

单词 屋顶
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ascend〕ascend to the roof of the house 登上屋顶英汉大词典〔branch〕a great elm branching over the roof 树枝伸到屋顶上方的一棵大榆树英汉大词典〔butterfly〕a butterfly roof 蝶形屋顶英汉大词典〔ceil〕ceil a roof 在屋顶下装天花板英汉大词典〔collect〕water tanks which collect rainwater from the house roof. 积存屋顶雨水的水箱柯林斯高阶〔craft〕the craft of thatching.用茅草盖屋顶的手艺。牛津同义词〔domed〕the great hall with its domed ceiling有圆形屋顶的大会堂外研社新世纪〔drumming〕the steady drumming of the rain on the tin roof 雨点打在铁皮屋顶上发出的有节奏的嗒嗒声牛津高阶〔drum〕the steady drum of raindrops on the roof 雨点不停地打在屋顶上的滴答声麦克米伦高阶〔expedite〕to expedite the repairs of the roof加速修理屋顶21世纪英汉〔experience〕a lesson taught by experience; a carpenter with experience in wall and roof repair. 由经验得出的教训;对修理墙壁和屋顶有经验的木匠美国传统〔flat〕a flat roof平屋顶外研社新世纪〔framework〕the metal framework of the roof 屋顶的金属框架朗文当代〔gabled〕a gabled house/roof 有山墙的房子╱屋顶牛津高阶〔hipped〕a hipped roof 有斜截头的屋顶文馨英汉〔injury〕an injury to the roof 屋顶的破损英汉大词典〔inorganic〕roofing made from organic and inorganic fibres由有机和无机纤维制成的屋顶材料外研社新世纪〔lap〕lap shingles in laying a roof 铺屋顶时使木片瓦互相搭接起来英汉大词典〔lash〕sleet lashing the roof. 雨夹雪击打着屋顶美国传统〔leaky〕a leaky roof 漏水的屋顶牛津高阶〔lean-to〕a lean-to roof; lean-to construction. 斜屋顶;斜坡构造美国传统〔overhang〕an overhanging roof 挑出的屋顶英汉大词典〔pepper〕a roof peppered with hailstones冰雹猛击下的屋顶21世纪英汉〔pitched〕a rather quaint lodge with a steeply-pitched roof. 屋顶大幅倾斜的相当老式别致的小屋柯林斯高阶〔pitch〕pitch the roof too steep 把屋顶造得过于陡斜英汉大词典〔pitter-patter〕the pitter-patter of birds on the roof 屋顶上鸟儿们的噼里啪啦声麦克米伦高阶〔rafter〕rafters in the roof.屋顶上的椽。牛津同义词〔roofed〕a peasant hut roofed with branches. 屋顶用树枝搭成的农舍柯林斯高阶〔roofed〕huts roofed with palm leaves 屋顶覆盖着棕榈叶的棚屋麦克米伦高阶〔roofing〕asphalt shingles used for roofing 用于盖屋顶的沥青瓦韦氏高阶〔rooftop〕a rooftop garden 屋顶花园韦氏高阶〔rooftop〕a rooftop restaurant (nightclub) 屋顶餐馆(夜总会)英汉大词典〔slanting〕a slanting roof 斜屋顶英汉大词典〔spatter〕the spatter of raindrops on the roof 雨点打在屋顶上的劈啪声英汉大词典〔stick〕hair sticking out on his head; an antenna sticking up on the roof. 他的头上伸出来的一绺头发;屋顶上伸出来的天线美国传统〔suspend〕suspended the mobile from the ceiling. 把活动雕塑从屋顶上挂下来美国传统〔tin〕a tin kettle/roof 锡铁壶;锡铁皮屋顶韦氏高阶〔unthatched〕an unthatched cottage 未用茅草覆盖屋顶的小屋英汉大词典〔unthatch〕to unthatch a roof揭去屋顶上的茅草21世纪英汉〔vaulted〕a vaulted roof/ceiling 拱形屋顶/天花板麦克米伦高阶




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