

单词 律师
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTUALLY〕Are you sure she's really a lawyer? She doesn't act like one. 你肯定她真是个律师吗?她举止可不像。朗文写作活用〔ADVISE〕Her lawyers have advised her against saying anything to the newspapers. 她的律师建议她什么也不要向新闻界发表。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕The defence plans to call only one witness to testify. 辩护律师计划只传一名证人作证。朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕She would like to become a lawyer but she's not sure whether she'll make the grade. 她想成为一名律师,但她不知道自己是否具备资格。朗文写作活用〔INSTEAD〕Richardson's lawyer agreed to speak to journalists on his behalf. 理查森的律师同意代表他去与记者谈话。朗文写作活用〔INSTRUCTIONS〕Mr Evans claimed that the solicitor had failed to carry out his mother's instructions. 埃文斯先生声称那位事务律师没有按他母亲的指示做。朗文写作活用〔INTEND/NOT INTEND〕Her lawyers stated that they intended to call at least five witnesses. 她的辩护律师说他们打算至少传召五个证人。朗文写作活用〔INTEND/NOT INTEND〕The lawyers had every intention of calling Smythe to the witness stand. 律师决意要把斯迈思传召到证人席上。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Clark's lawyers were well prepared and confident. 克拉克的律师准备充分、充满自信。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Her ambition was to go to law school and become an attorney. 她的志向是上法学院,成为律师。朗文写作活用〔address〕I can give you the address of a good attorney.我可以给你一个好律师的地址。朗文当代〔appear〕Mr. Smith appeared for the plaintiff.史密斯先生出庭为原告当律师。21世纪英汉〔appointment〕I have an appointment to see my lawyer next Saturday.我与律师约好下星期六见面。麦克米伦高阶〔appointment〕The court ordered the appointment of an attorney to represent the child.法院下令委派一名律师为这个孩子辩护。韦氏高阶〔attorney〕Attorneys argued that prosecutors never proved who sent the email.律师们争辩说公诉人从未证实谁是电子邮件的发送人。牛津搭配〔authority〕I'll give my lawyers authority (= permission) to act on my behalf.我将授权我的律师代表我行事。剑桥高阶〔barrister and solicitor〕An attorney in the common-law provinces of Canada who is licensed to prepare cases and argue them in court.普通法省律师:加拿大普通法省律师,被许可准备案件并在法庭上辩论美国传统〔bend on〕He has been bent on becoming a lawyer for a long time.长期以来他一直想成为一名律师。21世纪英汉〔call (something) to order〕His lawyer arrived 10 minutes before court was called to order.他的律师在开庭前10分钟到达。韦氏高阶〔case〕Our lawyer didn't think we had a case(= had enough good arguments to win in a court of law).我们的律师认为我们论据不足,无法赢得官司。牛津高阶〔clever〕She had a clever lawyer, and was never punished for the murder.她有个精明的律师,因此一直没有为那起谋杀案受到惩罚。麦克米伦高阶〔concerned parties〕The lawyers called a meeting of all the concerned parties.律师们召集各当事方开了一次会。韦氏高阶〔confidence〕Lawyers are satisfied that no breach of confidence took place.律师很高兴事情没有泄密。朗文当代〔confidence〕The doctor (lawyer) has my complete confidence.这位医生(律师)受到我的完全信任。英汉大词典〔confidentiality〕The relationship between attorney and client is based on confidentiality.律师和委托人之间的关系是建立在保密的基础之上的。朗文当代〔confused〕The young counsel seemed abashed, almost confused.年轻的律师看上去局促不安,几乎有点儿慌乱。英汉大词典〔contact〕I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decisions.在作出最后决定之前,我必须先同我的律师联系一下。英汉大词典〔counsel〕The jury had heard counsel on both sides.陪审团已听取双方律师的意见。英汉大词典〔deceive〕It is difficult to hoodwink a smart lawyer.很难欺骗一个聪明的律师。美国传统〔defence〕He blames defence lawyers for allowing dangerous criminals back into society.他指责辩护律师纵容危险的罪犯重返社会。