

单词 强壮
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Border terrier〕A small, hardy, rough-coated terrier bred to hunt foxes in the border country of England and Scotland.边疆㹴,博得猎狗:在英格兰与苏格兰交界地区用于猎捕狐狸的一种强壮的小型粗毛猎狗美国传统〔MARK〕Her sleeves were rolled up, showing her strong, freckled arms. 她的袖子卷起,露出她那强壮的、长有色斑的手臂。朗文写作活用〔Narragansett〕Any of a breed of small sturdy saddle horse developed in Rhode Island.纳拉甘塞特马:罗得岛上的一种强壮的小骑乘马美国传统〔Norfolk terrier〕Any of an English breed of small, sturdy, short-legged terriers identical with the Norwich terrier except for ears that bend forward.诺福克㹴:英国种小而强壮,短腿的㹴,除了耳朵向后之外,其余部分与诺里奇㹴相似美国传统〔Old English sheepdog〕Any of an English breed of sturdy dog, having a docked tail and a thick, shaggy, bluish-gray and white coat with fur that hangs over the eyes.老英国牧羊犬:一种强壮的英国种的狗,有剪短的尾巴,有一身厚厚的、蓬乱的、兰灰色与白色相杂的毛皮,还有遮住眼睛的长毛美国传统〔Polypay〕Any of a breed of beige-colored sheep developed in the United States, raised for meat and wool and valued for their hardiness and frequent lambing.多利羊:美国培育的浅褐色绵羊,饲养目的是为了其羊肉和羊毛,强壮且多产,具有相当经济价值美国传统〔STRONG〕Despite his strong constitution, his health was beginning to suffer. 他尽管身体很强壮,健康还是开始出现了问题。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕He kept his firm muscular body in shape with an hour's run every morning. 他每天晨跑一小时,使身体保持结实强壮。朗文写作活用〔Shire horse〕A large, powerful draft horse of a breed originating in central England, having long hair that grows from the knee and hock.夏尔马:一种原产于英国中部的大型而强壮的挽马,膝盖和跗关节处长有长毛美国传统〔THIN〕At seventy-two my grandfather was lean and strong and I expected him to live forever. 我祖父72岁时身体瘦而强壮,我觉得他能永远活下去。朗文写作活用〔able-bodied〕Most of the able-bodied young men were in the forces.大多数体格强壮的年轻人都参军了。外研社新世纪〔advantage〕You have an advantage over her, because you are stronger.你比她有优势, 因为你更强壮。外研社新世纪〔alert〕She's remained physically fit and mentally alert.她依然身体强壮,思维敏捷。麦克米伦高阶〔assign〕The hardest work was assigned to the strongest laborers.最繁重的工作分配给最强壮的劳工。美国传统〔beefy〕He was told by the beefy bouncers that he couldn't go in.那些强壮的保镖告诉他不能进去。外研社新世纪〔build〕He is strong and muscular in build.他体格强壮,肌肉发达。韦氏高阶〔bulk up〕He can make a lot of money if he bulks up.如果他身体强壮起来,就可挣许多钱。21世纪英汉〔bull〕Large and strong like a bull.象牛般大的,强壮的美国传统〔chunk〕A strong, stocky horse.强壮、结实的马美国传统〔cleanup〕Baseball The fourth position on a team's batting order, usually reserved for a strong hitter who can drive in extra runs.【棒球】 第四棒:球队击球顺序的第四个位置,通常留给特别能奔跑的强壮的击球手美国传统〔compactness〕He looked physically very powerful, athletic in a compact way.他看上去非常强壮,像个敦实的运动员。柯林斯高阶〔constitution〕He has a strong constitution.他体格强壮。外研社新世纪〔cordial〕A stimulant; a tonic.兴奋剂;强壮剂美国传统〔cripple〕She has gone from being a healthy, fit, and sporty young woman to being a cripple.她从一个健康、强壮、爱好运动的年轻女性变成了一个跛子。柯林斯高阶〔defend〕She successfully defended herself against an attack from someone larger and stronger.她成功地抵御了比她强壮的人的攻击。牛津搭配〔each〕Each time you exercise, you get a little stronger.你每锻炼一次,身体都会变得强壮一点。朗文当代〔energetic〕Blackwell is 59, strong-looking, and enormously energetic.布莱克韦尔59岁, 身体强壮且充满活力。外研社新世纪〔exception〕In virtually every sport, with the possible exception of women's gymnastics, the players are now bigger and stronger than before.几乎在所有体育运动中,可能除女子体操外,现在的运动员都要比过去更加高大强壮。柯林斯高阶〔expanse〕He held erect the broad and strong expanse of his back.