

单词 并把
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bank〕make a trip into town to shop and bank 进城去买东西并把钱存入银行英汉大词典〔bare〕fight and kill sb. with (one's) bare hands 徒手与某人殴斗并把他杀死英汉大词典〔boat〕catch and boat a fish 抓住一条鱼并把它弄到船上英汉大词典〔curiosity〕kept the carved bone and displayed it as a curiosity. 保留那块雕刻过的骨头并把它作为珍品展出美国传统〔demolish〕demolish the commission and absorb its functions into the department 撤销委员会并把它的工作职权并入部里英汉大词典〔heat〕a gas that absorbs the sun's energy and heats the air above it一种吸收太阳能量并把上方空气加热的气体外研社新世纪〔pick〕picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project. 很快地了解了新方法并把它应用于这个项目中美国传统〔pocket〕lock the door and pocket the key 锁上门并把钥匙放进口袋 英汉大词典〔seize〕seize an idea and develop it to the fullest extent. 理解了一个主意,并把它发挥至极限美国传统〔sweep〕landslides that buried homes and swept cars into the sea. 埋没家园并把汽车卷入大海的山体滑坡柯林斯高阶〔void〕issued a new passport and voided the old one. 颁发新护照并把旧的作废美国传统




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