外研社新世纪〔disinterested〕A lawyer should provide disinterested advice.律师应该提供客观公正的建议。朗文当代〔drained〕I was emotionally drained, hemmed in by my divorce lawyers.离婚案律师围着我团团转, 让我疲于应付。外研社新世纪〔drama〕As a lawyer, he enjoyed the drama of the courtroom.作为律师,他真的非常喜欢法庭上出现的那种戏剧效果。剑桥高阶〔ethically〕Attorneys are ethically and legally bound to absolute confidentiality.道德和法律都要求律师们绝对保密。柯林斯高阶〔except against〕The lawyer excepted against the witness.律师对证人质疑。21世纪英汉〔explain away〕It will be hard for his lawyers to explain away this new evidence.要把这一新的证据搪塞过去对他的律师来说并不容易。韦氏高阶〔firm〕He works for a law firm called Neil and Vigliano.他在一家名为尼尔和维利亚诺的律师事务所供职。剑桥高阶〔gain time〕His lawyers are delaying the trial to gain time to prepare their defense.他的几名律师正在拖延审判,以赢得准备辩护的时间。韦氏高阶〔get ... off〕The lawyer got John off.这位律师使约翰免受处罚。21世纪英汉〔gradually〕She gradually built up a reputation as a successful lawyer.她逐渐确立了成功律师的名声。麦克米伦高阶〔hand〕I shall put the matter into the hands of my solicitors.我将把这件事交给我的律师们去处理。英汉大词典〔hole〕Lawyers tried to punch holes in her argument.律师力图削弱她的论点。韦氏高阶〔intend〕They intend their son for the Bar.他们想让儿子当律师。英汉大词典〔interrogation〕They have been subject to coercive interrogations without access to lawyers.他们在没有见过律师的情况下受到了强制审讯。牛津搭配〔irrelevant〕The defendant's lawyer argued that his past offenses were irrelevant to this case.被告律师争辩说他过去的罪行和本案无关。朗文当代〔land〕He landed a job with a law firm.他在律师事务所谋得了一份工作。朗文当代〔legality〕Her lawyer is challenging the legality of the court order.她的律师质疑法院命令的合法性。牛津搭配〔legally〕It is possible to bring small claims before the courts without having to pay to be legally represented.如果想通过法庭索取小额赔款, 不花钱请律师出庭也是可以的。外研社新世纪〔manner〕An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking.律师也可以说是你的雇员。外研社新世纪〔masterful〕Once she became a prosecutor, she quickly established herself as a masterful trial lawyer.她一成为律师就很快脱颖而出,成为一名能掌控局面的法庭辩护律师。剑桥高阶〔matter〕After legal advice I chose to take the matter further.找律师咨询后我决定要进一步深究这个问题。牛津搭配〔mincemeat〕I knew that a good lawyer would make mincemeat of him if I allowed him to give evidence.我知道,我要是让他来举证,能干的律师会把他驳得体无完肤的。朗文当代〔mouthpiece〕Slang A defense lawyer.【俚语】 辩护律师美国传统〔mouthpiece〕The company has hired an attorney as a mouthpiece to answer its critics.公司聘请了一名律师作为回应其批评者的代言人。韦氏高阶〔navigate〕A solicitor will help you navigate the complex legal system.会有一位律师来帮助你应对错综复杂的司法制度。朗文当代〔oily〕An oily lawyer turned up with the deeds to Uncle Cyrus's house.一位油滑的律师带着赛勒斯叔叔的房契出现了。外研社新世纪〔open-and-shut case〕Her first assignment as a lawyer was an open-and-shut case involving a drunk driver.成为律师后,她代理的第一个案子是非常简单的醉驾案。韦氏高阶〔opinion〕The legal opinion is against them.律师的意见对他们不利。英汉大词典〔opt〕My father left the choice of career to me, and I opted for law.在选择职业问题上, 我父亲让我拿主意, 我选择了律师职业。外研社新世纪〔partner〕He's a partner in an insurance company/a law firm.他是一家保险公司/律师事务所的合伙人。剑桥高阶〔possum〕Barristers battle, witnesses lie, and the accused plays possum.律师口舌相争, 证人漫天撒谎, 被告则揣着明白装糊涂。外研社新世纪〔practice〕There are thousands of lawyers practicing in this city.这座城市里有数千名从业律师。韦氏高阶〔proceed〕His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case.他的律师已经决定不再继续打那场官司了。剑桥高阶〔proposition〕She claimed that she had been propositioned by a prominent lawyer.她声称有个著名的律师曾向她求欢。外研社新世纪〔pull〕My lawyer is pulling their case to pieces.