

单词 并吞
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔annexation〕The colonialists stubbornly defended their annexations with fire and sword.殖民主义者大肆烧杀,顽固防守他们并吞的领土。英汉大词典〔annex〕Nazi Germany annexed the Sudeten of Czechoslovakia in 1938.1938年,纳粹德国并吞了捷克斯洛伐克的苏台德区。英汉大词典〔drink〕To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid).饮:放入口中并吞咽(一种液体)美国传统〔swallow〕We cannot allow smaller nations to be swallowed up by bigger ones.我们不能容许小国被大国并吞。文馨英汉Britain annexed this small island west of Scotland in 1955.英国于1955年并吞了苏格兰以西的这个小岛。剑桥国际Territorial disputes are rarely resolved by the annexation of parts of other countries.靠并吞别国的某些部分是难以解决领土争端的。剑桥国际The annexations of Austria and the Sudetenland contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War.奥地利和苏台德区的被(德国)并吞促使了第二次世界大战的爆发。剑桥国际




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