

单词 意志坚定
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETERMINED〕During a war, a leader must be single-minded and, if necessary, ruthless. 战争期间,领导人必须意志坚定,必要时还得心狠手辣。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕You're like your grandmother -- obstinate and determined. 你就像你祖母一样——固执、意志坚定。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕He's a determined man and he values his good name. 他这人意志坚定,而且很看重自己的声誉。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕The immigrants who came to settle in America were determined people with high aspirations. 来美国定居的移民是志向远大、意志坚定的人。朗文写作活用〔battle/clash of wills〕She has a strong will. = She has a will of iron. = She has an iron will.她意志坚定。韦氏高阶〔determinedly〕She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.她是一位精明干练且意志坚定的政治家。柯林斯高阶〔determined〕She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.她是一位精明干练且意志坚定的政治家。外研社新世纪〔exterior〕Beneath her charming exterior lies a very determined woman.她迷人的外貌下面是一个意志坚定的女人。牛津搭配〔glamorous〕The girl I chose was not only glamorous, but very determined.我选择的女孩不仅有魅力, 而且意志坚定。外研社新世纪〔jungle〕You've got to be determined in this life - it's a jungle out there, kid.孩子,你必须意志坚定——生活就像弱肉强食的丛林一样。剑桥高阶〔lady〕She's one determined lady.她是一个意志坚定的女子。麦克米伦高阶〔nonentity〕She was once a political nonentity, but has since won a formidable reputation as a determined campaigner.她一度在政界无足轻重,但后来因在竞选中意志坚定而赢得盛誉。剑桥高阶〔purposeful〕She looked purposeful and determined.她看来胸有成竹、意志坚定。牛津高阶〔purpose〕I've always admired her for her strength of purpose.我一直佩服她意志坚定。剑桥高阶〔race〕He admired Canadians as a hardy and determined race.他敬佩加拿大人,因为他们是吃苦耐劳、意志坚定的民族。牛津高阶〔strong-minded〕You'll have to be strong-minded if you're going to push the changes through.你想推进改革,就必须要意志坚定。剑桥高阶〔strong〕You've got to be strong and not let their remarks bother you.你得意志坚定,不要让他们的话干扰你。麦克米伦高阶〔thrive〕Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.有创造力的人通常意志坚定, 能够享受克服障碍的过程。外研社新世纪I've always admired her for her strength of purpose.我一直佩服她意志坚定。剑桥国际She was a feisty lady, my grandma, who campaigned vigorously for prison reform well into her seventies.我的祖母是一位意志坚定的妇女,她活跃地从事监狱改革运动一直坚持到70多岁。剑桥国际These early campaigners were brave, and in their footsteps come a new generation which is equally determined.这些早期的活动家们英勇无畏,而沿着他们足迹走来的新一 代也同样意志坚定。剑桥国际




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