

单词 意思
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MEANING〕when it is not clear which meaning is intended 不清楚究竟是哪种意思朗文写作活用〔abuse〕maltreat all share the sense of inflicting injury, often intentionally, as through malice: maltreat 都含怀有恶意而故意造成折磨性伤害的意思: 美国传统〔ambiguous〕vague is unclear because it is expressed in indefinite form or because it reflects imprecision of thought: vague 的意思是不清楚,因为它是用不确定的形式表达的或者因为它反映出思想的不精确: 美国传统〔apparent〕making my meaning plain. 讲明白我的意思 美国传统〔art〕thou art (= you are) thou art 即为you are,“你是”的意思。剑桥高阶〔bearing〕the bearing of a remark 一句话的意思英汉大词典〔beat〕beat out the sense of a word (经过努力)搞清楚一个词的意思英汉大词典〔chief〕a chief magistrate. Used figuratively,chief implies maximum importance or value: 总统。 用作比喻意义时chief 含有最大重要性或最大价值的意思: 美国传统〔clarify〕clarify one's meaning 把意思讲清楚英汉大词典〔complement〕means "an expression or act of courtesy or praise": 意思是“客气或赞扬的表情或动作”: 美国传统〔equivalent〕equivalent but differently worded statements 意思相同但措词不一的说法英汉大词典〔estimate〕cut a minute piece off the ingot to assay it. In extended sensesappraise, assess, and assay can refer to any critical analysis or appraisal: 切下一小片金属并分析它。 意思延伸后,appraise,access 和 assay 可指苛刻的分析和鉴定: 美国传统〔express〕to express oneself in good English用符合标准的英语表达自己的意思21世纪英汉〔ha-ha〕drove around the baseball field at midnight just for ha-has; a party that was a real ha-ha. 就为了找乐,半夜里开车绕着棒球场转;非常有意思的一个聚会美国传统〔hang〕comprehend the hang of sentences 领会句子的意思英汉大词典〔hidden〕a hidden meaning.隐晦的意思。牛津同义词〔innate〕an inborn sense of the appropriate. What isinbred has either existed from birth or been ingrained through earliest training or associations: 天生的对恰当的感觉。 另一个词inbred 既有与生俱来的意思同时又包含了从早期的训练或交往中积累而成的: 美国传统〔law〕an interesting area of criminal law 刑法中一个很有意思的领域朗文当代〔lift〕uses a crane to hoist the construction beams. Toheave is to lift or raise with great effort or force: 用起重机吊起建筑物的横梁。 Heave 的意思是用力举起或抬起: 美国传统〔may〕expressing ideas so that the average person may understand. 把你的意思用一般人能听明白的话表达出来美国传统〔mean〕feel mean 觉得惭愧[不好意思];心情不好文馨英汉〔misconceive〕to misconceive of someone's meaning误解某人的意思21世纪英汉〔misfortune〕debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity. Bothmishap and mischance connote slight or negligible incidents or consequences: 负债累累的农场主和逆境进行斗争。 Mishap 和 mischance 两词都包含着轻微的或微不足道的事件或影响的意思: 美国传统〔misunderstand〕to misunderstand a message.误会某人的意思。牛津同义词〔opposite〕a word with the opposite meaning一个意思相反的词外研社新世纪〔pellucid〕pellucid prose. 意思清晰散文美国传统〔perform〕par- [intensive pref.] from Latin per- [per-] par- [强调语气的前缀] 源自 拉丁语 per- [前缀,表“完全,彻底”等意思] 美国传统〔phrase〕the American phrase 'laying an egg' meaning to fail at something. 意思是“完全失败”的美国习语 laying an egg柯林斯高阶〔saw〕to see one's meaning明白了某人的意思21世纪英汉〔sense〕in the biblical/religious/legal sense of the word 这个词在《圣经》里的意思;这个词的宗教含义/法律意义韦氏高阶〔separate〕to separate out different meanings 区分出不同的意思牛津高阶〔shade〕shade the meaning. 轻微改动意思美国传统〔sophisticate〕to sophisticate a meaning beyond recognition把意思曲解得无法理解21世纪英汉〔sorry〕refugees (sorry, economic migrants) …难民(不好意思, 是经济移民)外研社新世纪〔stretch〕stretch the meaning of a word; stretch one's imagination. 扩大一个词的意思;展开某人的想象力美国传统〔takeoff〕an interesting takeoff on traditional lasagna 对传统宽面条的有意思的创新韦氏高阶〔thing〕things you want to say.想说的意思。牛津同义词〔turn〕waltzers gyrating giddily. Tospin is to rotate rapidly, often within a narrow compass: 跳华尔兹舞的人快速旋转,令人眼花缭乱。 Spin 的意思是快速旋转,通常在狭窄的范围内: 美国传统〔two-edged〕a two-edged compliment. 有两种意思的恭维美国传统〔word〕a more polite word for the same thing 表达同样意思的更礼貌的用语牛津搭配




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