

单词 律师声称
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DELIBERATELY〕The defense claim that the killing was not premeditated. 辩护律师声称这起杀人案并非是有预谋的。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕Defence lawyers claimed that the shooting was a spontaneous reaction, ferocious, but not part of a plan. 辩方律师声称,开枪是自然反应,动作凶猛但不是有预谋的。朗文写作活用〔conclusively〕Her attorneys claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders took place.她的律师声称并无确凿证据表明发生了谋杀。柯林斯高阶〔conclusive〕Her attorneys claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders took place.她的律师声称, 并没有确定性的证据表明发生了谋杀。外研社新世纪〔contend〕The lawyer contended (that) her client had never been near the scene of the crime.该律师声称她的委托人从未走近过犯罪现场。剑桥高阶〔jurisdiction〕His attorney claimed the court lacked jurisdiction in this matter.他的律师声称法院对本案没有审判权。韦氏高阶〔prosecution〕The prosecution alleged that he lured the officer to his death by making an emergency call.原告律师声称他拨打报警电话,将那个警官诱入死地。剑桥高阶〔protest〕Lawyers claim that it was signed under protest.律师声称那是在不得已的情况下签署的。外研社新世纪〔provoke〕The lawyer claimed his client was provoked into acts of violence by the defendant.律师声称,他的当事人是受到被告的挑衅才采取暴力行动的。牛津高阶〔related〕Harcourt's lawyer claims that his client's health problems are directly related to his work in the mine.哈考特的律师声称其当事人的健康问题与他在矿井中的工作有直接的关系。麦克米伦高阶〔subject〕The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment.辩护律师声称囚犯遭到了残暴和侮辱性的对待。牛津高阶Her lawyer claimed that she'd been tricked into making a false confession.她的律师声称她受诱供而作了屈招。剑桥国际His lawyer claims it would be impossible for him to have a fair trial as the media has unfairly prejudged him.他的律师声称由于传媒已对他不公正地预先作出了判断,对他的审判不可能公平。剑桥国际His lawyer described him as a basically decent man whose desperate circumstances had driven him to shoplifting.他的律师声称他本质上是个体面的人,只是被环境所逼走投无路才进商店行窃的。剑桥国际The lawyer contended (that) her client had never been near the scene of the crime. [+ (that) clause] 律师声称她的委托人从未走近过犯罪现场。剑桥国际The prosecution alleged that he lured the officer to his death by making an emergency call.原告律师声称他假装报警,将那个警官诱入死地。剑桥国际




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