

单词 战火
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔anvil〕the anvil of war 战火的锤炼英汉大词典〔ash〕a town reduced to ashes by war 被战火烧毁的村庄牛津搭配〔austere〕an austere childhood during the war 战火中艰苦的童年生活剑桥高阶〔batter〕a country battered by years of war and poverty 饱受连年战火和贫困之苦的国家韦氏高阶〔contaminated〕vast tracts of empty land, much of it contaminated by years of army activity. 大片撂荒的土地,其中大部分由于经年累月的战火而受到了污染柯林斯高阶〔fabric〕destroyed the very fabric of the ancient abbey during wartime bombing; needs to protect the fabric of civilized society. 在战火中,摧毁了古修道院的所有架构;需要保护文明社会的基础美国传统〔gunfire〕a man who has been in gunfire 一个经过战火洗礼的人英汉大词典〔hardship〕a long winter of war and economic hardship一个战火纷飞、经济匮乏的漫长冬季外研社新世纪〔ignite〕events which ignited the war in Europe 点燃欧洲战火的事件朗文当代〔incessant〕a century of incessant warfare 战火不绝的一个世纪英汉大词典〔renewal〕a renewal of war/hostilities 战火重燃/敌对状态的重新开始麦克米伦高阶〔safe〕a world made safe from war 远离战火的平安世界韦氏高阶〔season〕troops seasoned by battle 经过战火锤炼的部队英汉大词典〔sturt〕amid the sturt of war 在战火纷乱之中英汉大词典




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