

单词 屋里
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abuzz〕a field abuzz with snowmobiles; a room abuzz with talk. 摩托雪橇的声音遍布田野;屋里人声嘈杂美国传统〔barn〕lived in a barn of a country house. 住在一个空荡荡的农屋里美国传统〔bugger〕bugger about the house all day 整天在屋里瞎忙英汉大词典〔catty〕a catty smell in the house 屋里的一股猫臊气英汉大词典〔havoc〕a wild party that created havoc in the house. 狂乱的晚会搅得屋里一塌糊涂美国传统〔house〕house farm tools in a shed 把农具放在棚屋里 英汉大词典〔hutted〕a hutted laboratory 设在小屋里的实验室英汉大词典〔indoors〕to go/stay indoors 进入╱留在屋里牛津高阶〔keep〕keep a cord of wood in the shed. 将木材储存在小屋里美国传统〔pig〕pig together in mean huts 像猪一样地挤在简陋的小屋里英汉大词典〔pipe〕pipe water into a house 用管子送水到屋里英汉大词典〔powwow〕to come inside the shack and powwow进入小屋里去开会21世纪英汉〔roof〕editing, design and marketing — all under one roof 编辑、设计和销售——全在同一幢房屋里 英汉大词典〔rough〕roughed it in a small hunting shack. 在一间打猎的小棚屋里因陋就简地生活美国传统〔slid〕to slide into the room悄悄溜进了屋里21世纪英汉〔steam up〕the irritation of living with lenses that steam up when you come in from the cold. 大冷天走进屋里时镜片会蒙上水汽的烦恼柯林斯高阶〔tight〕cloth tight enough to hold water; warm in our tight little cabin. 布料紧密且不透水;在我们结实的小屋里很温暖美国传统〔trail〕trail dirt into the house 把泥土带进屋里英汉大词典〔travel〕the way that sound travels in an empty room 声音在空屋里的传播方式韦氏高阶〔well〕the best-dressed person in the room 这屋里穿着最考究的人牛津高阶〔within〕keep within doors 呆在屋里英汉大词典




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