

单词 希腊
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Byzantine〕the Byzantine Church 希腊正教会,东方正教会(the Orthodox (Eastern) Church的别称)文馨英汉〔Grecian〕a Grecian profile 希腊型的侧面像文馨英汉〔Greek〕modern/ancient Greek 现代/古希腊语剑桥高阶〔Greek〕the ancient Greeks 古希腊人韦氏高阶〔Hellenistic〕the Hellenistic period 希腊化时期英汉大词典〔REAL〕a friendly restaurant offering authentic Greek food 一家供应正宗希腊食品的、服务态度和蔼可亲的餐厅!朗文写作活用〔amalgam〕probably ultimately from Greek malagma [soft mass] 可能最终源自 希腊语 malagma [软块] 美国传统〔balancing act〕a delicate balancing act between Greek and Turkish interests希腊和土耳其利益的微妙平衡外研社新世纪〔classical〕the healers of ancient Egypt and classical Greece. 古埃及和古希腊的治疗术士柯林斯高阶〔convention〕the conventions of Greek tragedy 希腊悲剧的传统手法牛津高阶〔convert〕convert Greeks to Christianity 使希腊人皈依基督教英汉大词典〔cypress〕cyparissus from Greek kuparissos cyparissus 源自 希腊语 kuparissos 美国传统〔decadent〕the decadent art of the Hellenistic period希腊化时期的颓废艺术外研社新世纪〔development〕a course on the development of Greek thought 关于希腊思想发展的课程朗文当代〔eghs〕ecto- , exo- , exoteric , exotic ; electuary , synecdoche , from Greek ex , ek , out of, from. ecto- , exo- , exoteric , exotic ; electuary , synecdoche , 源自 希腊语 ex , ek , …之外的, 来自. 美国传统〔en〕endo- , from Greek endo , endo- , within. endo- , 源自 希腊语 endo , endo- , 在内部. 美国传统〔epi〕opisthobranch , opisthognathous , from Greek opisthen , behind, at the back. opisthobranch , opisthognathous , 源自 希腊语 opisthen , 在…之后, 在…的后面. 美国传统〔exhilarate〕hilarāre [to make cheerful] from hilaris, hilarus [cheerful] from Greek hilaros hilarāre [使…高兴] 源自 hilaris, hilarus [高兴的] 源自 希腊语 hilaros 美国传统〔fleet〕the French/US/Greek fleet 法国/美国/希腊舰队麦克米伦高阶〔island〕the Greek islands 希腊群岛韦氏高阶〔k〕tessera ; diatessaron , from Greek tessares , tettares (genitive tessarōn ), four; tessera ; diatessaron , 源自 希腊语 tessares , tettares (属格 tessarōn ), 四; 美国传统〔k〕tetrad , from Greek tetras , group of four; tetrad , 源自 希腊语 tetras , 四个一组; 美国传统〔legendary〕a legendary Greek hero 希腊传奇英雄剑桥高阶〔legend〕the heroes of Greek legend 希腊传说中的英雄牛津高阶〔mainland〕mainland Greece 希腊大陆牛津高阶〔ministry〕staff at the Greek Foreign Ministry 希腊外交部工作人员牛津搭配〔nude〕the nudes of Greek sculpture 希腊裸体雕塑韦氏高阶〔orthodox〕the Greek Orthodox Church. 希腊东正教会柯林斯高阶〔pagan〕pagan temples devoted to the Greek and Roman gods 供奉希腊和罗马诸神的多神教神殿麦克米伦高阶〔philosopher〕the Greek philosopher Aristotle 希腊哲学家亚里士多德牛津高阶〔rhubarb〕rha [rhubarb] from Greek perhaps from Rha [the Volga River] rha [大黄] 源自 希腊语 可能源自 拉 [伏尔加河] 美国传统〔satire〕probably alteration influenced by Greek satur [satyr,] and satyros [burlesque of a mythical episode] 可能为 受 希腊语 satur的影响 [森林之神] 和 satyros [滑稽短剧] 美国传统〔scene〕scenes from Greek mythology 希腊神话中的情景牛津搭配〔scroll〕a handsome suite of chairs incised with Grecian scrolls. 一套雕刻着古希腊式涡卷形装饰的造型美观的椅子柯林斯高阶〔style〕a play in the style of classical Greek tragedy 希腊古典悲剧风格的戏剧朗文当代〔style〕six scenes in the style of a classical Greek tragedy. 6 个古典希腊悲剧式的场景柯林斯高阶〔supply〕a pipeline which will supply the major Greek cities with Russian natural gas. 从俄罗斯向希腊主要城市输送天然气的管道柯林斯高阶〔unsurpassed〕an unsurpassed knowledge of Greek history 对希腊历史的无比了解朗文当代〔vintage〕a Greek ship of early vintage 一艘早期的希腊船英汉大词典〔wīkm̥tī〕icosahedron , from Greek eikosi , twenty. icosahedron , 源自 希腊语 eikosi , 二十. 美国传统




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