

单词 恶意
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕Heard told the court that he had acted out of love and not malice. 赫德向法院陈述说,他的举动是出于爱,并非恶意。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕On the rare occasions when he was angry, Lowry could be spiteful and petty. 劳里偶尔生气时会充满恶意、心胸狭窄。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕He's a little crazy, I know, but he's harmless enough. 我知道他有点不正常,但是他没有恶意的。朗文写作活用〔Trojan horse〕It's easier than you think to inadvertently download a malicious Trojan horse.因为疏忽而下载恶意木马,这比你想象的要容易。剑桥高阶〔UNKIND〕She tried to make me look silly. She did it out of sheer nastiness. 她想让我出丑,这么做完全是出于恶意。朗文写作活用〔actuate〕He was actuated entirely by malice.他完全是出于恶意。牛津高阶〔backbite〕To speak spitefully or slanderously about (another).背后说…的坏话:恶意地或诋毁地谈论(另一个人)美国传统〔bear〕I bear no malice [ill will] toward him.我对他不怀恶意。文馨英汉〔bear〕She bears (me) no ill will.她(对我)不怀任何恶意。21世纪英汉〔bear〕She bore him no ill will.她对他没有恶意。牛津高阶〔break〕Give her a break - she's only a child and she didn't mean any harm.饶了她吧——她还只是个孩子,况且她并无恶意。剑桥高阶〔buffer〕He's a harmless old buffer.他是一个没有恶意的老人。韦氏高阶〔caper〕The whole incident started as an innocent caper.整个事件以一场并无恶意的闹剧开始。剑桥高阶〔claw〕The editor got his claws into the opposition in a vicious editorial.那位编辑在一篇社论中恶意攻击了反对派。英汉大词典〔cynically〕I firmly believe our strategy is being deliberately, cynically manipulated.我坚信我们的策略正在被人存心恶意操纵。柯林斯高阶〔drive〕This malicious gossip has driven her out of the village.这些恶意中伤的谣言迫使她离开了村子。麦克米伦高阶〔elf〕A usually sprightly or mischievous or sometimes spiteful person.恶作剧的人,狡诈的人,恶毒的人:通常活泼的或恶作剧的或怀有恶意的人美国传统〔enmity〕These nouns refer to the feeling or expression of deep-seated ill will.这些名词指根深蒂固的恶意的感情或表述。美国传统〔fend〕The company managed to fend off the hostile takeover bid.公司设法避开了恶意收购意图。朗文当代〔frivolity〕It was just a piece of harmless frivolity.这仅是无恶意的愚蠢行为。牛津高阶〔go around〕There's a nasty sort of rumour going around about it.关于这件事正有一则恶意的谣言在流传。柯林斯高阶〔gossip〕Someone has been spreading malicious gossip about me.有人一直在恶意散布关于我的谣言。牛津搭配〔greenmail〕Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt.家族管理可以防止任何恶意收购或绿票讹诈的企图。柯林斯高阶〔harmless〕It's just a bit of harmless fun.开个小玩笑罢了,并无恶意的。牛津高阶〔harm〕I didn't mean any harm, it was just a joke.我并无恶意,这只是个玩笑。麦克米伦高阶〔harm〕She meant no harm (= did not intend to offend) - she was only joking.她并无恶意,只是在开玩笑。剑桥高阶〔harm〕She's a terrible gossip but she means no harm.她很饶舌,不过她没有恶意。朗文当代〔hatchet job〕Unfortunately, his idea of bold journalism was a hatchet job, portraying the staff in a negative light.很遗憾,他所谓的大胆新闻报道是一种恶意攻击,对工作人员进行了负面的报道。柯林斯高阶〔hateful〕These are not necessarily hateful, malicious people.他们不见得是心怀仇恨和恶意的人。外研社新世纪〔hostile〕Kingfisher launched a hostile bid for Dixons.翠丰集团对迪克森公司展开了恶意竞购。柯林斯高阶〔ill〕He says that he bears no ill feelings towards Johnson.他说他对约翰逊并无恶意。