

单词 恶心的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HORRIBLE〕It was the most disgusting meal I've ever eaten. 这是我吃过的最恶心的一顿饭。朗文写作活用〔PRETEND〕Whenever the boss is around she puts on this sick little smile. 老板一来,她就装出这种恶心的微笑。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Her driving instructor was a disgusting lecherous old devil -- always touching her knee. 她的驾驶教练是个令人恶心的老色鬼一老是碰她的膝盖。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Who's that TV presenter who always wears those revolting sweaters? 那个老是穿那些恶心的毛衣的电视节目主持人是谁呀?朗文写作活用〔carsick〕Suffering from motion sickness caused by travel in a motor vehicle.晕车的:因乘坐机动车辆旅行而感觉恶心的美国传统〔come and go〕The feeling of nausea comes and goes.恶心的感觉一阵儿一阵儿的。剑桥高阶〔condition〕Nausea-inducing drugs condition the alcoholic to feel sick at the very odour of liquor.诱导恶心的药物使酗酒者形成一闻到酒味就感到恶心的条件反射。外研社新世纪〔feeling〕A feeling of nausea came over her.她有一种恶心的感觉。麦克米伦高阶〔feel〕I remember feeling sick.我记得有恶心的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔ghoul〕One who delights in the revolting, morbid, or loathsome.以残忍(恐怖)勾当为乐:喜欢恶心的、令人毛骨悚然的或讨厌的事物的人美国传统〔gunge〕It was amazing how much gunge had accumulated in the pipe.管子里面竟然沉积了那么多黏糊糊令人恶心的东西,真是想不到。剑桥高阶〔horror show〕The basement was a horror show after the sleepover party.在一整夜的舞会过后地下室呈现一个非常令人恶心的场面美国传统〔icky〕There was some icky black stuff between the tiles.瓷砖缝里有些令人恶心的脏东西。朗文当代〔leer〕She complained that some disgusting man was leering at her.她抱怨说有个恶心的男人正色迷迷地看着她。韦氏高阶〔muck〕I can't eat this muck! 我吃不下这些令人恶心的东西!牛津高阶〔muck〕Something filthy or disgusting.秽物:污秽或令人恶心的东西美国传统〔nauseate〕To feel or cause to feel nausea.使作呕:感到或使感到恶心的美国传统〔nauseating〕He paused to let a nauseating dizziness pass.他停下来, 等待令人恶心的眩晕过去。外研社新世纪〔nausea〕A feeling of nausea suddenly came over me.我突然有恶心的感觉。朗文当代〔nauseous〕A nauseous wave of pain broke over her.一阵令人恶心的疼痛向他袭来。外研社新世纪〔pass〕The feeling of sickness soon passed.恶心的感觉很快就过去了。朗文当代〔queasy〕Experiencing nausea; nauseated.感到反胃的;恶心的美国传统〔rocky〕Weak, dizzy, or nauseated, especially as a result of the excessive intake of alcohol or drugs.晕眩的:尤指因过度饮酒或吸毒而造成虚弱、昏花或恶心的美国传统〔scuzzbucket〕A repulsive or disgusting person or thing.令人反感的人,令人恶心的事美国传统〔shit〕Something considered disgusting, of poor quality, foolish, or otherwise totally unacceptable.愚蠢的事物,恶心的事物,无法接受的事物:被认为是令人讨厌的,质量次的,愚蠢的或者是令人完全无法接受的东西美国传统〔shit〕There's always some shit going on.总有恶心的事发生。韦氏高阶〔sick headache〕A headache accompanied by nausea.伴随有恶心的头痛美国传统〔sickly〕A sickly smell clung to his clothes and hair.他的衣服和头发上有一股令人恶心的气味。朗文当代〔sickly〕A sickly smell of decaying fish came from the dirty river.肮脏的河里发散出一股令人恶心的烂鱼的腥臭味。剑桥高阶〔sickly〕Causing nausea; nauseating.导致恶心的;恶心的美国传统〔sick〕If you eat all that chocolate it'll make you sick.如果你把那些巧克力都吃了,你会恶心的。牛津搭配〔sick〕Nauseated.恶心的美国传统〔sick〕Virginia had a sick feeling in her stomach.弗吉尼娅胃里有恶心的感觉。朗文当代〔skanky〕I wouldn't be caught dead in that skanky outfit! 我死也不会穿那件艳俗恶心的衣服!剑桥高阶〔skeeve〕I hate touching raw meat. I just get skeeved out .我讨厌碰生肉,我会恶心的。朗文当代〔squeamishness〕When you've got over your squeamishness, there will be no stopping you.一旦你克服动辄感到恶心的情况, 便可一往无前。外研社新世纪〔squeamish〕Easily nauseated or sickened.易晕船的或恶心的美国传统〔stand〕I just stood in something disgusting.我刚踩到了让人恶心的什么东西。麦克米伦高阶〔stinking〕I hate this stinking job.我讨厌这令人恶心的工作。韦氏高阶〔taste〕I had a strong coffee to take away the nasty taste of the food.我喝了一杯浓咖啡来消除食物恶心的味道。牛津搭配〔terrible〕There was a vile smell coming from the room.房间里传来令人恶心的气味。牛津高阶〔ugh〕Ugh, I think I stepped in something really gross.哎呀,我鞋底踩上什么恶心的东西了!剑桥高阶〔unquote〕He called me a quote, unquote “dirty, rotten liar.” 他把我称作,原话起止,“肮脏的、恶心的骗子”。韦氏高阶〔would〕I'd sooner starve than eat that disgusting food.我宁愿饿着,也不愿意吃那恶心的食物。韦氏高阶A more disgusting expression of racism could hardly be conceived.很难想象出有比这更令人恶心的种族主义的说法。剑桥国际I don't know how you can eat that revolting stuff! 很难说你怎么吃得下这么恶心的东西!剑桥国际Passengers were kept for hours in disgusting (= unpleasant), dirty waiting rooms.乘客们被滞留在肮脏、令人恶心的等候室里达数小时。剑桥国际Sometimes, the stench from the bodies of the deceased can be very nauseating to the investigating police. 有时候,死者身上发出的臭味对调查的警方来说是令人恶心的。译典通The children screwed their faces up in disgust at the horrible smell.孩子们闻到恶心的气味都厌恶地扭歪了脸。剑桥国际What a disgusting toilet -- there was piss all over the floor.多么恶心的厕所----地板上到处是尿。剑桥国际




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