

单词 小树枝
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔basket〕A container made of interwoven material, such as rushes or twigs.篮,篓,筐:用材料编成的容器、如用灯心草或小树枝美国传统〔chop〕He chopped off the small branches before cutting down the tree.他砍掉小树枝后才砍树。牛津搭配〔coax〕He coaxed a fire out of some dry grass and twigs.他耐心地用一些干草和小树枝生了个火。朗文当代〔cover〕She used dried leaves and twigs to cover up the hole.她用干树叶和小树枝盖住洞口。牛津搭配〔flight〕I accidentally stepped on a twig, causing the birds to take flight.我无意中踩到了一根小树枝, 把鸟群惊飞了。外研社新世纪〔fractal〕The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.树干逐渐分成小树枝、嫩枝的方式类似一个不规则碎片形。剑桥高阶〔nest〕A container or shelter made by a bird out of twigs, grass, or other material to hold its eggs and young.鸟巢:鸟用小树枝、草或其它东西做的窝或在里边产卵、养鸟或栖息美国传统〔nest〕The bird built a nest out of small twigs.鸟用小树枝筑了个巢。韦氏高阶〔plough under〕When the forest was cleared,a lot of small branches were ploughed under.在砍伐森林时,人们用铧把许多小树枝翻入土中。21世纪英汉〔pretend〕Koko, a gorilla, enjoys pretend games; she will “smoke” a twig or pencil.大猩猩柯柯喜欢玩模仿游戏,她会把小树枝或铅笔当烟抽。英汉大词典〔pruning hook〕A long pole with a curved saw blade and usually a clipping mechanism on one end, used especially for pruning small trees.整刺沟刀:一根装有一个弯曲锯刀的长竿,通常一端有一个裁剪装置,一般用于修剪小树枝美国传统〔spray〕A small branch bearing buds, flowers, or berries.小树枝,小花枝:带芽、花、浆果的小枝美国传统〔stick insect〕Any of several insects of the family Phasmidae, as the walking stick, that resemble sticks or twigs.竹节虫:任一种科的昆虫,如象小棍或小树枝的竹节虫美国传统〔stick〕I gathered some sticks to start the fire.我捡了一些小树枝用来生火。外研社新世纪〔touch〕The boy touched the worm with (= using, in his hand) a twig.小孩用小树枝碰了碰虫子。剑桥高阶〔twig〕We should gather up small twigs for the campfire.我们应该收集些小树枝来生篝火。韦氏高阶〔twist〕He twisted a small branch off the tree.他从树上折下来一根小树枝。韦氏高阶〔whip〕A small branch whipped back and hit him.一根小树枝弹回打到了他。韦氏高阶The child touched the worm with a twig.这个孩子用小树枝碰了碰这条虫子。剑桥国际The nest was a framework of interlaced twigs plastered with mud or clay.那鸟窝是由交错的小树枝抹上泥土或粘土而形成的结构。剑桥国际




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