我的律师明显把他们的案子搞砸了。麦克米伦高阶〔rarity〕He was a rarity among Wall Street lawyers.他在华尔街的律师当中是个奇人。柯林斯高阶〔reexamine〕Law To question (a witness) again after cross-examination.【法律】 再诘问:双方律师互相询问对方证人后对证人再诘问美国传统〔retainer〕The act of engaging the services of a professional adviser, such as an attorney, a counselor, or a consultant.职业顾问者:从事职业顾问服务的行为,如律师、法律顾问或咨询医生美国传统〔safe keeping〕The documents are in the safe keeping of our lawyer s.那些文件由我们的律师妥善保管着。牛津高阶〔scrupulous〕Not all lawyers are as scrupulous as she is.并不是所有的律师都像她那样正直。朗文当代〔sharp〕His lawyer's a sharp operator.他的律师是个老狐狸。牛津高阶〔solicitor〕I discussed the matter with my instructing solicitor.我与我的委托律师讨论此事。牛津搭配〔sound〕They're consulting a lawyer? I don't like the sound of that.他们正向一位律师咨询?这消息不大好哇。牛津高阶〔stain〕His solicitor said, "He leaves this court without a stain on his character." 他的律师说:“他走出法庭时名声将丝毫无损。”剑桥高阶〔star〕He starred in Devil's Advocate as an ambitious lawyer.他在《魔鬼代言人》中主演一位野心勃勃的律师。麦克米伦高阶〔statement〕Saunder's lawyer made a brief statement to the press outside the court.桑德的律师在法庭外向新闻界发表了简短声明。牛津搭配〔subpoena〕A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.被告方律师传唤受害人的一个朋友出庭作证。剑桥高阶〔suspend〕Her license to practice law was suspended.她的律师执照被暂时吊销了。韦氏高阶〔the wherewithal〕Poor families lack the wherewithal to hire good lawyers.贫困的家庭请不起优秀的律师。剑桥高阶〔train with〕He never trains with lawyers.他从不跟律师打交道。21世纪英汉〔word〕The lawyer used Joe's words against him.律师借用乔自己的话来反驳他。韦氏高阶A liberal female lawyer was the surprise choice as the organization's president.一个自由派的女律师令人吃惊地被选为这个组织的主席。剑桥国际A solicitor who insulted two officials from the Law Society has been struck off for abusive behaviour.因为恶言侮辱两名来自律师公会的官员,那个初级律师被吊销了执照。剑桥国际An eminent judge has been disbarred for accepting bribes.一著名法官因接受贿赂被取消律师资格。剑桥国际He was granted access to a lawyer/asylum/a pardon.他被允许得到律师咨询/庇护/宽恕。剑桥国际Henry is such a good lawyer because he argues so clearly (=gives reasons for and against something in a clear way).亨利是一个出色的律师,因为他论辩时条理十分清晰。剑桥国际I can't commit myself on that subject until I've taken legal advice.在我还没有请教律师之前,我不想在这个问题上表态。剑桥国际I pay my lawyer a retainer every month so that she's always available if I need her.我每月付给我的律师一笔定金,这样在我需要她的时候总可以用得上她。剑桥国际I suggest he consult a lawyer. 我建议他请教律师。译典通If you're unsure of your legal rights, I would check with (=ask) a lawyer.要是你不能确定自己的合法权利,我愿意去向一个律师请教。剑桥国际Many of them were lawyers employed by those companies to find loopholes in environmental protection laws.律师中有许多是被那些公司雇来寻找环境保护法中的漏洞的。剑桥国际My first job was with a firm of cowboy solicitors.我第一份工作是在一家全是瞎折腾的初级律师的律师事务所里。剑桥国际My solicitor is no longer in practice.我的律师不再执业了。牛津商务Our lawyer advised us that the breach of contract was actionable.我方律师建议,违约事项可以提起诉讼。牛津商务She worked as a typist in a law firm. 她在一家律师事务所当打字员。译典通She's hired a lawyer who specializes in (= limits her studying or work to) divorce cases.她雇了一位专门从事离婚案的律师。剑桥国际She's studying to be a lawyer.她正在学习当律师。剑桥国际The English barrister is famous for his successes in the courts. 这位英国出庭律师以在法庭上的屡胜而闻名。译典通The lawyer requested a break in the court case, but the judge demurred.律师请求法庭暂停,但法官拒绝了。剑桥国际You should lodge a copy of the letter with your solicitor.你应把信件复印一份交给律师保管。剑桥国际




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