

单词 徒书
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Colossae〕An ancient city of central Asia Minor. It was the site of an early Christian church to which Saint Paul addressed his Epistle to the Colossians.哥罗西:小亚细亚一古城,为早期圣保罗向哥罗西人传使徒书时的教堂所在地美国传统〔epistle〕An excerpt from one of these letters, read as part of a religious service.使徒书信节选:从使徒书信中选取的,作为宗教仪式或活动的一部分来诵读的一段美国传统〔epistle〕One of the letters included as a book in the New Testament.使徒书信:在新约中当作福音书收录的书信美国传统〔epistle〕St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans 圣·保罗写给罗马人的使徒书信韦氏高阶〔gradual〕A biblical text sung between the Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.吟唱圣经:引自《使徒书信》和《福音书》之间的用于吟唱的一段圣经短文美国传统




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