

单词 强军
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕Visits by celebrities and politicians were meant to boost morale among the troops. 名人政要的来访是为了增强军队的士气。朗文写作活用〔capability〕The government wants to increase its military capability.政府想增强军事能力。牛津搭配〔expense〕Military strength is often achieved at the expense of a country's economic health.要增强军事实力常常要牺牲国家经济的健康发展。麦克米伦高阶〔mobility〕The key to the army's effectiveness is its increased mobility.增强军队战斗力的关键是提高其机动性。朗文当代〔powder keg〕The build-up of forces in the region is creating a powder keg.在该地区加强军备是在制造紧张局势。剑桥高阶If the country continues building up its supply of weapons, one of the neighboring states may respond with a pre-emptive air strike.如果该国继续加强军备,某个邻国就会采取先发制人的空袭。剑桥国际The build-up of armaments in this region is creating a powder keg.在这一地区加强军备会制造紧张局势。剑桥国际They are strengthening their army with a large contingent of voluntary soldiers.他们用一支由志愿军组成的庞大队伍来加强军队的力量。剑桥国际




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