

单词 得住
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔build〕an argument built on sound logic 建立在逻辑基础上的站得住脚的论点牛津高阶〔catchable〕a catchable ball 接得住的球韦氏高阶〔defensible〕a defensible argument.站得住脚的论点。牛津同义词〔endurable〕endurable pain. 忍得住的疼痛美国传统〔impervious〕a carpet impervious to rough treatment 经得住乱踩乱踏的地毯英汉大词典〔indemonstrable〕a seemingly valid but indemonstrable hypothesis. 看上去站得住脚但却无法证明的假设美国传统〔legitimate〕the dubious legitimacy of her argument 她的论点不一定站得住脚牛津高阶〔mishandle〕a much tougher ware than bone china, which stood up more robustly to being mishandled一个比骨灰瓷硬实得多、更经受得住磕碰摔打的器皿外研社新世纪〔resistible〕a resistible attack 抵挡得住的攻击 英汉大词典〔satisfactory〕a satisfactory explanation/answer/solution/conclusion 令人满意的解释;站得住脚的回答;可行的解决办法;足以服人的结论牛津高阶〔stand〕a proof that will stand up in court 在法庭上站得住脚的证据 英汉大词典〔stand〕stand up to the severe winters 顶得住严寒的冬天 英汉大词典〔tenable〕a tenable argument 站得住脚的论据韦氏高阶〔tenable〕a tenable outpost. 一个守得住的前哨美国传统〔tenable〕a tenable theory 站得住的理论英汉大词典〔tenable〕a tenable theory. 一个站得住脚的理论美国传统〔tenable〕a tenable theory.站得住脚的理论。牛津同义词〔tenable〕an idea which is no longer tenable 不再站得住脚的想法朗文当代〔trustworthy〕a trustworthy friend.靠得住的朋友。牛津同义词〔valid〕a valid claim. What issound is free from logical flaws or is based on valid reasoning: 有根据的要求。 sound 的事物是反应免于逻辑缺陷或建立在站得住的推理上的: 美国传统〔valid〕a valid excuse 站得住脚的托辞英汉大词典




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