外研社新世纪〔ill〕I knew of no one who would wish him ill.我知道没有人对他有恶意。麦克米伦高阶〔ill〕We harbor no ill intentions toward them.我们对他们没有恶意。韦氏高阶〔innocuous〕Even seemingly innocuous words are offensive in certain contexts.即使表面上毫无恶意的话语在某些情况下也可能会冒犯别人。外研社新世纪〔innocuous〕He told a few innocuous jokes.他讲了几个没有恶意的笑话。韦氏高阶〔intend〕She felt certain that he intended her no harm.她确信他对她并无恶意。麦克米伦高阶〔intention〕You may be full of good intentions but not everyone will share your enthusiasm.善/恶意麦克米伦高阶〔jest〕It was a harmless jest.这是个没有恶意的玩笑。韦氏高阶〔malevolence〕Malicious behavior.恶意行为美国传统〔malice〕A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite.恶意:期望伤害别人或看到别人受苦;极端的恶意或怨恨美国传统〔malice〕He bore me no malice.他对我没有恶意。牛津搭配〔malice〕He did it out of malice.他做那件事是出自于恶意。文馨英汉〔malice〕He has no malice towards Kevin.他对凯文没有一点儿恶意。麦克米伦高阶〔malice〕She did it out of sheer malice.她这么做纯粹是出于恶意。朗文当代〔malice〕She fired him out of sheer malice.她解雇他纯粹出于恶意。牛津搭配〔malice〕There certainly wasn't any malice in her comments.她的话绝对没有任何恶意。剑桥高阶〔malignity〕Intense ill will or hatred; great malice.极度的恶意:极端的恶意或仇恨;极其恶毒美国传统〔malign〕Her supporters say she is being unfairly maligned in the press.她的支持者说她受到了媒体的恶意中伤。韦氏高阶〔meaning〕A mischievous meaning was apparent.恶意是显而易见的。英汉大词典〔meanness〕There was pure meanness in his voice.他的声音中透着十足的恶意。外研社新世纪〔mean〕Cruel, spiteful, or malicious.残酷的、可恶的或怀有恶意的美国传统〔mean〕I'm sorry if I offended you - I didn't mean any harm.如果冒犯了你我很抱歉——我并无恶意。剑桥高阶〔mean〕She means ill.她是怀有恶意的。外研社新世纪〔mischievously〕The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false.外交部驳斥该报道为恶意报道,不符合事实。柯林斯高阶〔mischievous〕I think these rumours are mischievous.我认为这些流言是恶意中伤。剑桥高阶〔mordant〕A wicked, mordant sense of humour has come to the fore in Blur's world.幽默感中夹杂着恶意挖苦, 这已成为布勒非常突出的一个问题。外研社新世纪〔moronic〕It was wanton, moronic vandalism.这是无端、愚蠢的恶意破坏。柯林斯高阶〔nasty〕He said lots of downright nasty things about her.他说了很多完全是恶意中伤她的话。韦氏高阶〔nasty〕She said some really nasty things about him.她说了一些恶意中伤他的话。剑桥高阶〔out〕She did it out of spite.她那么做是出于恶意。牛津高阶〔pack in〕Pack it in. Stop being spiteful.别闹了,不要恶意伤人。柯林斯高阶〔pestilence〕The report states that vandalism is a pestilence that must be stamped out.该报告说明,恶意破坏行为是一种毒瘤,必须铲除。剑桥高阶〔practical joke〕A mischievous trick played on a person, especially one that causes the victim to experience embarrassment, indignity, or discomfort.恶作剧:对某人进行恶意的戏弄,尤其是为了使被作弄对象感到尴尬、愤怒或不高兴美国传统〔relish〕There was a relish of malice in his speech.他言辞中带有一点儿恶意。英汉大词典〔scurrilous〕Scurrilous and untrue stories were being invented.有人在捏造一些恶意诋毁的虚假传闻。外研社新世纪〔self〕His spiteful remark revealed his true self.他那怀有恶意的言语现出了他的本性。文馨英汉〔separate〕Spiteful gossip ~d the two old friends.恶意的流言蜚语离间了这对老朋友。英汉大词典〔shit〕To treat with malice or extreme disrespect.恶劣地对待:带有恶意地或极其不敬地对待美国传统〔shocked〕This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked.这是一次恶意袭击, 那女人仍然惊骇不已。