他把自己宽阔而强壮的背部挺直。英汉大词典〔firm〕This product claims to firm your body in six weeks.这个产品据称能在六周内使身体强壮。牛津高阶〔florid〕Jacobs was a stout, florid man.雅各布思身体强壮, 面色红润。外研社新世纪〔foot〕A structure used for locomotion or attachment in an invertebrate animal, such as the muscular organ extending from the ventral side of a mollusk.足部:无脊椎动物用于移动或接连的结构,比如软体动物腹侧延伸的强壮器官美国传统〔guns〕Three or four sets of curls every other day will give you an impressive pair of guns.隔天做三四组前臂举重练习可以打造强壮的肱二头肌。外研社新世纪〔hardy〕A few hardy souls continue to swim in the sea even in the middle of winter.许多身体强壮的人甚至在隆冬时节仍坚持在海里游泳。剑桥高阶〔hardy〕A few hardy souls turned out to take an early-morning swim.几个强壮的人出来参加晨泳。麦克米伦高阶〔he-man〕A strong, virile man.富有男性魅力的人:强壮而有男子汉气概的男子美国传统〔heave〕It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place.靠了5个强壮的男子才将雕像拉上坡道,再下放到合适的位置。柯林斯高阶〔hit back〕Some violent men beat up their sons, until the boys are strong enough to hit back.一些暴虐的男人殴打自己的儿子, 直到这些孩子长大, 够强壮, 能反抗他们为止。外研社新世纪〔hold sth up〕Lukaku used his strength to hold up the ball, giving Baines time to sprint downfield in support.卢卡库凭着强壮的身体把球控制住,让巴恩斯有时间冲到前场提供支持。剑桥高阶〔husky〕A husky person.强壮的人美国传统〔invigorate〕Exercise invigorates the body.运动使身体强壮。英汉大词典〔ironside〕One who is very strong and courageous.勇敢果断的人:十分强壮且有勇气的人美国传统〔lean〕Like most athletes, she was lean and muscular.像大多数运动员那样, 她精瘦而强壮。外研社新世纪〔lusty〕The hunter was a stout, lusty fellow.那猎人是个强壮结实的汉子。英汉大词典〔malamute〕Any of a breed of powerful dogs developed in Alaska as a sled dog and having a thick gray, black, or white coat.北极犬:一种产于阿拉斯加用来拉雪橇的强壮有力的狗,长有厚厚的灰色、黑色或白色的毛美国传统〔masculine〕He was handsome and strong, and very masculine.他英俊强壮,富有男子汉气概。牛津高阶〔mastiff〕Any of an ancient breed of large, strong dogs, probably originating in Asia and having a short, often fawn-colored coat.獒犬,大驯犬:古代一种大而强壮的狗,可能源于亚洲,具有短且呈黄褐色的皮毛美国传统〔muscleman〕A strong man hired as a bodyguard or thug.雇来作为保镖或者打手的强壮的人美国传统〔muscle〕We need some strong men to muscle the piano.我们要几个强壮的人来搬运这架钢琴。21世纪英汉〔muscular〕He has a muscular physique.他体格强壮。韦氏高阶〔muscular〕He was tall, lean and muscular.他高挑瘦削,强壮有力。牛津高阶〔muscular〕He wished he was more muscular.他希望自己更强壮些。剑桥高阶〔not〕He is very strong, not but that he will catch cold sometimes.他身体很强壮,然而有时难免要患感冒。英汉大词典〔oblique〕Strong obliques (side abdominal muscles) support the lower back and help prevent back pain.强壮的斜肌(腹侧肌肉)可支持背部下方,帮助防止背痛。剑桥高阶〔otter hound〕Any of a breed of hardy dog developed in England for hunting otters, having slightly webbed feet and a thick, coarse coat with an oily undercoat.猎水獭狗:在英国为捕猎水獭而豢养的一种体格强壮的狗,有略微成蹼状的脚和浓厚且粗糙但底层绒毛却非常光滑的毛皮美国传统〔passing〕She grew stronger with the passing of each year.她一年年地变得更加强壮。韦氏高阶〔passing〕With each passing day she grew stronger.她一天比一天强壮起来。朗文当代〔pestilential〕The robust and pestilential grey squirrel thrived in the area while the red squirrel disappeared.这种体格强壮、具破坏性的灰松鼠在这一地区大量繁殖, 而红松鼠则消失了。外研社新世纪〔physically〕She was physically stronger than her sister.她过去身体比她妹妹强壮。外研社新世纪〔physique〕He has a very powerful, muscular physique.他体格强壮,肌肉发达。剑桥高阶〔potent〕Possessing inner or physical strength; powerful.强有力的:具有内在的或身体力量的;强壮有力的美国传统〔powerful〕Jed was a powerful, well-built man.杰德是个强壮结实的男人。朗文当代〔reduce〕He has kept himself fit with physical exercise so though he's reduced in weight he's very strong still.他通过锻炼保持身体健康, 因此即便他体重减轻了, 但依旧很强壮。