

单词 弹道导弹
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ICBM〕Intercontinental ballistic missile.洲际弹道导弹美国传统〔IRBM〕Intermediate-range ballistic missile.中程弹道导弹美国传统〔MIRV〕An offensive ballistic missile system in which a number of warheads aimed at independent targets can be launched by a single booster rocket.多弹头分导再入飞行器:一种进攻性弹道导弹系统,其中数枚弹头由同一运载火箭发射但指向各自的独立目标美国传统〔SLBM〕Submarine-launched ballistic missile.潜水艇发射的弹道导弹美国传统〔ballistic missile〕A projectile that assumes a free-falling trajectory after an internally guided, self-powered ascent.弹道导弹:在内部导向、自备动力的上升后假设为自由落体的弹道美国传统〔boomer〕Informal A nuclear submarine armed with ballistic missiles.【非正式用语】 装备有弹道导弹的核潜艇美国传统〔boost phase〕The period during which the rockets of a ballistic missile operate to bring it near or to peak velocity.助推阶段:弹道导弹的火箭推动其接近或达到最高速率的阶段美国传统〔missilery〕The science and technology of making and using guided or ballistic missiles.导弹学:制造和使用导弹或弹道导弹的科学技术美国传统〔missile〕A ballistic missile.弹道导弹美国传统〔missile〕Soviet antiballistic missile defences苏联的反弹道导弹防御外研社新世纪〔post-boost phase〕The period during which warheads and decoys are released from the last stage of a ballistic missile.发射时期:从弹道导弹尾部发射出弹头及假目标的时期美国传统〔withdraw〕The US formally withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty.美国正式退出了反弹道导弹条约。牛津搭配The factory produces propellant for ballistic missiles.这个工厂为弹道导弹生产推进剂。剑桥国际




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