

单词 巫师
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hecate〕An ancient fertility goddess who later became associated with Persephone as queen of Hades and protector of witches.赫卡蒂:古代富饶女神,后与珀尔塞福涅结伴并成为冥府之女王和巫师的保护神美国传统〔MAGIC〕The magician knew that behind the door lay an enchanted garden. 巫师知道门背后是一座被施了魔法的花园。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕The wizard's ring had the power to make him invisible. 巫师的戒指有法力使他隐身。朗文写作活用〔Wiccan〕A believer or follower of Wicca; a witch.巫师:相信或追随巫术崇拜的人; 巫师美国传统〔clairvoyant〕A person, such as a medium, possessing the supposed power of clairvoyance.千里眼:有假想的超视能力的人,如巫师美国传统〔conjurer〕A sorcerer or sorceress.巫师或女巫美国传统〔enfold〕The wizard screamed as the darkness enfolded him.黑暗罩住了巫师,他尖叫起来。朗文当代〔fraud〕She was a psychic who was later revealed to be a fraud.她是一个通灵巫师,后来被发现是个骗子。剑桥高阶〔haruspex〕A priest in ancient Rome who practiced divination by the inspection of the entrails of animals.肠卜师:古代罗马根据祭神牺牲的肠进行占卜的巫师美国传统〔heretical〕The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.教会将灵媒巫师和自称能和死者交谈的人都视为异端。柯林斯高阶〔invoke〕The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice.古时候的大巫师经常通过献祭来祈求各方神灵的保佑。外研社新世纪〔invoke〕The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice.旧时一些有名的巫师经常以祭品祈求他们所供奉神灵的助佑。柯林斯高阶〔jar〕The bell jarred in the necromancer's hand, becoming suddenly shrill and raucous.铃铛在巫师的手中丁零当啷地响着, 声音突然间变得尖厉刺耳。外研社新世纪〔mage〕A magician or sorcerer.魔术师,男巫师美国传统〔magician〕A sorcerer; a wizard.巫师;术士美国传统〔magician〕Arthur is associated with Merlin the magician.亚瑟与巫师梅林有交情。外研社新世纪〔magician〕Merlin was the magician in the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.墨林是“亚瑟王和圆桌骑士”故事中的巫师。剑桥高阶〔magick〕An action or effort undertaken because of a personal need to effect change, especially as associated with Wicca or Wiccan beliefs.法术:由于个人需要而产生变化的动作或努力,常与信奉巫术或巫师有关美国传统〔magus〕A sorcerer; a magician.巫师;魔术师美国传统〔metamorphose〕The magician metamorphosed the frog into a prince.巫师将青蛙变成了王子。21世纪英汉〔powwow〕A ceremony conducted by a shaman, as in the performance of healing or hunting rituals.帕瓦仪式:由巫师主持的仪式,如为祈求病愈或保佑狩猎而举行的仪式美国传统〔psychic〕A psychic who visited the house told us that it was haunted.去过那间房子的巫师跟我们说那里有鬼魂出没。外研社新世纪〔rap〕The medium said that the spirits would rap out communication.那巫师说,阴魂会轻敲桌子向人传话。英汉大词典〔spell〕The wizard cast [recited] a spell.那个巫师施加[念]咒语。文馨英汉〔spell〕The wizard recited a spell.巫师念了一道咒语。牛津高阶〔visitation〕The medium promises that tonight I shall have a visitation.巫师保证说今晚我可见鬼魂显灵。英汉大词典〔warlock〕A male witch, sorcerer, wizard, or demon.男巫师、术士、魔术师或魔鬼美国传统〔witch doctor〕A shamanistic healer, a sorcerer, or a prophet, especially among African peoples. Not in scientific use.巫医:尤指非洲人中的萨满教巫医、巫师或预言家。科学上不用此词美国传统〔witches' Sabbath〕A meeting of witches, supposed by medieval Christians to be a demonic orgy.魔宴:巫师的聚会,中世纪基督徒认为是恶魔的神秘祭神仪式美国传统〔wizardly〕Having the qualities or attributes of a wizard.魔法的,术士的:有巫师的特点或性质的美国传统〔wizard〕Archaic Of or relating to wizards or wizardry.【古语】 巫师的,巫术的:巫师、巫术的或与其有关的美国传统〔wizard〕One who practices magic; a sorcerer or magician.巫师:从事妖术的人;男巫或魔术师美国传统A fire was lit and the shamans and elders chanted incantations over offerings of sweets, coca leaves and alcohol.火堆点燃了,巫师和长老对着由糖、可可叶和酒组成的供品念起了咒语。剑桥国际In the past, faggots were used to make the fires on which heretics, witches and homosexuals were burned.在过去,人们用柴禾烧死异教徒、巫师和同性恋者。剑桥国际In “Macbeth”, the witches' spell includes the words “Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog.” 在 《麦克白》中,巫师的咒语包括“水螈之眼,青蛙之趾,蝙蝠之毛,狗之舌。”剑桥国际The magician in the fairy story turned the woman into a toad. 童话里的巫师把那妇人变为癞蛤蟆。译典通The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess. 巫师使漂亮的公主中了魔法。译典通




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