外研社新世纪〔sideswipe〕Despite the increasingly hostile sideswipes at him, the Chancellor is secure in his post.尽管有越来越多的人借机恶意抨击财政大臣, 他的职位仍很稳固。外研社新世纪〔snipe〕Some newspapers snipeed at him.有些报纸对他恶意中伤。英汉大词典〔snipe〕The former minister has been making himself unpopular recently, sniping at his ex-colleagues.最近这位前部长因恶意攻击以前的同事而大失人心。剑桥高阶〔snipe〕To make malicious, underhand remarks or attacks.偷袭:进行恶意的,秘密的评论或攻击美国传统〔spiteful〕Filled with, prompted by, or showing spite; malicious.恶意的:充满恶意的、激起恶意的或表示恶意的;恶意的美国传统〔spite〕They showed their spite by not co-operating.他们不合作,露出恶意。牛津同义词〔substance〕It was malicious gossip, completely without substance.这是恶意造谣,完全没有事实根据。牛津高阶〔takeover〕He prevented a hostile takeover (=when the takeover is not wanted by the company being bought) of the company.他阻止了对这家公司的恶意收购。朗文当代〔takeover〕The business is vulnerable to a hostile takeover.恶意接收;敌意接管麦克米伦高阶〔target〕The house was left empty and therefore a target for vandals.房子是空的,因此成了一些人恶意破坏的目标。麦克米伦高阶〔vandalize〕To destroy or deface (public or private property) willfully or maliciously.破坏:故意地或恶意地破坏或毁损(公共或私人财产)美国传统〔venom〕Malice; spite.恶意;怨恨美国传统〔vindictive〕Marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt; spiteful.恶意的,怀恨的:以意图伤害为标志的或因意图伤害而产生的;怀恨的美国传统〔vitriolic〕She launched a vitriolic attack against us.她向我们发起了一场言辞恶意的攻击。韦氏高阶〔wicked〕She described the shooting as a wicked attack.她称那次枪击为恶意袭击。柯林斯高阶〔will〕He bears you no ill will.他对你并无恶意。英汉大词典〔will〕She bears them no ill will.她对他们没有恶意。牛津搭配Currie has condemned the profile of the minister as a hatchet job.卡里谴责对部长的简介是恶意攻击。剑桥国际He was subjected to the most vicious calumny, but he never complained and never sued.他遭受最恶意的诽谤,但从不抱怨从不起诉。剑桥国际He's the sort of man who would let down the tyres on your car just from spite/ out of spite.他这种人会出于恶意而放了你车胎的气。剑桥国际Her stare was malevolent. 她凝视的目光含有恶意。译典通His corrosive jealousy had ruined their relationship.他的恶意的妒忌毁了他们的关系。剑桥国际I asked one innocent question and he came out with all this abuse! 我不过问了个无恶意的问题,他就破口大骂。剑桥国际I bear no malice to you. 我对你没有恶意。译典通One of the characters in the film is a spiteful eleven-year-old who punches and slaps the other children and frightens them with horror stories.这部影片中有一个心怀恶意的11岁孩子,他对其他孩子施以拳脚并用恐怖故事吓唬他们。剑桥国际She's allegedly murdered three husbands, but she looks like a harmless old lady.她被指控杀害了3个丈夫,但她看上去像是一个不怀恶意的老太太。剑桥国际There was a wire mesh over the shop window to prevent vandalism.商店橱窗外包着一层铁丝网以防止恶意破坏。剑桥国际They say such spiteful things about their sister.他们充满恶意地说了他们妹妹的一些事情。剑桥国际They trampled his flowers out of spite. 他们出于恶意踩了他的花。译典通What he told us was a blatant/malicious falsehood.他告诉我们的是个弥天大谎/恶意的谎言。剑桥国际You must understand that a person in my position in the company can't afford any bad publicity.你必须了解在公司里我这种位置的人承受不了恶意宣传。剑桥国际




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