外研社新世纪〔roborant〕A roborant drug; a restorative or tonic.强壮剂:增强体力的药物;恢复药或滋补品美国传统〔robust〕He looks robust and healthy enough.他看起来非常强壮健康。剑桥高阶〔rude〕He is in rude health and can cycle 50 miles non-stop.他体格强壮, 能连续骑车五十英里。外研社新世纪〔rude〕Vigorous, robust, and sturdy.健全的,强壮的:有活力的、粗壮的和强健的美国传统〔sinewy〕The fighter had a strong, sinewy body.这个拳击手身体强壮,肌肉发达。剑桥高阶〔solidify〕To make strong or united.使强壮或联合美国传统〔stalwart〕Having or marked by imposing physical strength.强壮的或表现为结实的美国传统〔stalwart〕I knew I was never in any danger with my stalwart bodyguard around me.我知道有强壮的保镖在我的周围,我永远不会有什么危险。柯林斯高阶〔sthenia〕A condition of bodily strength, vigor, or vitality.强壮,有力:身体上的力量、精力或活动美国传统〔strengthen〕To become strong or stronger.变强:使变强壮或更强壮美国传统〔strongly〕I feared I wouldn't be able to control such a strong horse.我怕我驾驭不了这么强壮的马。柯林斯高阶〔strong〕It's a serious disease, but he's very strong - I think he'll pull through.他的病情严重,但是他很强壮——我相信他能挺过来的。剑桥高阶〔strong〕Physically powerful; capable of exerting great physical force.强壮的:身体强壮的;能运用强大体力的美国传统〔tonicity〕Normal firmness or functional readiness in body tissues or organs.强壮:身体组织或器官上的正常强壮程度和正常的功能性反应美国传统〔weight〕Bob was stronger than other boys, and he threw his weight around.鲍勃仗着自己身体强壮,老是欺侮别的男孩。英汉大词典〔well-timbered〕Having a good framework or structure.强壮的,结实的:有一个好的框架或构造的美国传统〔willingness〕In her willingness to help them, she quite forgot that she wasn't as strong as she had been.她很想帮助他们,完全忘了自己已经不像以前那么强壮了。牛津搭配A large powerful man, he was nevertheless a gentle giant.他尽管高大强壮,但却是个好心肠的巨人。剑桥国际All the able-bodied young men were forced to join the army.所有身体强壮的青年人都被迫参军。剑桥国际Ballet dancers have to be strong and very supple.芭蕾舞演员的体格既要强壮又要柔软。剑桥国际Dewayne is a very powerfully-built man (= has a body with large strong muscles) and is expected to win the fight easily.杜威魁梧强壮,可望轻易赢得比赛。剑桥国际Doctors said the husky teenager survived because none of the bullets punctured vital organs.医生说这个强壮的少年因没有被子弹打中重要器官而幸存下来。剑桥国际Frank always took a couple of heavies along with him when he went collecting his debts.弗兰克出去收债时总带上几个强壮的保镖同行。剑桥国际He was a big brawny man with huge hands.他是一个高大而强壮的人,有一双大手。剑桥国际He wished he was more muscular and didn't have such a flat chest. (fig.) 他希望自己更强壮些,而不要有这样扁平的胸膛。剑桥国际He's reputedly (= is said to be) the strongest man in Britain.据说他是英国最强壮的男人。剑桥国际Her robustness (= strength) and energy made her an ideal candidate for the expedition.她的强壮和精力使她成为探险的理想候选人。剑桥国际It's sometimes difficult for the able-bodied fully to appreciate the difficulties that disabled people encounter in their daily lives.有时身体强壮的人很难完全体会到残疾人在日常生活中所遇到的困难。剑桥国际Muscles need strong sinews to work effectively.肌肉需要强壮的肌腱才能有效工作。剑桥国际Of course she'll finish the climb, she's very sturdy.她当然能爬到山顶,她非常强壮。剑桥国际She likes her men big.她喜欢她的男人强壮。剑桥国际She's not strong enough to go walking up mountains.她不够强壮,登不上山。剑桥国际Stalwart policemen stood guard outside.强壮的警察在外面警戒。剑桥国际The athlete has a powerful trunk. 那个运动员身躯强壮有力。译典通The fairground strong man was offering to take on all-comers (=anyone).露天马戏场上的强壮男人表示愿意接受任何人的挑战。剑桥国际The fighter had a strong, sinewy body (= a body with strong muscles but little fat).那个拳手有着强壮、肌肉发达的躯体。剑桥国际The law still seems to regard women as meek and submissive and men as strong breadwinners.法律似乎仍然认为女人是温顺而又唯命是从的,男人是强壮的养家人。剑桥国际




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