用〔arrival〕arrival at a conclusion 结论的得出英汉大词典〔arrive〕to arrive at an agreement/a decision/a conclusion 达成协议;作出决定;得出结论牛津高阶〔blazing〕a blazing lie 人人都看得出的谎言英汉大词典〔considered〕my considered opinion; a considered policy involving a measured response to provocations. 我经过深思熟虑得出如下意见:一项涉及到对挑衅所作出的审慎反应的经过深思熟虑的政策美国传统〔distil(l)〕distil(l) a moral from a story 从故事中得出寓意英汉大词典〔draw〕draw lessons from the past 从过去得出教训英汉大词典〔elicit〕elicit truth by discussion 通过讨论得出真理英汉大词典〔entrance in〕be entranced in thought想得出神21世纪英汉〔everyplace〕and one can conclude that the sentence would be inappropriate in formal writing. 于是就可得出以上这个句子在正式的书写中是不适宜的美国传统〔evidence〕evidence of growing poverty based on extensive surveys 在广泛调查基础上得出的有关贫困情况日益加剧的证据牛津搭配〔evoke〕trying to elicit the truth. 试图得出真相 美国传统〔experimental〕results obtained under the new experimental conditions 在新的实验环境下得出的结果麦克米伦高阶〔fetch〕an argument fetched from afar 牵强附会得出的论据英汉大词典〔generalization〕a sweeping generalization based on speculation 靠猜测得出的笼统的概括朗文当代〔haphazard〕points drawn at haphazard from different sources偶然从不同资料得出的观点外研社新世纪〔in situ〕technical data derived from laboratory and in-situ experimentation. 由实验室与就地实验得出的技术数据柯林斯高阶〔inference〕inferences based on their answers to a number of set questions 根据他们对一些固定问题的回答而得出的推论牛津搭配〔lash〕sombre grey eyes, with unusually long lashes. 一双忧郁的灰眼睛,眼睫毛长得出奇柯林斯高阶〔lost〕lost in thought.想得出神。牛津同义词〔ludicrously〕a ludicrously improbable idea 一个荒唐得出奇的想法韦氏高阶〔ludicrous〕ludicrously expensive 贵得出奇牛津高阶〔obtain〕the results obtained through these surveys 通过这些调查得出的结果朗文当代〔particular〕generalize from particulars 从特殊具体事例中得出一般性结论英汉大词典〔pat〕received a pat on the back for doing a good job. 工作干得出色而得到赞扬美国传统〔perceptible〕perceptible anger in his voice.听他声音可以觉得出他发怒了。牛津同义词〔picture〕a recognizable picture.可以认得出的图像。牛津同义词〔poll〕the results generated by the poll question 由民意调查的问题得出的结论牛津搭配〔printable〕a printable halftone 印得出的照相铜版英汉大词典〔reach〕reached a conclusion; reached their destination. 得出一个结论;到达他们的目的地美国传统〔reach〕to reach a conclusion/decision/verdict/compromise 得出结论;作出决定╱裁决╱妥协牛津高阶〔ridiculous〕ridiculously low prices 低得出奇的价格朗文当代〔sequent〕be sequent on (或to) the premises 根据这些前提而得出英汉大词典〔shine〕shine against one's former colleagues 比以前的同事干得出色英汉大词典〔sign〕a sign that someone was here.有迹象看得出有人来过这里。牛津同义词〔straightaway〕find an answer straightaway 立刻得出答案英汉大词典〔straw〕a badly thought-out scheme from a Government clutching at straws作垂死挣扎的政府经过深思熟虑后得出的烂计划外研社新世纪〔trance〕lost in a trance.想得出神。牛津同义词〔unnaturally〕grew to an unnaturally large size 长得出奇地大韦氏高阶〔whence〕whence I conclude that... 据此我得出结论:… 英汉大词典




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